In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where the chapters of the 2000 Code have been included in the 2010 Code or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. II.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 2000 Code
Location in 2010 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. 2, Village Officers and Officials
Ch. 98
Ch. 3, Enforcement Officers
Ch. 25
Ch. 4, Code of Ethics
Ch. 47
Ch. 5, Planning Board
Ch. 110
Ch. 6, Indemnification of Officers and Employees
Ch. 34
Ch. 7, Appearance Tickets and Summonses: Village Justice Court
Ch. 9
Ch. 8, Claims Against the Village
Ch. 324
Ch. 9, Licensing and Regulation of Businesses
Ch. 179
Ch. 10, Peddling, Soliciting and the Distribution of Unsolicited Printed Material
Ch. 179
Ch. 11, Secondhand Dealers
Ch. 179
Ch. 12, Taxicabs, Limousines and Private Livery Vehicles
Ch. 179
Ch. 13, Towing
Ch. 179
Ch. 14, Utility Tax
Ch. 420, Art. I
Ch. 15, Zoning
Ch. 470
Ch. 16, Uniform Code Enforcement
Ch. 190, Art. I
Ch. 17, Buildings, Plumbing, Electrical, Excavating and Grading
Ch. 190, Art. II
Ch. 18, Housing
Ch. 265
Ch. 19, Property Maintenance
Ch. 353
Ch. 20, Trees
Ch. 442
Ch. 21, Subdivision
Ch. 412
Ch. 22, Flood Damage Prevention
Ch. 237
Ch. 22-A, Drainage, Erosion and Sediment Control Design Requirements
Ch. 400, Art. I
Ch. 22-B, Prohibition of Illicit Discharges, Activities and Connections to the Village's Municipal Separate Storm Water System
Ch. 397, Art. I
Ch. 23, Environmental Quality Review
Ch. 216
Ch. 24, Garage and Tag Sales
Ch. 179
Ch. 25, Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places
Ch. 406
Ch. 26, Sewers and Sewage Disposal
Ch. 385
Ch. 27, Animals and Fowl
Ch. 164
Ch. 28, Traffic Regulations
Ch. 457
Ch. 29, Public Conduct
Ch. 340
Ch. 30, Refuse
Ch. 392
Ch. 31, Senior Citizens Tax Exemption
Ch. 420, Art. II
Ch. 32, Veterans Tax Exemption
Ch. 420, Art. III
Ch. 32A, Historic District Tax Exemption
Ch. 420, Art. VI
Ch. 33, Business Tax Exemption
Ch. 420, Art. IV
Ch. 33B, Fire Fighters Tax Exemption
Ch. 420, Art. VII
Ch. 34, Continuation of Tax Enforcement Procedures
Ch. 420, Art. V
Ch. 35, Fees
Ch. 228
Ch. 36, Amendments to the Municipal Code
Ch. 1, Art. I