[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Northbridge 9-28-1987. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As the executive board, responsible for the overall leadership and coordination of town affairs, and in order to promote close cooperation among town groups, the Selectmen shall maintain close liaison with selected boards and committees, as well as the departments for which they are directly responsible.
It shall be the responsibility of the Town Administrator to call together all town department heads from time to time to meet for the purpose of promoting communication and cooperation among this group of full-time town employees. The subject matter of these meetings may vary depending on the concerns of those participating.
It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Selectmen to call together the Chairman or their designated representatives of policy and regulatory boards from time to time to meet for the purpose of promoting communication and cooperation among those various town boards, committees or commissions.
The Selectmen will conduct an annual performance review of the Town Administrator, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Town Accountant, Town Counsel and Building Inspector in the month of January.
Department Chairmen shall annually present a report detailing goals accomplished during the previous year and present to the Board of Selectmen goals for the coming fiscal year. Reports shall be written and presented in person and on forms supplied by the Town Administrator's office.[1]
Editor's Note: A copy of the form to be used for department reports is on file in the Selectmen's office and may be inspected there.