Words and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Vehicle Code of Pennsylvania, as now in force or as hereafter amended, enacted or reenacted, except in those instances where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
The singular shall include the plural, and the masculine shall include the feminine.
The time, whenever specified in this chapter, shall be that which is generally observed by the business interests in the Borough, whether it be Eastern standard time or Eastern daylight saving time.
All traffic and future parking regulations of a permanent nature shall be enacted as ordinances or as parts of ordinances or as amendments to ordinances of the Borough.
The Mayor shall have the following powers to regulate traffic and parking temporarily and in times of emergency:
In the case of flood, fire, storm or other emergency, to establish temporary traffic and parking regulations.
In the case of emergency or to facilitate public works, or in the case of the conduct of processions, parades or public events, to restrict or prohibit traffic or parking in limited areas for periods of not more than 72 hours.
Such temporary and emergency regulations shall be enforced by the Mayor and the police of the Borough in the same manner as permanent regulations.
The police officers of the Borough are hereby given authority to direct traffic on the highways and streets of the Borough and the intersections thereof.
The provisions of this chapter may be temporarily suspended by the Chief of Police or the acting head of the police, and he may prescribe temporarily such other rules and regulations as traffic conditions may require.