Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations — See Ch. 13.
[Code 1962, § 3-7]
No auctioneer of personal property, or other person directly interested in the sale thereof, shall misrepresent the quality, kind or value of any article at any such auction sale.
No auctioneer of personal property, after offering for sale and selling at public auction any article in the manner prescribed by law, shall thereafter substitute any article in lieu of that offered to and purchased by the bidder.
No person shall sell or offer for sale by auction, or otherwise advertise, offer for sale or sell any goods, wares or merchandise falsely representing or pretending that such goods, wares or merchandise are, in whole or in part, goods sold for, belonging to or purchased from a bankrupt or insolvent estate, person, company or corporation or damaged goods or goods saved from fire or make any false statement as to the purchase, history or character of such goods, wares or merchandise.
[Code 1962, § 3-8]
The provisions of this chapter shall not be applicable to auction sales conducted by trustees or referees in bankruptcy, executors, administrators, receivers or other public officers acting under judicial process, except that the person conducting such sale shall inform the Superintendent of Police of the date and place of such sale at least 24 hours in advance thereof and shall receive a permit therefor without cost.
The provisions of this chapter shall not be applicable to auction sales sponsored and conducted exclusively by a charitable, civic, educational, fraternal, veterans', religious, grange or volunteer Fire Department organization, except that such organization shall inform the Superintendent of Police of the date and place of such auction at least 24 hours in advance thereof and shall receive a permit therefor without cost.
[Code 1962, § 3-3]
No person shall act as an auctioneer at a public sale or auction of personal property within the City who shall not have been duly licensed as an auctioneer by the Superintendent of Police. The fee for such a license shall be $25 and shall expire on the 30th day of June next following its issuance.
[Code 1962, § 3-1]
No person shall expose or offer for sale by competitive bidding or at public auction any goods or articles of personal property within the limits of any weekday, without first having applied to and obtained from the Superintendent of Police a permit therefor.
[Code 1962, § 3-2]
The fee for a permit required by Section 5-15 shall be $25 a day for the first day and $10 a day for each day thereafter as long as it is in force. Each such permit shall expire 30 days after issuance unless sooner cancelled by the permittee or revoked as provided in this chapter.
[Code 1962, § 3-4]
Every applicant for a license as required in Section 5-14, or for a permit required by Section 5-15 shall make application therefor in writing to the Superintendent of Police or such person as he may designate, stating thereon the name, age and street address of the applicant, the owner of the goods to be offered for sale and the state, town or city in which such owner resides and the location of the place within the City where and the hours and the days when such auction will be conducted.
[Code 1962, § 3-5]
Every applicant for any license or permit required by this article shall furnish to the Superintendent of Police satisfactory evidence that he is a suitable person to hold such license or permit and upon such application being approved by the Superintendent of Police shall pay to the Superintendent of Police the fees due thereunder before such license or permit shall be issued. The Superintendent of Police shall issue a license or permit to any applicant whom he finds to be a suitable person to hold the same and shall have power to revoke such license or permit at any time after issuance for cause.
[Code 1962, § 3-6]
Any individual aggrieved by the action of the Superintendent of Police in refusing to issue any license or permit required by this article or in revoking any such license or permit already issued, shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Police Commissioners. Such appeals shall be taken by filing with the Chairman of the Board of Police Commissioners or the City Clerk, within 14 days after notice of the action complained of, a written statement setting forth fully the grounds of appeal. The Chairman of the Board of Police Commissioners shall set a time and place for a hearing on such appeal and notice thereof shall be given to the appellant by registered mail. The appellant shall have the right to be represented at such hearing by counsel. The decision and order of the Board of Police Commissioners on such appeal shall be final and conclusive.