The purpose and intent of the RHC Retail-Highway Commercial Use District shall be as follows:
To allow and encourage the development of a highway service and retail shopping area near the Grand Island Bridge that accommodates the needs and services of the traveling public.
To provide for highway-related uses in a manner that remains consistent with the Town's goals for the waterfront area, including the maintenance of significant viewsheds, the encouragement of increased public access, and the promotion of higher design standards and aesthetics in this area of the Town.
To encourage the development of uses that are compatible with adjoining uses, including the waterfront area across River Road, and that promote accessibility for pedestrian and bicyclist travelers as well as vehicular traffic.
Only the following uses shall be permitted with site plan approval as set forth in Article XXIII:
Gasoline stations.
Retail stores.
Motels and hotels.
Only the following uses shall be permitted with issuance of a special use permit as indicated in Article IXF and with site plan approval as set forth in Article XXIII:
Truck stops and travel plazas.
Any other commercial or retail use which is determined by the Town Board, in consultation with the Town Planning Board, to be similar to other permitted or specially permitted uses, and which is compatible with the purpose and intent of this district.
[Amended 6-17-2013 by L.L. No. 1-2013]
Accessory uses and structures, as defined in this Code, which do not exceed the thresholds set forth in § 215-151, shall be allowed as permitted by the Town Building Department.
The dimensional requirements in the RHC District shall be as follows:
Minimum lot size: none.
Minimum lot frontage: 50 feet.
Front yard setback: minimum of 50 feet, measured from the nearest street right-of-way.
Side yard setback: minimum of 25 feet.
Maximum lot coverage: 75%.
Height restriction: The maximum building height shall not exceed 75 feet.
The following additional design standards and requirements shall apply throughout the district. In addition, all development within 500 feet of River Road shall conform to the requirements of the River Road Overlay.
Landscaping. Due to the visibility of this district and the nature of the types of uses allowed, landscaping is an important component of design to screen, buffer and improve the aesthetics of development, which is likely to be dominated by large amounts of paving. The following landscaping standards shall apply:
Landscaping shall be provided and maintained to enhance the general appearance of the development, supply a visual break of the built environment and give relief to otherwise developed interior portions of the site to harmonize with the proposed buildings and the surrounding areas. Appropriate shrubs, trees and plant materials shall be arranged in beds, rows, islands, berms and clusters as foundation and area plantings, and shall give definition to street edges and provide screening. They shall not, however, impede public views of the river.
The applicant shall submit a landscape plan with the site plan. The landscape plan shall be prepared by a landscape architect or arborist and describe the plant species, their locations and size at planting and maturity. All plants, trees and shrubs shall be planted and maintained in accordance with a planting schedule provided by the applicant and approved by the Town. Landscape materials selected shall be appropriate to the growing conditions of this climatic zone.
The landscape plan shall provide adequate landscaping or screening for all utility buildings, loading docks, refuse collection areas, cooling systems, storage areas and all other similar structures, installations and features.
Tree planting spacing patterns of one tree for no less than every 30 linear feet of distance in a regular pattern along site edges adjoining principal business streets shall be required. Landscaping patterns along street right-of-way lines shall be consistent with the unobstructed view corridor standards established by § 215-8, entitled "Sight obstructions," which requires that shrubs and similar materials generally not be higher than three feet above adjacent street grade and that street trees have branches generally no lower than 12 feet above adjacent street grade in order that views not be obstructed for approaching or departing vehicles.
All trees shall be plant species having a minimum caliper of 2 1/2 inches measured two feet above ground level at the time of planting, an average crown spread of greater than 15 feet at maturity and trunks which can be maintained in a clean condition, free of branches from grade to generally 12 feet above grade along principal street edges and 10 feet above grade elsewhere. Trees having an average mature spread of less than 15 feet may be substituted by grouping the same so as to create the equivalent of a fifteen-foot crown. Shrubs shall be a minimum of two feet in height when measured immediately after planting. Hedges, when measured, shall be planted and maintained so as to form a continuous visual screen within two years after time of planting.
Parking shall comply with Article XIII of this chapter for the number of parking spaces required and the standards for the design of parking areas. If located within the boundaries of the River Road Overlay, the provisions of the Overlay shall supersede other parking requirements.
Employee parking shall not be located within any setback areas or in the front of any building.
Parking areas for visitors, customers or clients may be located within a setback area, provided that at least 50% of the area is landscaped. A landscaped buffer of at least five feet shall be provided between any parking area within the setback area and the property boundary.
Parking areas shall not exceed 10,000 square feet of uninterrupted paving. Landscaped islands or medians or divider strips shall be placed within rows of parking spaces so that no row of parking exceeds 15 spaces without being interrupted by landscaping.
Signage. Signage shall comply with Article XXII of this chapter.
Fencing. No fences shall be permitted in the setback area. Fences shall be limited to six feet in height.
Storage of materials.
Required service areas, loading areas and outdoor storage areas shall be located so as to not be visible from public streets, public pedestrianways or public open space, if feasible. To the extent possible, service, loading and storage facilities should be architecturally incorporated into the building or architecturally treated with walks, fencing and landscaping. Where these facilities are visible from public pedestrian areas, public streets or public open space, they shall be completely screened with opaque materials.
Outside storage shall not exceed 12 feet in height.
Utilities and communications facilities. No utilities or communications facilities shall be installed above ground in front or side yards. Where feasible, all utility and communication facilities shall be installed under ground, in a manner prescribed by the regulations of the government agency or utility company having jurisdiction. All facilities shall be planned so as to anticipate future needs and shall be sited and sized to reduce future capital costs.
Circulation. On-site circulation shall be designed to minimize conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians.
Common driveways and interconnection of parking areas shall be provided where practical in order to efficiently serve adjacent related or complementary uses, to minimize the number of road cuts and to concentrate and control turning movements onto to River Road.
All bike and walking paths shall be clearly identified with striping and/or signage as necessary within parking areas, driveway crossings and public roadway crossings.
Pedestrian and bike paths shall be provided to facilitate pedestrian access to developments. Wherever practicable, on-site pathways shall be connected to the existing local and regional pathway system.