[Adopted 11-5-1997]
Persons using library materials housed in the local history/genealogy room, such as books, cemetery listings, family genealogies, The Berkshire Courier and/or The Berkshire Record on microfilm, etc., shall have unquestioned rights to utilize the room and the microfilm reader/printer over patrons wishing to use the space as a quiet room, as a place to use a personal computer, or as a private area in which to hold meetings, tutor sessions, etc. The sole exception to this, and the only time the room shall be reserved, is when it is necessary for a meeting to be held to conduct library business during normal hours of operation. When the room is not being used, patrons may use it on a first-come basis, with the understanding that they will have to vacate the space when it is needed by patrons wishing to use the library collection. When demand for the space overlaps, all involved parties will have staff intervene as necessary to set priorities and/or timetables to insure proper use of the room. Failure to follow the guidelines established in this policy will result in the denial of further use of the room.