[Adopted 6-7-1993 ATM, Art. 5 (Section 28.03 of the 1993 General Bylaws)]
The Town shall have a Permanent Town Buildings Committee consisting of seven members, one of whom shall be a designee of the School Committee, one of whom shall be a designee of the Board of Selectmen, and the other five to be residents who shall be appointed by the Moderator for a term of three years, except that an original term of appointment may be for a lesser period, so that the terms of two of the Moderator's appointees shall expire annually.
The duties of the Committee shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
The Committee, upon taking office, shall succeed to and assume all the duties, rights and obligations of any existing building committee, which is hereby abolished, including all rights and obligations under any existing contracts entered into or administered by any such committee on behalf of the Town.
The Committee shall provide long-term planning and make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen to meet the Town's need for structural accommodations.
The Committee shall make any proposal it deems advisable or review any proposal made by others, including the cost thereof, for the design, construction, facilities, remodeling, renovation, repair, addition to or modification of a Town building or structure, including site selection and acquisition, for which a specific article is to be presented at a Town meeting. Any proposal made by others shall be presented to the Committee for its consideration at least 90 days prior to the Town Meeting at which a specific article with respect to such proposal is to be presented, and the Committee shall make its report and recommendations to such Town Meeting.
The Committee shall have the authority to exercise general supervision over any matter concerning an existing or proposed Town building or other structure as specifically authorized by a Town Meeting, provided however, that with respect to each such matter, the Moderator may appoint not more than three other residents of the Town as special members of the Committee whose authority shall be limited to such matter and whose term or terms of appointment shall expire upon completion of such matter.
The Committee shall inspect, or provide for inspection, at least annually, and at such other times as may be required for proper maintenance and/or repair, to determine the condition of all buildings and structures which the Town has a legal duty or obligation to maintain, and make such recommendations to the proper authority as it deems necessary for the proper maintenance and/or repair of any such buildings or structures.
The Committee shall have the authority to request and receive from any Town Officer, employee, board or committee, such information and assistance as may be reasonably necessary and proper to carry out its duties.
The Committee shall file an annual report of its activities in accordance with this bylaw.