No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Administrative Officer.
No person, firm or corporation shall make an excavation in a public street or in an easement or right-of-way owned by the Town of Fenton for the purpose of connecting a lateral sanitary sewer with a public sewer line, and no person, firm or corporation shall connect a lateral sanitary sewer with a public sewer line without first having applied for and received a permit from the Administrative Officer allowing such excavation and/or connection at the place indicated on the permit. All permits shall be issued to the owners of the premises, who shall be responsible for compliance with this Part 2. All such connections and excavations shall be made in conformity with this Part 2 and under the supervision of the Administrative Officer.
The Administrative Officer shall collect a fee from the applicant prior to issuing any permit. The fee shall be $100 following the completion of construction of the public sanitary sewer to which the applicant will connect or following the completion of an improvement which must be connected to a public sewer under Article III, whichever is later.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
All costs and expenses incidental to the installation and connection of the building sewer shall be borne by the owner. The owner shall indemnify the town from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer.
A separate and independent building sewer shall be provided for every building; except where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, courtyard or driveway, the building sewer from the front building may be extended to the rear building and the whole considered as one building sewer.
The size, slope, alignment and materials used in the construction of a building sewer shall be as follows:
Size. All residential building sewers shall be constructed of a minimum four-inch diameter pipe. Minimum sizes for commercial and industrial buildings shall be four inches in diameter or of a size necessary to accommodate peak sewage flows which may occur.
Slope. All building sewers shall be laid on a uniform ascending grade from the public sewer. The following grades shall be considered the minimum and the maximum grade:
Minimum Grade
Maximum Grade
Alignment. All building sewers shall be laid on as straight a line as possible from the public sewer to the building. Where bends are necessary, a cleanout shall be provided at all bends greater than one to eight (1:8) [45°]. If a long sweep bend is used in a building sewer line, a cleanout is not necessary. Not more than one such bend shall be allowed in the sewer line.
Materials. All building sewers shall be constructed of the following materials:
Clay: extra strength vitrified clay pipe meeting provisions of ASTM Specification C-278.
Cast iron: standard weight cast-iron soil pipe meeting provisions of ASTM Specification A-474.
Asbestos-cement pipe: extra strength asbestos-cement sewer pipe meeting ASTM Specification C-428.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): polyvinyl chloride (PVC) nonpressure sewer pipe and fittings meeting the provisions of ATM Specification D-3034 or F-679 and shall be SDR-35 or Schedule 40.
Pipe joints and joints on clay pipe shall conform to ASTM Specification C-425, Type 3. Cast-iron pipe shall have jute and lead or leadite joints or approved mechanical joints. All joints for PVC sewer pipe shall conform to ASTM Specification D-3212, and shall be joined in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Building entrance. There shall be a minimum four-inch diameter standard weight cast-iron soil pipe or four-inch diameter PVC pipe (SDR-35 or Schedule 40) in a cast-iron (or equivalent) sleeve through the foundation wall. Immediately inside the building there shall be provided a four-inch cleanout. In no instance shall there be any connections to the building sewer on the outside of the building.
Basement facilities will be connected only at the owner's risk and in all such cases a backwater valve shall be installed inside the building. In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sewage carried by such building drain shall be lifted by an approved means and discharged to the building sewer.
No connections of roof downspouts, exterior foundation drains, areaway drains, sump pumps or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to a building drain or building sewer which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sewer shall be permitted.
The connection of the lateral sanitary sewer with the public sewer line shall be made at the wye or lateral provided for that purpose. This connection shall not be made at any other point without special permission from the Administrative Officer. All connections shall conform to appropriate specifications as may be established by the Town of Fenton. All such connections shall be gastight and watertight. Any deviation from the prescribed procedures and materials must be approved by the Administrative Officer before installation.
The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the Administrative Officer when the building sewer is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Administrative Officer or his representative.
Where the building sanitary sewer is to be laid in an earth bed, the excavation of the trench shall be cut to the finished grade. The bed shall be free of stones and unstable materials. Low spots shall be filled with select earth tamped into place. If the foundation material cannot be manipulated to form a suitable bed for the pipe, it shall be removed and a bed of sand or gravel tamped into its place. The trench for a house connection shall be opened to its full length before any pipe is laid therein. On approval of the Administrative Officer, the trench may be backfilled partially and filled before it is opened to its full length.
Whenever it is necessary to leave a connection before it is completed, the end of the pipe line must be securely closed with a tight fitting cover or plug. Any earth or other material entering the trunk sewer line through the open end of any lateral sanitary sewer shall be removed at the owner's expense. No tunneling will be allowed except where permission is obtained from the Administrative Officer, in which case it shall be done under his supervision and in accordance with his directions. All trenches shall be properly protected by sufficient sheathing and bracing where necessary. The earth fill over and around sewer pipes up to a depth of one foot over the pipes must be carefully selected and free from large stones. Thereafter, the trench shall be filled and the surface of each trench shall be finished off in a smooth and workmanlike manner. All settlement occurring after the trenches have been refilled must be filled in by the owner or his agent. Upon the owner's failure to do so, the refilling may be done under the direction of the Administrative Officer or the Town Highway Superintendent and the cost of such work charged against the property owner.
All excavations for building sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazards. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the Town Highway Department.