An application filed with the Village pursuant to Section 9-1-5 of this Code for a scavenger shall include, in addition to the requirements set forth in Section 9-1-5 of this Code, proof that the applicant has adequate and sufficient equipment and personnel to operate the proposed business.
It shall be the duty of every scavenger, and his or her agents and employees, who has contracted or undertaken to remove any diseased or dead animal, offal, rubbish, garbage, dirt, street sweepings or other filthy, offensive or noxious substance, or is engaged in any such removal or in the loading or unloading of any such substance, to do the same with dispatch and in every particular in a manner as cleanly and free from offense and with as little danger and prejudice to life and health as possible.
Each scavenger shall cause all dirt, mud, gravel, and other debris to be cleaned regularly from all sidewalks, alleys and streets adjoining, and in the area of any property on which the scavenger engages in the business of scavenger, no later than 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and by 12:00 noon on Saturdays, on every day on which the scavenger engages in such business on that property.
All of the offensive matters described in this Article 11 shall under no circumstances be disposed of in any public dump or public place within the Village, nor in any manner or place except as described by the Village Manager or his or her designee.
The Community Development Department and the Village Manager or his or her designee shall enforce the provisions of this Article 11, and shall issue such reasonable orders in connection with the carrying on of the business of a licensed scavenger as it deems necessary to protect the health of the public. It shall be the duty of such licensed scavengers to comply with such orders and to perform the work required of them in such a way that no nuisance will be created thereby.