[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Warwick 12-17-1997 by Res. No. 12-17-97-01; amended 7-2-2002 by Res. No. 07-02-02-01; 9-4-2002 by Res. No. 09-04-02-01; 12-4-2002 by Res. No. 12-04-02-01; 9-17-2003 by Res. No. 09-17-03-01; 7-7-2004 by Res. No. 07-07-04-01; 7-20-2005 by Res. No. 07-20-05-01; 11-16-2005 by Res. No. 11-16-05-01; 6-21-2006 by Res. No. 06-21-06-01. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 8-16-2006 by Res. No. 08-16-06-03; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-01; 3-16-2011 by Res. No. 03-16-11-03]
For licensed dogs: $25 pickup fee plus board charge.
For unlicensed dogs: $50 pickup fee plus board charge.
[Amended 8-16-2006 by Res. No. 08-16-06-03; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-01; 3-16-2011 by Res. No. 03-16-11-03]
The driveway connection application fee is $50. See Chapter 277, Streets and Sidewalks, Article I, Connection of Driveways to Public Streets.
[Amended 8-16-2006 by Res. No. 08-16-06-03; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-01; 3-16-2011 by Res. No. 03-16-11-03]
The fee for each false alarm shall be as follows:
Number of False Alarms Within 12 Calendar Months
Fee per Each False Alarm
1 to 2
4 to 5
6 or greater
[Amended 8-16-2006 by Res. No. 08-16-06-03; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-01; 3-16-2011 by Res. No. 03-16-11-03]
Pursuant to Chapter 190, Junkyards and Junk Dealers, the following fees apply:
Annual license fee: $25.
Transfer of license fee: $10.
[Amended 8-16-2006 by Res. No. 08-16-06-03; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-01; 3-16-2011 by Res. No. 03-16-11-03]
Transfer or issuance (Local Agency Law, 2 Pa.C.S.A. § 551 et seq.): $400.
[Amended 8-16-2006 by Res. No. 08-16-06-03; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-01; 3-16-2011 by Res. No. 03-16-11-03]
Annual operation permit: $20 per mobile home lot with a minimum of $100 per mobile home park.
Permit to authorize removal of a mobile home [issued by the Township Tax Collector, as required by the Act 1 of July 8, 1969, P.L. 130, § 72 P.S. § 5020-407(d)]: $20 plus real estate taxes assessed against the mobile home and unpaid at the time the permit is requested.
[Amended 8-16-2006 by Res. No. 08-16-06-03; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-01; 3-16-2011 by Res. No. 03-16-11-03]
Plumber's fees.
Every plumber and sewer contractor performing work covered by this code for a fee, annual license fee: $30 for first permit, plus $5 for each additional plumber in same firm.
Minimum license fee to be paid by any plumber or sewer contractor regardless of whether such plumber or sewer contractor does business as a sole proprietorship, a partnership or a corporation: $30.
The Township hereby establishes the following fees in connection with requests for inspection and duplication of public records:
Photocopying per page: $0.15.
Formatted computer disks: $5.
Certification of any document as a true and correct copy of a Township record: $10.
Certification that the Township has examined its records and an identified record does not exist: $5.
Postage or express mail charges to respond to request for public record by forwarding records to requester: actual cost incurred by Township.
Reproduction of record by third party when Township does not have necessary equipment: actual cost incurred by Township.
Search of records by Township employee if written request does not precisely identify the public record: $10 per 1/2 hour.
Duplicate police report: $15.
[Added 2-18-2004 by Res. No. 02-18-04-3]
[Amended 8-16-2006 by Res. No. 08-16-06-03; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-01; 3-16-2011 by Res. No. 03-16-11-03]
Pursuant to Chapter 277, Streets and Sidewalks, Article II, Construction, Opening or Dedication of Public Streets, the following fees apply:
Fees for processing the acceptance of streets which have been offered for dedication to the Township:
First street which the Township is requested to accept: $1,000.
For each additional street which the Township is requested to accept at the same time: $500.
Should the fees and costs incurred by the Township in processing the acceptance of dedication of streets be greater than the fees established herein, the Township shall bill the person requesting that such streets be accepted for all such additional fees and costs. The person requesting acceptance of streets shall pay the bill for the additional fees and costs within 30 days after the bill is issued by the Township.
The request by any person for the Township to accept dedication of a street or streets shall constitute and be deemed an implied promise and contract to pay all fees imposed by this section.
This section and the payment of fees established herein shall create no obligation upon the Township to accept dedication of any street or streets.
[Amended 8-16-2006 by Res. No. 08-16-06-03; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-01; 3-16-2011 by Res. No. 03-16-11-03]
General permit and other fees for on-lot septic systems. All fees associated with the receipt, review, processing and issuance of on-lot septic system(s) shall be the responsibility of the applicant and made payable to Warwick Township. These fees have been established to allow Warwick Township to reimburse the Township SEO for its services rendered in addition to recovery of administrative costs incurred by the Township. The SEO shall be reimbursed directly by the Township (not applicants) at the fee schedule as established at the time of appointment by the Township. All designs for sewage systems must be completed by the applicant or his/her agent for review and approval by the Township SEO. The fees set forth herein do not cover any design work for a sewage system. They are considered other costs in addition to these fees and are the responsibility of the applicant or his/her agent.
[Amended 4-3-2013 by Res. No. 04-03-13-01]
Residential dwelling for installation of new sewage system or to repair the system and the renewal or reissue of a revoked or expired permit. This permit fee does not include other services necessary in the permit process as necessary and described below such as site testing, design reviews and planning. These other services shall be paid in addition to this permit fee. Fee: $100.
Commercial, industrial or institutional structure for installation of new sewage system or to repair the system and the renewal or reissue of a revoked or expired permit. This permit fee does not include other services necessary in the permit process as necessary and described below such as site testing, design reviews and planning. These other services shall be paid in addition to this permit fee. Fee: $130.
Special permit for a repair activity when something broken is either fixed or replaced. Examples include replacing a broken pipe, replacing a pump, replacing a cracked lid (tanks or on a riser trap), replacing a gas deflector, replacing a solids retainer, etc. NOTE: This does not include replacing tanks or an absorption field. Fee: $75.
Special permit for a modification activity when a structural change to an existing system that would not constitute a "repair." Examples include adding a riser, adding an effluent filter, adding an inspection port, etc. NOTE: This does not include adding an additional septic tank, adding a pump tank or expansion of an absorption field. Fee: $75.
Additional services required for above permits: The fees established above have been established based upon "standard conditions." If permitting on a particular site exceeds these limitations or "standard" conditions and requires additional time, then the fees incurred and associated with additional time or services necessary shall be paid on an hourly basis. When determining service fees required beyond the base fee, a separate reconciliation shall be provided (invoice) for actual hours spent at the hourly rate ($75) demonstrating fees in excess of the base fee amount. Additional time/services required: $75/hour.
Miscellaneous inspections and reviews required: Miscellaneous inspections and review fees such as annual holding tank or system inspections, review of reports or findings (on-lot management program) shall be paid on an hourly basis. Any and all sites which incur services by the SEO whether necessitated by annual maintenance agreements or obligations or otherwise as identified in the regular maintenance program or initiated by the property owner or other agents or officials of the Township shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with these services as follows. Time/services required: $75/hour.
Fees for site testing, design reviews and planning reviews. All fees associated with the receipt, review, processing and completion of on-lot system(s) testing and planning shall be the responsibility of the applicant and made payable to Warwick Township. These fees have been established to allow Warwick Township to reimburse the Township SEO for its services rendered in addition to recovery of administrative costs incurred by the Township. The SEO shall be reimbursed directly by the Township (not applicants) at the fee schedule as established at the time of appointment by the Township. Please take note that all other costs associated with this work (additional consultant fees, backhoe fees, etc.) are the responsibility of the applicant or his/her agent for coordination with the Township SEO. The fees set forth herein do not cover any related costs other than the SEO services and administration. These other costs are in addition to these fees and are the responsibility of the applicant or his/her agent.
[Amended 4-3-2013 by Res. No. 04-03-13-01]
Percolation testing. The Township SEO performs complete percolation testing only as required for each lot. The base fee is limited to percolation testing on six tests per lot under "standard conditions." If testing exceeds these limitations or conditions and requires additional time, then the fees incurred and associated with additional time or services necessary shall be paid on an hourly basis. When determining service fees required beyond the base fee, a separate reconciliation shall be provided (invoice) for actual hours spent at the hourly rate ($75) demonstrating fees in excess of the base fee amount.
Base fee (six holes/lot): $350/lot.
Additional time/services required: $75/hour.
Deep probe readings. The Township SEO performs the deep probe readings on site as required for each lot. The hourly fee for services rendered shall include any and all time associated with performing deep probe readings, preparation of reports, distribution of findings and any administrative or other related activities. Hourly rate for services: $75/hour.
Septic system design review. The Township SEO shall review all on-lot sewage system designs submitted for permitting. The fees incurred and associated with these services shall be paid on an hourly basis. A permit will not be issued until the permit fee (Subsection A above) and all design review fees (or other applicable fees) are fully paid by the applicant. Hourly rate for services: $75/hour.
Planning documentation review. The Township SEO reviews, recommends and processes any and all planning documents, sewage modules and other necessary documents associated with a particular site. The SEO work shall be completed as required by the PADEP as prescribed in their regulations and requirements. The fees associated with this work shall be based upon an hourly fee for services rendered applicable to the particular site. Hourly rate for services: $75/hour.
Editor's Note: Resolution No. 04-03-13-01, adopted 4-3-2013, amended and replaced Subsections A through D as Subsections A and B, leaving former Subsection C, Septic system design review, and former Subsection D, Planning module review, as reserved.
Editor's Note: Resolution No. 04-03-13-01, adopted 4-3-2013, amended and replaced Subsections A through D as Subsections A and B, leaving former Subsection C, Septic system design review, and former Subsection D, Planning module review, as reserved.
Fees to be paid to the Sewage Enforcement Officer by the Township for all activities not included in the above at the rate of $65 per hour.
Applicant to supply water for testing. Applicant shall supply any water necessary for testing if the terrain or other conditions are such that the Sewage Enforcement Officer is unable to reasonably transport water to the testing site.
Applicant responsible for additional costs. The cost of any professional services (e.g., engineers or soil scientists) rendered to provide additional soil information and other opinions shall be the responsibility of applicant.
Payment of fees. All fees and charges required to be paid by the applicant shall be paid prior to the performance of the designated services by the Sewage Enforcement Officer in accordance with the rates of compensation set forth above.
Disposition of fees paid. All fees and charges received by the Township shall be paid prior to the performance of the designated services by the Sewage Enforcement Officer in accordance with the rates of compensation set forth above.
Monthly report. The Sewage Enforcement Officer shall submit a complete report each month for the reimbursement of fees and charges due him/her.
Additional duties of Sewage Enforcement Officer. The Sewage Enforcement Officer shall assist with the preparation of the application for reimbursement of expenses in accordance with Section 6 of the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act and shall supply such information and data as is required by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Appeals fee: $300.
Waiver for designation of relocation site: $15.
[Amended 8-16-2006 by Res. No. 08-16-06-03; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-01; 3-16-2011 by Res. No. 03-16-11-03; 4-16-2014 by Res. No. 04-16-14-02]
Application fee established. Fees shall be imposed at the preliminary, final and improvement construction plan stages and for revised plans, lot add-on plans and stormwater management plans. The preliminary, final, revised and lot add-on plan filing fees shall consist of two parts, namely, a basic fee and a lot and/or unit of occupancy fee. The basic fee covers the cost of the initial lot (remaining acreage) or unit of occupancy based upon the type of development involved. The lot fee is charged for each additional proposed lot and/or each existing lot which receives additional area (lot add-on). The unit of occupancy fee is charged for each proposed unit of occupancy in excess of one unit per lot. The amount of the above-mentioned fee shall be as follows:
Plan Type
Subdivision/Land Development Fees
Escrow Fund
Lots - 1 to 5
+$30 each lot/unit
Each additional lot
Lots - 1 to 5
+$20 each lot/unit
Each additional lot
1 Acre
Over 1 Acre
Lot add-on
Land development
1 Acre
+$10 per 1,000 square feet
Over 1 Acre
Waiver application
Stormwater management review
Stormwater management review: small projects
Improvement construction plan
Revised plan
Fee payable with application. All fees must be submitted to the Township with plan applications. Plan applications shall not be accepted without fees, and neither the Warwick Township Planning Commission nor the Warwick Board of Supervisors shall take action on a plan application submitted without a fee. The fees imposed by this resolution are in addition to any fees imposed by the Lancaster County Planning Commission pursuant to § 502 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code[1] for its review of plans showing improvements, extensions or connections to the Authority's sewer and/or water lines. All fees shall be paid by check or money order drawn to the Treasurer of Warwick Township.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10502.
Recording fees. Any cost relating to the reduction of final plans for the purpose of recording the same with the Recorder of Deeds of the County of Lancaster shall be paid by the applicant.
Escrow fees for plan review expenses. Applications shall be accompanied by a fee to be placed in escrow to cover all reasonable and necessary charges that may be incurred by the Township's professional consultants, including the Township Solicitor and the Township Engineer, for the review and any report or reports to the Township on an applicant's application, plans, supporting data, proposed agreements relating to the maintenance of improvements or open space, deeds of dedication and similar matters, stormwater management permits, and subdivisions and land developments. Such review fees shall be the actual fees charged by the Township Solicitor, Township Engineer or other professional consultant for the services performed. The present fee schedule of the Township Engineer is on file at the Township Offices. Such schedule shall be revised to reflect changes in the rates charged to the Township by the Township Engineer. Any amount in the escrow funds which exceeds the professional consultant review costs shall be returned to the applicant. If this amount in the escrow fund is not sufficient to meet all professional consultant review costs, the applicant shall be billed therefor and shall pay the amount due within 45 days of such billing. The filing of a plan or application under this chapter, or the Warwick Township Stormwater Management Ordinance (Chapter 270), shall constitute an implied agreement by the applicant to pay such expenses.
Reimbursement for inspection of improvements when such inspection is performed by Township Engineer or other professional consultant. Developers shall reimburse the Township for all reasonable and necessary charges incurred by the Township's professional consultants or the Township Engineer for inspection of the improvements required to be constructed and any report or reports to the Township thereon. Such inspection fees shall be the actual fees charged by the Township Engineer. The present fee schedule of the Township Engineer is on file at the Township offices. Such schedule shall be revised to reflect changes in the rates charged to the Township by the Township Engineer.
Reimbursement for inspection of improvements when such inspection is performed by Township personnel. In some circumstances, inspection of improvements may be performed by personnel employed by the Township. If the inspection is performed by Township personnel, developers shall reimburse the Township for all reasonable and necessary charges incurred by the Township for inspection of the improvements required to be constructed and any report or reports to the Township thereon. When the inspection is performed by Township personnel, the fee shall be the hourly inspection rate of the particular employee who performed the inspection services plus any expenses incurred, including mileage charges for the Township vehicles used for transportation to the site. A minimum charge of $20 per hour per person will be billed for the first hour or any portion thereof. Any time in excess of one hour shall be billed at the same rate on a proportional basis. This charge shall be revised to reflect changes in the costs to the Township for utilizing its personnel to perform such inspections.
Resolution of fee disputes. In the event the developer disputes the amount of any such inspection fee or expenses, the developer shall, within 30 days of the billing date, notify the Township Secretary that such fees are disputed as unreasonable or unnecessary, in which case the Township shall not delay or disapprove any approval or permit related to development due to the developer's dispute of the fees. Disputes shall be resolved as follows:
If, within 45 days of the date of billing, the Township and the developer cannot agree on the amount of expenses which are reasonable and necessary, then the Township and the developer shall jointly, by mutual agreement, appoint an arbitrator to resolve such dispute who shall be of the same profession or discipline as the professional consultant whose fees are being disputed, who shall review such charges and expenses and make a determination as to the amount thereof which is reasonable and necessary.
The arbitrator so appointed shall hear such evidence and review such documentation as the professional in his/her sole opinion deems necessary and render a decision within 50 days of the billing date. The developer shall pay the entire amount determined in the decision within 60 days from the billing date.
The fee the arbitrator shall be paid by the applicant if the review fee charged is sustained by the arbitrator; otherwise, it shall be divided equally between the parties. If the disputed fees are found to be excessive by more than $5,000, the arbitrator shall have the discretion to assess the arbitration fee in whole or in part against either the applicant or the professional consultant. The Board of Supervisors and the consultant whose fees are the subject of the dispute shall be parties to the proceeding.
Additional expenses. All expenses incurred by the Township prior to street dedication for the installation, maintenance or operation of street signs, traffic control signs, traffic control lights, streetlights and any other signs or lights which are necessitated by the applicant's land development or subdivision shall be charged to and paid by the applicant. A minimum charge of $30 per hour, per person, shall be billed for the first hour or any portion thereof for the costs of installing traffic control signs or performing other services for the development. The actual cost of all supplies, including signs, poles and other materials, shall be paid by the developer. If the Township is required to provide snow removal services on a road not accepted by the Township, the developer shall be charged the reasonable and customary commercial rate for such services plus the actual cost of all materials used. The filing of a plan or application under the provisions of the Subdivision or Land Development Ordinance (Chapter 285) or the Warwick Township Stormwater Management Ordinance (Chapter 270) shall constitute an implied agreement by the applicant to pay such expenses.
[Amended 6-18-2014 by Res. No. 06-18-14-01]
The Board of Supervisors of the Township of Warwick hereby authorizes the Tax Collector to impose the following fees for services provided by the Tax Collector which are not part of the Tax Collector's required duties under the Local Tax Collection Law:
Issuing of tax certification: $20.
Issuing of duplicate bills, receipts or similar records: $5.
The Tax Collector is hereby authorized to obtain reimbursement from any person who does not make proper payment to the Tax Collector for any costs, fees or expenses which result from such improper payment. Such costs include, but are not limited to, fees and charges imposed by financial institutions for processing checks which are deposited and returned because the account has insufficient funds.
Bank check return fee: $20.
The Board of Supervisors hereby appoints the elected Tax Collector as the municipal officer authorized to provide tax certifications and administrative real estate tax services and to impose fees therefor relating to the collection of real estate taxes upon request by the public.
All fees established in accordance with Subsections A, B and C shall be assessed, collected and retained by the Tax Collector.
These fees shall take effect and be in force immediately and shall apply to all charges imposed by the Tax Collector for tax certifications issued on or after July 1, 2014.
[Amended 8-16-2006 by Res. No. 08-16-06-03; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-01; 3-16-2011 by Res. No. 03-16-11-03]
Pursuant to Chapter 222, Peddling and Soliciting, the following applies:
The transient retail business license fee shall be $15.
Expiration. All annual licenses shall be for the period of October 1 to September 30. There shall be no prorated license fees, and all licenses shall expire on September 30.
Appeals. The fee for an appeal to the Board of Supervisors from the revocation or suspension of a license application shall be $150.
[Added 12-6-2006 by Res. No. 12-06-06-01; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-01; 2-18-2009 by Res. No. 02-18-09-02; 2-3-2010 by Res. No. 02-03-10-01; 3-16-2011 by Res. No. 03-16-11-03; 5-7-2014 by Res. No. 05-07-14-01]
Pursuant to Chapter 120, Construction Codes, Uniform, the following applies:
Time of payment of fees. The zoning, residential and nonresidential/multifamily fees hereby established must be paid by applicants prior to the issuance of a zoning/building permit, and all nonresidential and multifamily plan review and inspection fees must be paid to the approved third-party agency prior to the Township collecting its own fees and issuing the zoning/building fees for construction activity covered by Chapter 120, Construction Codes, Uniform, of the Code of Ordinances.
Zoning permit fees. All applicants for a zoning permit shall pay a fee which consists of the following two components: (1) Act 157 of 2009 fee; and (2) zoning fee, which shall be calculated as follows:
Act 157 of 2009 fee: $4.
Zoning and inspection fees:
Stormwater small projects: actual cost.
Driveway permit fee: $40.
Decks and patios (on grade) and fences: $40.
Sheds and accessory structures (zero to 1,000 square feet): $50 with no utilities.
Sheds and accessory structures (zero to 1,000 square feet): $50 plus inspections with utilities.
Aboveground pools: $200.
Spas and hot tubs: $200.
Residential signs: $50.
Residential demolition: $100.
Temporary tents: $100.
New residential construction. All applicants for a permit for new residential construction shall pay a fee which shall consist of three components: (1) plan review; (2) Act 157 of 2009 fee; and (3) administrative and inspection fee, which shall be calculated as follows:
Plan review fee: actual cost.
Act 157 of 2009 fee: $4.
Administrative and inspection fees:
Cost/value of improvements:
First $5,000: $25.
Each $1,000 or fraction thereof in excess of $5,000: $3.
Driveway fee: $40.
Residential demolition: $100.
Use and occupancy fee: $40.
In-ground pools: $400.
Dwellings. This fee shall include all usable space, additions to existing structures and shall exclude garages, unfinished basements, porches at main entrance and decks.
Cost: $0.40 per square foot (minimum $200).
Accessory structures over 1,000 square feet and mobile homes.
Cost: $0.25 per square foot (minimum $200).
Decks and patios above grade and screened porches.
Cost: $0.15 per square foot (minimum $100).
New nonresidential and multifamily construction. All applicants for a permit for new nonresidential and multifamily construction shall pay a fee which shall consist of three components: (1) plan review; (2) Act 157 of 2009 fee; and (3) administrative and inspection fee, which shall be calculated as follows:
Plan review and recording fee: $100.
Act 157 of 2009 fee: $4.
Administrative and inspection fee:
Cost/value of improvements:
First $5,000: $50.
Each $1,000 or fraction thereof in excess of $5,000: $3.
Driveway fee: $40.
Decks, patios (on grade) and fences: $40.
Sheds and accessory structures (zero to 1,000 square feet): $75 with no utilities.
Sheds and accessory structures (zero to 1,000 square feet): $100 plus inspections with utilities.
Commercial demolition: $200.
Use and occupancy: $40.
New structures other than agricultural buildings; includes basements, decks, patios, porches (covered or not) and fire detection and/or protection submitted with plans for new construction.
Cost: $0.07 per square foot (minimum $250).
New agricultural construction.
The Board of Supervisors recognizes the need to provide agricultural buildings in the community without the intrusion of complex construction regulations. Therefore, agricultural buildings not used for human habitation (barns and similar buildings), and not used for the sole purpose of storage of manure or other uses which may potentially damage the environment, shall be exempt from the UCC, inspections and standard fees. Notwithstanding this exemption, a zoning permit will be required for all agricultural construction.
A building permit and subsequent inspections will be required for manure storage pits and any other construction determined to be hazardous or injurious to the environment. Fees for these permits are based on the following schedule:
Act 157 of 2009 fee: $4.
Administrative and inspection fee for new agricultural building construction which is not exempt from the Construction Code Ordinance:
Dollar value of improvement up to $3,000: $30.
Dollar value of improvement over $3,000: $3 per each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof.
Certificate of occupancy. The fee shall be $40.
Signs. Each applicant for a permit shall pay the Act 157 of 2009 fee of $4 and in addition shall pay:
Residential: $50.
Nonresidential new: Township fee of $50 per sign.
Nonresidential replace: Township fee of $50 per sign.
Temporary buildings. Each applicant for a permit shall pay the Act 157 of 2009 fee of $4 and in addition shall pay $100.
Remodeling and renovations. All applicants for a permit for remodeling or renovation construction shall pay a fee at the time of application which shall consist of two components: (1) Act 157 of 2009 fee; and (2) administrative and inspection fee, which shall be calculated as follows:
Act 157 of 2009 fee:
Residential construction: $4.
Nonresidential construction: $4.
Residential construction:
Dollar value of improvement up to $5,000: $150 plus inspection fees.
Dollar value of improvement over $5,000: $200 plus inspection fees.
Nonresidential construction: 0.001 of construction cost ($250 minimum).
Residential mechanical, electrical and/or plumbing, Township fees only:
Fifty dollars plus inspection fees.
No permit or fee will be required for an existing dwelling that is compelled to connect to a municipal water or sanitary facility. No inspections will be required since the Municipal Authority will certify such hookups.
Roofs structural improvements not considered repairs or maintenance: $0.15 per square foot with a minimum fee of $100.
Plan review fee: actual cost.
Demolition permit. A permit is not required for small structures less than 500 square feet, agricultural buildings or any building without a permanent foundation. All others require a permit with a fee of $100 for residential and $200 for nonresidential.
Renewals of expired building, electrical and plumbing permits. The fee shall be 1/2 of original fee.
Certification letter pertaining to sale, certification or use of property. The fee shall be $10.
Appeals to Warwick Area Appeals Board. Any person desiring to file an appeal from a determination of the building code official or construction code official, a request for a variance of any provision of the UCC, or any request for an extension of a time limit imposed by the UCC or a determination of the Construction Code Official or Building Code Official shall file a written appeal to the Warwick Area Appeals Board (the "Appeals Board") on a form provided by the Township together with the required fee of $400. Appeals or applications to the Appeals Board shall be filed with the Building Code Official. The Building Code Official shall not accept any appeal or application to the Appeals Board without the required appeal fee.
Act 157 of 2009 fee. Act 157 of 2009 amended Section 703 and Act 13 of 2004 of the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act to require municipalities to remit $4 from each permit fee collected to the commonwealth for deposit in the Municipal Code Official Training Account. If the Pennsylvania Legislature enacts a statute to increase the fee imposed by Act 157 of 2009, all parts and provisions of this section which impose a fee pursuant to Act 157 of 2009 shall be interpreted to impose the fee as increased by the Legislature.
Annual fees. An annual license fee shall be imposed for the license to collect regulated municipal waste and source separated recyclable materials as required by Chapter 260, Solid Waste, Article II, Municipal Waste Management, according to the following formula:
The license fee for all haulers who provide service to any person or to property other than the hauler himself or itself or the hauler's property:
For each residential customer served by the hauler: $2.
For each multifamily dwelling which is a single customer account and each nonresidential customer account served by the hauler: $2.
The license fee for all operators of commercial or industrial establishments who have obtained a LCSWMA license to enable the commercial or industrial operator to transport regulated municipal waste generated at the commercial or industrial establishment to a LCSWMA facility and which does not transport regulated municipal waste generated by any other person: $10.
The license fee for all farmers who have obtained a LCSWMA license to enable the farmer to transport regulated municipal waste generated upon the farm to a LCSWMA facility and who does not transport regulated municipal waste generated by any other person: $5.
Number of customers served. The number of customers served by the licensed hauler shall be determined by actual customer base on the first day of the month in which application for a license is made. The applicant shall demonstrate to the Township the number of customers presently served within the Township limits. Failure to correctly identify the number of customers shall be grounds for denial of a license or revocation of the applicant's license.
Expiration. All annual licenses shall be for the period of October 1 to September 30. There shall be no prorated license fees, and all licenses shall expire on September 30.
Appeals. The fee for an appeal to the Board of Supervisors from the revocation or suspension of a license or denial of a license application shall be $150.
Terms. All terms used in this section shall be defined as provided in Chapter 260, Solid Waste, Article II, Municipal Waste Management (Ordinance No. 149).
[Added 3-5-2008 by Res. No. 03-05-08-01]
The fee schedule, as follows, and incorporated herein is hereby adopted in connection with the administration of the Zoning Ordinance[1] and with respect to conditional use hearings before the Board of Supervisors and hearings before the Zoning Hearing Board.
Fees must be submitted to the Township along with the required appeal, application or petition. No action will be taken on an appeal, application or petition without payment of the required fee. Fees should be in the form of a check or money order drawn to the Township of Warwick.
Fee schedule.
Appeal or application to the Zoning Hearing Board.
Base fee: $400.
Request for continuance of a hearing to another date: $100 (in addition to base fee).
Challenges to the validity of the Zoning Ordinance (the fee for a hearing on a petition for a curative amendment to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map which has been submitted to the Board of Supervisors or for a hearing before the Zoning Hearing Board challenging the validity of the Zoning Ordinance or Map).
Base fee: $1,000.
Request for continuance of a hearing to another date: $100 (in addition to base fee).
Application for conditional use hearing.
Base fee: $400.
Request for continuance of a hearing to another date: $100 (in addition to base fee).
Petition for amendment to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map.
Base fee: $1,000.
Request for continuance of a hearing to another date: $100 (in addition to base fee).
Editor's Note: See Ch. 340, Zoning.
[Added 3-4-2009 by Res. No. 03-04-09-01]
Class A1
Class B2
Class C3
Township meeting room and facilities
Pavilion kitchen
Pavilion only
Security deposit
Up to $200
Up to $500
Recreational fields
Up to $500
1Class A: All organizations affiliated with or supervised by Warwick Township, or as determined by the Board of Supervisors.
2Class B: Warwick Township residents and businesses, Warwick Township nonprofit organizations (civic, fraternal, religious, educational).
3Class C: All others.