[Adopted as revised through 1-9-2014]
This organization shall be named: "the Board of Trustees of the Great Barrington Libraries." The Board exists by virtue of the provisions of MGL c. 78, §§ 10 through 13 and exercises the powers and authority and assumes the responsibilities delegated to it under said statute.
The Great Barrington libraries exist to serve the residents of Great Barrington and Housatonic Massachusetts and, in accordance with the requirements of the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, residents of other Massachusetts towns who hold library cards in good standing to their home libraries.
The Great Barrington libraries strive to enhance the quality of life in our diverse communities by providing: free access for all to information; physical space and opportunities to gather, teach, explore and connect; and services, materials, programs and classes for life-long learning and enrichment.
The regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second Thursday of each month. Meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. and are open to the public in accordance with MGL c. 39, §§ 23A to 23C, Open Meeting Law.[1]
Editor's Note: MGL c. 39, §§ 23A to 23C, were repealed by Acts of 2009, c. 28, § 20. For current provisions, see MGL c. 30A, §§ 18 to 25.
The annual reorganization meeting shall be held the first Thursday after Town elections at 5:30 p.m. and will serve, in addition, as the regular meeting for that month.
The Board shall meet in executive session when required in accordance with Open Meeting Law procedures.
Special meetings may be called by the Chair or upon the request of four members for the transaction of business stated in the call for meeting.
Meeting notices shall be filed with the Town Clerk at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date and time, and a copy of the notice will be posted in the Town Hall.
Any person adjudged to be unruly may be removed from an open meeting of the Board by the presiding officer.
All records of minutes will be available for public inspection at both libraries, the Town of Great Barrington's website and at the Town Clerk's office.
A majority (four) of the Board members shall constitute a quorum.
"Roberts's Rules of Order" will be the standard reference for parliamentary procedure.
An affirmative vote of the majority of all members of the Board present at the time shall be necessary to approve any action before the Board. The Chair may vote upon and may move or second a proposal before the Board.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board or at any special meeting with a quorum present, provided the proposed amendment was stated in the call for the meeting. An amendment requires a majority vote of the members present.
All decisions of the Board are to be made by the Board as a collective body, and no individual member may make decisions or, with exception of the Chair, act or speak for the Board unless specifically authorized to do so by the Chair or a majority vote of the membership of the Board.
Call to order.
Approval of minutes.
Trustees' announcements.
Report of officers, boards and standing committees.
Special orders.
Unfinished business.
New business.
Board mission.
The Board shall have the responsibility of determining plans, policies and priorities for the libraries. It shall be responsible for a long-range plan every five years, with annual updates, for overseeing the municipal budget requests and co-signing warrants with the Library Director. The Board will review the Director annually for the Town Manager according to a procedure set forth in the annual Director review policy created with the Town Manager.
All money or property which the Town may receive by gift or bequest for the library, its services and facilities shall be submitted for expenditure by the Board in accordance with the provisions of such gift or bequest. All state aid monies received by the libraries also shall be submitted for expenditure by the Board.
The Board will ensure that all services and materials will be provided in a clean, safe and welcoming environment.
The Board will establish a written policy dealing with the selection of library materials in accordance with MGL c. 78, § 33.
The Board will oversee the Friends of the Great Barrington Libraries to ensure its continuation and success. In the event the Friends group lapses, the Board will appoint an initial steering committee. The Board will receive monthly reports from the Friends and offer support for its programs, projects and fundraising.
Board selection. The Board is made up of six elected members, two of whom shall be elected each year at the Annual Town Elections as provided for in MGL c. 78, § 10. Trustees serve without compensation for a term of three years.
Board resignation. Any member of the Board may resign by providing written notice to the Town Clerk, as provided for in MGL c. 41, § 109. Upon receipt of the notice, the Town Clerk will notify the Board members.
Board vacancies. A vacancy on the Board shall be filled by joint majority vote of the remaining members of the Library Board and the Select Board in accordance with MGL c. 41, § 11. Each member of each Board has one vote.
Board attendance. Any member who misses three consecutive meetings will receive a letter from the Chair requesting that s/he consider resigning from the Board. Copies of these letters shall be included in the minutes of the Board. In the event of illness or other extenuating circumstances, exceptions to this provision may be made by formal vote of the Board.
Board officers.
The officers of The Board shall be Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
The officers shall be elected by the Board at the annual reorganization meeting which will be held at 5:30 p.m. on the first Thursday following the Annual Town Election.
Duties of the Chair:
Preside at all meetings of the Board.
Prepare and post the agenda for all meetings.
Serve as ex-officio member of all committees of the Board.
Represent the Board in matters dealing with the library.
Appoint committees of one or more members for specific business of the Board.
Call special meetings of the Board.
Assign the duties of the Chair in her/his absence or at her/his request to one or more Trustees when needed.
Duties of the secretary.
Record and distribute minutes of all meetings of the Board; once accepted into the record, post minutes of all Trustee meetings for public inspections at both libraries, ensure that they are posted in a timely fashion to the Town website and submit a copy to the Town Clerk.
Prepare all correspondence as directed by the Board.
Duties of the treasurer.
Have charge of the special library funds and incomes and sign warrants on those accounts with the authorization of the Board and report at each meeting on the state of those funds.
Serve as Chair of the budget and fundraising committees.
Prepare financial reports for the Board.
The Treasurer, with the Chair and Library Director, will attend attend all meetings with the Finance Committee in which library business is discussed and will recommend the annual budget to the Town Manager.
The Library Director shall be responsible to the Trustees for carrying out the program of the library as a constructive force in the community. S/he will be responsible for the care of the library buildings and equipment, for the employment and direction of the staff within the framework of the personnel guidelines of the office of the Town Manager of the Town of Great Barrington, for the efficiency of the library's service to the public, and for the operation of the library under the financial conditions set forth in the annual budget.
The Library Director shall make monthly reports to the Board of Trustees and an annual report for inclusion in the Town Report. S/he is responsible for carrying out plans, policies and priorities as established by the Board of Trustees. S/he will participate in the Board of Trustees' annual review of the libraries and yearly action plan.
The Library Director will supervise and train all personnel. S/he will submit staff evaluations and recommendations for new hires to the Town Manager.
It is the responsibility of the Director to attend all meetings of the Board except those at which her/his appointment, salary, or evaluation is to be discussed or decided.