[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Town of Fairhaven 9-26-1979 as Ch. XI of the 1979 Regulations. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Covering and filling of wells — See Ch. 110.
Private well permit fee — See Ch. 422.
Before any well may be installed or used as a source of potable water, a permit must be obtained from the Board of Health. Such permit will be issued only if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Board that the following conditions will be met:
The well shall be located so as to minimize the danger of contamination. A well shall not be installed less than 150 feet from a sewage disposal system, manure storage area or waste disposal site, less than 10 feet from a street layout or less than five feet from the property line. A special variance may be granted by proper authority in cases where relocation is necessary because of pollution or failure.
The well shall be designed and installed in a manner which effectively prohibits the leakage of surface water into the well.
The location of any well which is completely below the ground surface or otherwise obscured from view shall be clearly marked either by the placement of a permanent marker above the well or by the installation of a marker on the foundation wall of the building served by the well.