The police are directed to assist the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the enforcement of the provisions of the Dog Law of 1965, enacted December 22, 1965, P.L. 1124, Act No. 437, and any amendments thereto.[1]
Editor's Note: See 3 P.S. § 459-101 et seq.
A veterinarian administering a rabies preventive vaccination shall prepare a certificate which shall state the breed, sex, age and markings of the dog; the name and address of the owner or keeper; the license number of such dog issued by the County Treasurer for the current year; and the date of vaccination and the serial number by which such dog may be identified as a vaccinated dog. The veterinarian shall retain one copy of the certificate and deliver two copies to the owner or keeper, who shall make a copy available to the township upon request. The veterinarian shall attach a metal tag bearing the serial number of said certificate to the collar of the vaccinated dog.
The owner of any dog known to have bitten any person in Springfield Township shall, within 10 days of such bite, have said dog examined by a qualified veterinarian, who shall issue a certificate that such dog is free from rabies, if he shall so find. Such certificate shall be filed by the owner with the Montgomery County Department of Health. The owner of the dog shall follow all other regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Montgomery County Department of Health following the dog bite.
For the purpose of protecting the public health and welfare and the protection, to the extent possible, of persons from rabies, not only from dogs but also from cats, the vaccination against rabies, as required by the Dog Law of 1965,[1] shall apply to cats.
Editor's Note: See 3 P.S. § 459-101 et seq.