[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.9(a); as amended by Ord. No. 2019-02, 9/3/2019; and by Ord. No. 2021-08, 11/16/2021]
This district is designed to provide commercial enterprises which serve the local and traveling public.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.9(b); as amended by Ord. 91-2, 11/4/1991; by Ord. 1997-4, 5/5/1997, § 1; by Ord. 2001-2, 4/17/2001, § 7; and by Ord. 2008-3, 10/6/2008]
All uses permitted in the R-1 and R-2 Residential Districts and the Neighborhood Commercial District (C-1) together with facilities of the general character as set forth below:
Amusement enterprises, including theaters, billiard or pool parlors, bowling alleys, skating rinks, or similar uses or places of assembly; commercial recreation facilities, including racquet clubs, swimming pools, outdoor movies and golf driving ranges.
Clubs and lodges, commercial and civic organizations.
Discount or department stores; shopping centers or malls; florist shops; retail stores for food, drugs, confectionery, hardware, clothing, or household appliances; studios for musicians, artists, or photographers; or pet stores, which may include veterinary services. Gasoline pumps shall be permitted as an ancillary part of the above.
Hotels, motels, residential hotels.
Private schools conducted for gain or profit.
Municipal buildings, municipal uses, firehouses and post offices.
Motor vehicle service stations, motor vehicle dealerships, sales lots and repair shops including body shops and parking garages.
Medical and dental clinics and laboratories.
Banks, businesses and professional offices.
Personal services shops including dancing instruction and dry cleaning.
Railway or bus passenger stations, telegraph offices, and express offices.
Electric and telephone public utility transmission and distribution facilities, including substations, public pumping stations, and reservoirs.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020]
Restaurants; restaurants drive-thru or fast-food, with a minimum equivalent drive-thru queue length of 160 feet, measured from the drive-thru serving window along the center line of the drive-thru queue lane and with sufficient queue length to prevent the obstruction of vehicular movement on adjoining streets or access drives; tea rooms; and cafes serving food or beverages.
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above uses.
Questions regarding usage shall be referred to the Zoning Hearing Board for clarification and interpretation.
See Part 18, § 1807, "Signs Authorized in Commercial Zoning Districts and the Planning Research District," and § 1810, "Billboard Signs."
[Amended by Ord. 2009-3, 9/15/2009, § VI]
Contractors, equipment, sales and service, provided that these types of operation shall be limited to four pieces of above class four vehicles and unlicensed track and/or tired equipment per acre.
Carpenter, cabinet making, furniture repair and upholstery, electricians, metal working, welding shops, plumbing, gas, steam or hot water fitting shops, when these shops are in a completely enclosed building and are primarily assembly plants or sales and service shops and not manufacturing plants, provided that these types of operation shall be limited to four pieces of above class four vehicles unlicensed track and/or tired equipment per acre.
Building supplies provided all material stored within a building, provided that these types of operation shall be limited to four pieces of above class four vehicles and unlicensed track and/or tired equipment per acre.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.9(c); as amended by Ord. 1997-4, 5/5/1997, § 2; by Ord. 2001-2, 4/17/2001, § 7; and by Ord. 2008-3, 10/6/2008]
The above stores, businesses and shops shall be permitted only under the following conditions:
Any of the above activities shall meet all the rules and regulations as set forth by the Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Protection Agency for odor, dust, smoke, noise, vibration or any other similar disturbances.
Processing, manufacturing, shipping or assembling other than incidental to the retail trade with the store or business will not be allowed except for § 902Q, R and S.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2019-02, 9/3/2019; and by Ord. No. 2021-08, 11/16/2021]
Business shall be conducted within the building except for § 902A, B, F, G, L, and N, and when an assemblage of uses set forth in § 902 is a shopping center.
All material for sale in the business shall be stored within the building or in an enclosed seasonal sales area. Building materials, seasonal items and garden supply material on display for sale outside a building in connection with a shopping center is permitted within the parking field so long as material on display is limited to an area equivalent to no more than 8% of the gross square footage of the retail store or 8% of the parking spaces available for customer use, whichever is more restrictive. Areas for the loading, unloading, and staging of material shall not count against this limit when material is intended for indoor display. In addition to the areas permitted above, outside display is also permitted 25 feet around the perimeter of the building as long as this area maintains a four-foot minimum pedestrian accessway, does not block building access points, and is not located within vehicular drive aisles or parking areas. No outside display shall interfere with the safety of vehicular or pedestrian movement. Outside display areas within the parking field shall be designated on the development plan.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.9(d); as amended by Ord. 2008-3, 10/6/2008]
The height of any building shall be limited to 35 feet.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2019-02, 9/3/2019; and by Ord. No. 2021-08, 11/16/2021]
The height of any structure shall not be less than one story.
Except as regulated by Part 20, Airport Zoning Regulations, of this Chapter, the maximum height limitation of this Chapter shall not apply to church spires, cupolas, monuments, silos, domes, or any other structure not intended for human occupancy nor to chimneys, ventilators, skylights, water tanks, or other necessary mechanical appurtenances normally built above the roof level. Such building appurtenances, however, shall be erected only to such height as is necessary to accomplish the purposes they are to serve. Neither shall the maximum height limitations apply to architectural elements (including but not limited to parapet walls, cornices, entrance and building accents), provided that the architectural element is set back an additional foot from all building setback lines for each foot above 35 feet up to a maximum height of 55 feet, and the horizontal width of all architectural elements above 35 feet is no greater than 20% of the linear frontage of the building for each individual tenant.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.9(e); as amended by Ord. No. 2019-02, 9/3/2019; by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020; and by Ord. No. 2021-08, 11/16/2021]
Except with respect to public pumping stations for which the requirements of this section shall not apply, the following yard regulations shall apply:
Front yard: depth 50 feet.
Side yard (two required): 40 feet each side of the principal building. However, no interior side yard shall be required where two or more principal buildings abut side to side on the same parcel.
No party wall shall be permitted between properties of separate ownership.
Abutting structures shall be required to have an unobstructed passage for vehicles and pedestrians of at least 24 feet at intervals of not more than 400 feet.
Rear yard depth: 40 feet.
Buffer yards shall be provided under § 1609, "Yard Regulations."
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.6(f); as amended by Ord. No. 2019-02, 9/3/2019; by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020; by Ord. No. 2021-08, 11/16/2021; by Ord. No. 2024-04, 4/1/2024]
Provided that none of the coverage requirements of this section apply to public pumping stations, the following regulations shall apply:
Except as provided in § 912, building coverage shall be no more than 40% of the total lot area and the paved areas for parking, ingress and egress shall be no more than 50% of the total lot area; provided the total impervious surface of any lot shall be no more than a combined 70% of the lot area, inclusive of building coverage and paved areas.
Except as provided in § 912, at least 20% of the lot area shall be covered with plant material.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.9(g); as amended by Ord. 2001-2, 4/17/2001, § 7]
Parking shall be in accordance with the provisions of Part 19.
Screening and landscaping shall be in accordance with Part 16, § 1609, Subsection 5.
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983, § 12.9(h); as amended by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020]
Except that the requirements of this section shall not apply to public pumping stations, the lot area shall be determined on the basis of yard requirements, coverage, parking, and buffer yard requirements contained in this chapter, however, in no case less than 43,560 square feet (one acre).
[Ord. 1983-4, 12/5/1983; as added by Ord. 1992-3, 10/5/1992, § 6; as amended by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020]
Except that the requirements of this section shall not apply to public pumping stations, the lot width at the front street line, which shall be measured at the right-of-way line and at the building setback line, shall be not less than 100 feet.
[Ord. 2001-2, 4/17/2001, § 7; as amended by Ord. 2008-3, 10/6/2008; by Ord. No. 2019-02, 9/3/2019; by Ord. No. 2020-03, 7/21/2020; by Ord. No. 2021-08, 11/16/2021]
All uses within this zone, with the exception of public pumping stations, shall also comply with the general regulations in Part 16 of this chapter, if applicable, except that the requirements for outdoor lighting as set forth in § 411, Subsection 4, of the Londonderry Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] shall apply to the development of a shopping center pursuant to the C-2 District requirements in lieu of the requirements for outdoor lighting in § 1602, Subsection 3A, B and C.
[Added by Ord. 2008-3, 10/6/2008]
Where the Board of Supervisors has approved land development plans for a shopping center exceeding a total of 200,000 square feet, individual units, buildings or parcels of land within the approved shopping center development may be subdivided, leased, purchased, sold, mortgaged and developed as individual zero-lot-line units with zero-lot setbacks from internal parking and building lines, provided that said lot depiction is shown on an approved land development plan or amendment thereto; and provided, however, that the land development plan for the entire tract at all times shall remain compliant with the development standards applicable to shopping centers exceeding a total of 200,000 square feet and any necessary cross-easements are obtained upon the approval of said easements by the Township Solicitor.
[Ord. No. 2024-04, 4/1/2024[1]]
Authorization and Application Criteria.
Self-storage facilities are authorized by conditional use in the C-2 Commercial District (Shopping Center).
Prior to conditional use approval for the development of land within the C-2 Commercial District, an applicant must submit an application that adequately demonstrates to the Board of Supervisors the following:
The requirements in Chapter 27 (Zoning), including, but not limited to, § 421 (Conditional Uses) and § 422 (Site Plan Requirements) and this section, have been satisfied.
The applicant's site plan conforms with the applicable requirements contained in Chapter 22 (Subdivision and Land Development).
The proposed use is an integral part of the overall plan for development of the site.
Provisions are made for the continuing management, control and maintenance of the site.
Provisions are made to mitigate or limit the impact of traffic, sound, vibration, light, emissions and motor vehicle access to the site on neighboring properties and Township residents.
The site provides for adequate landscaping, buffering and screening to mitigate or limit the site's impacts on neighboring properties and Township residents.
General Requirements and Prohibited Activities.
Self-storage facilities and units shall comply with the following general requirements:
A self-storage facility shall be comprised of a permanent building or buildings, each of which:
Shall be a one-story enclosed structure, the height of which may not exceed 20 feet.
May not exceed 150 feet in length or width, with a maximum floor space per building of 22,500 square feet.
Shall be located in a fenced area with security-controlled access.
Shall consist of individually divided, self-contained, access-controlled self-storage units.
May not be comprised of portable, cargo or freight containers.
Each self-storage unit within a building that comprises the self-storage facility:
Shall be no larger than 500 square feet in area.
Shall be available for rent or lease to individuals, organizations, or businesses having exclusive and independently controlled access to their respective units.
Shall be used solely for the dead storage of tangible personal property and/or the property associated with a business or other organization.
May not be comprised of portable, cargo or freight containers.
The following are expressly prohibited uses and activities in a self-storage facility or unit:
Auctions (except by the lessor in the event of a default), garage sales, commercial, wholesale or retail processing, or manufacturing.
The servicing, repair, construction, reconstruction or fabrication of watercraft, trailers, vehicles, outdoor power equipment, appliances, furniture, products, goods or other items.
The operation of power tools, spray-painting equipment, table saws, lathes, compressors, welding equipment, kilns, or other similar equipment.
The establishment of a transfer and storage business.
Any use that is noxious or offensive because of odors, dust, noise, fumes, vibrations, or other nuisances.
The utilization of a self-storage unit for overnight accommodation.
Research and development testing and other nonstorage activities.
Outdoor storage except as provided herein.
The stockpiling of any material, including, but not limited to, stone, gravel, wood, and other types of construction materials.
Storage of commercial vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,001 pounds or greater (Class 3 or higher).
Storage of heavy-duty construction equipment, including, but not limited to, backhoes, pavers, or loaders with or without a trailer.
Storage of guns, ammunition, weapons and/or illegal drugs.
Storage of hazardous materials, including substances that are toxic, reactive, volatile, flammable or explosive, including, but not limited to, propane, gasoline, and other fuel or storage tanks.
Storage of animals, foods or other perishable items.
The applicant shall demonstrate to the Board of Supervisors that the self-storage facility's rental and/or lease agreements specifically prohibit the uses and activities contained in Subsection 2B.
Site Standards. The requirements contained in Chapter 27 (relating to zoning) shall apply except as provided herein:
Minimum Lot Area. The lot area shall be determined on the basis of yard requirements, coverage, parking, and buffer yard requirements; however, in no case shall a lot area for a self-storage facility be less than four acres.
Impervious Surface. No portion of the lot shall be paved with asphalt, concrete or other substance that prevents infiltration of water within 30 feet from the lot line of a residential use or a residential or agricultural district or within 10 feet from the lot line when abutting a nonresidential/nonagricultural district.
Ingress and Egress.
Access to the site shall be limited to access driveways onto arterial streets, provided that the Board of Supervisors may authorize or require alternative ingress and egress routes when the site has frontage on other streets or abuts a residential use or residential district.
The width of the access driveway entrance shall be a minimum of 30 feet.
Yard and Yard Separation Requirements.
Any yard abutting a public street or any residential use or district shall be landscaped with pervious screening and buffer yards in accordance with the prevailing ordinances and regulations and maintained for its entire length with appropriate vegetative planting materials.
Whenever a self-storage unit facility with a building area equal to or greater than 50,000 square feet abuts a residential use or residential district or a street abutting a residential use or residential district, an earthen berm of not less than six feet in height shall be provided, except that in yard areas that abut wetlands, streams and other natural barriers, the elevated earthen berm requirement may be modified with approval from the Board of Supervisors as part of the conditional use approval. Landscaping shall be provided on the earthen berm.
The property owner is responsible for maintenance of the landscaping.
Screening and Buffering Requirements. Landscape plans, prepared by a landscape architect registered as such in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, shall be submitted as part of the site plan that demonstrates compliance with § 1609, Subsection 5, and the following provisions:
The portion of the lot or tract not used for buildings, other structures or off-street parking space or loading space shall be planted and continually maintained with an all-season ground cover and otherwise landscaped in accordance with a landscape plan approved by the Township.
A minimum perimeter buffer yard may coincide with side or rear yards when abutting a nonresidential/nonagricultural districts.
No principal or accessory building(s) or other structure(s), signs, loading areas, outdoor storage area, parking area, driveway or vehicle circulation road shall be located within any buffer yard.
A completely landscaped visual barrier, or landscape screen, shall be provided and continually maintained within the perimeter buffer.
Landscape screening from adjoining properties and roads shall be provided by an opaque sight barrier as follows:
Two rows of evergreen trees at least six feet in height shall be planted at intervals no greater than 20 feet on center in a buffer area a minimum of 10 feet in width.
Evergreen trees shall be backed by a fence between six feet and eight feet in height.
Shrubs at least three and one-half feet in height and other plant material shall be planted to provide a complete ground cover within the buffer area.
No less than 80% of the required landscape area shall be vegetative in composition.
The rear and side yard perimeter of the facility shall be surrounded along the inside by a fence between six and eight feet in height.
The front yard perimeter shall be secured by a transparent ornamental metal fence, or other fence between six and eight feet in height, with a self-locking security access gate.
No fences or gates shall have razor wire or barbed wire.
Off-Street Parking. The requirements contained in Chapter 22, § 22-608 (Off-Street Parking and Common Area Parking Lots) and Chapter 27, Part 16 (General Regulations), and Part 19 (Off-Street Parking), shall apply except as otherwise provided herein:
If the facility includes an on-site office building, such office shall have off-street parking provided outside the security access gate.
A sufficient number of off-street parking spaces shall be provided to accommodate visitors to the self-storage facility office, if there is such an office, but in no case shall there be fewer than the greater of: (a) three spaces, plus one additional space for each full-time employee; or (b) one parking space for every 200 square feet of net floor area. The net floor area for this purpose shall exclude corridors, stairs, elevators shafts, mechanical rooms or restrooms.
Handicap parking should be clearly labeled and located closest to the office door.
A pedestrian entrance to the secured area of the self-storage facility inside the security access gate shall be provided, which shall be separate from the vehicle entrance.
The vehicle approach and entrance to the secure area of the self-storage facility shall have a minimum seventy-five-foot stacking space.
Interior Layout. The interior layout inside the secure area of the self-storage facility shall meet the following requirements:
Driveway lanes shall be a minimum of 30 feet wide when self-storage units open into one side of the lane only and a minimum of 45 feet when units open into both sides of the lane.
Loading spaces shall be provided adjacent to self-storage units.
Loading spaces may not be rented, used for vehicular storage or to accommodate overnight parking.
Vehicle Storage Requirements. The requirements contained in Chapter 22, § 22-608 (Off-Street Parking and Common Area Parking Lots) and Chapter 27, Part 16 (General Regulations), and Part 19 (Off-Street Parking), shall apply except as otherwise provided herein:
A self-storage facility may allow for the lease or rental of a self-storage unit for the indoor storage of privately owned personal vehicles and Class I and II vehicles that are in good operating and road-worthy condition.
A self-storage facility may allow, as an accessory use to the self-storage facility, the outdoor storage of privately owned personal vehicles and Class I and Class II vehicles that are in good operating and road-worthy condition in accordance with the following requirements:
Each personal or recreational vehicle must be parked in a designated vehicle parking space within the secure access-controlled area.
The number of vehicle parking spaces shall not exceed 10% of the total number of storage units within the self-storage facility. For example, if there are 100 self-storage units in the self-storage facility, no more than 10 outdoor vehicle parking spaces shall be permitted.
Shrink wrap or vehicle covers may be used to cover or winterize a vehicle stored outdoors at a self-storage facility, provided that such shrink wrap or vehicle covers are in good shape and securely fastened at all points.
Editor's Note: Former § 912, Conditional Uses, added by Ord. No. 2019-02, 9/3/2019, was repealed by Ord. No. 2021-08, 11/16/2021.