Commercial cruise boats are permitted use of certain public dock facilities owned by the Borough of Seaside Heights upon complying with the provisions of this Article III of Chapter 43, set forth herein.
The owner of the commercial cruise boat shall obtain a mercantile license from the Borough of Seaside Heights which shall be issued upon the submission of the information set forth herein, as well as the payment of the mercantile license fee set forth in Chapter 122. In order to obtain a mercantile license, the owner shall submit the following information:
Name and boat registration number for each boat that may utilize the borough-owned dock facilities;
Proof of insurance with the borough being named as co-insured. The amount of the insurance coverage shall be as set forth in the rules and regulations for use of borough dock facilities as adopted by the Borough Council;
Execution of a hold harmless and indemnification agreement, whereby the owner of the cruise boat service would hold the borough harmless and indemnify the borough in regard to any and all claims as a result of the utilization of the borough-owned dock facilities by the cruise boat service. The indemnification shall cover the borough, not only for any liability it incurs as a result of the use of the dock facilities by the cruise boat service, but also shall indemnify the borough for any and all attorney's fees, costs and expenses incurred in the defense of any claim against the borough as a result of the use of the borough dock facilities by the commercial cruise boat operation;
Certification by the owner of the commercial cruise boat service that all boats designated in the application as being used in the cruise boat service are in full compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations concerning the utilization of the particular boat for a cruise boat or jitney service.
The Borough Council shall adopt rules and regulations concerning the use of borough dock facilities by commercial cruise boat services. The rules and regulations shall be adopted by resolution of the Borough Council and can be amended from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council.