In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the Benton Code of Ordinances have been included in the 2013 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. II.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Title/Chapter From Benton Code
Location in 2013 Code
Title 1, General Provisions for Use of Code of Ordinances
Ch. 1, Use and Construction of Code of Ordinances
Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. 2, Use of Citations
Ch. 29
Ch. 3, Schedule of Fees
Ch. 173
Title 2, Government and Administration
Ch. 1, Village Government and Elections
Ch. 35
Ch. 2, Village Board
Ch. 91
Ch. 3, Municipal Officers and Employees
Ch. 66
Ch. 4, Boards, Commissions and Committees
Ch. 23
Ch. 5, Ethics Code
Ch. 44
Ch. 6, Grievances Regarding Access to Public Buildings, Programs, Services and Employment
Ch. 7
Title 3, Finance and Public Records
Ch. 1, Finance
Ch. 48
Ch. 2, Special Assessments
Ch. 18, Art. I
Ch. 3, Public Records
Ch. 84
Ch. 4, Disposal of Lost, Abandoned and Surplus Property
Sec. 3-4-1, Disposal of Surplus Village Property
Ch. 77, Art. I
Sec. 3-4-2, Lost and Abandoned Property
Ch. 77, Art. II
Title 4, Administrative Review Procedures
Ch. 1, Review of Administrative Determinations
Ch. 12
Title 5, Public Safety
Ch. 1, Law Enforcement
Ch. 72
Ch. 2, Fire Protection
Ch. 53
Ch. 3, Fire Prevention Code; Hazardous Materials
Ch. 179
Ch. 4, Regulation of Private Alarm Systems
Ch. 105
Ch. 5, Emergency Government
Ch. 40
Title 6, Public Works
Ch. 1, Grades
Ch. 288, Art. I
Ch. 2, Streets, Sidewalks and Terrace Areas
Ch. 288, Art. II
Ch. 3, Regulation of Underground Utilities
Ch. 288, Art. III
Ch. 4, Trees and Shrubs
Ch. 303
Ch. 5, Parks and Recreation
Ch. 236
Title 7, Licensing and Regulation
Ch. 1, Licensing of Dogs and Regulation of Animals
Ch. 115, Art. I
Ch. 2, Fermented Malt beverages and Intoxicating Liquor
A, Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquor
Ch. 200, Art. I
B, Operator's License
Ch. 200, Art. II
C, Penalties
Ch. 200, Arts. I and II
Ch. 3, Cigarette Licensing
Ch. 148
Ch. 4, Transient Merchants
Ch. 297
Ch. 5, Regulation and Licensing of Fireworks
Ch. 184
Ch. 6, Street Use Permits
Ch. 288, Art. IV
Ch. 7, Amusement Devices and Amusement Parlors
Ch. 111
Ch. 8, Licensees to Pay Local Claims; Appellate Procedures
Ch. 214, Art. I
Title 8, Health and Sanitation
Ch. 1, Health and Sanitation
Ch. 194
Ch. 2, Pollution Abatement
Ch. 245
Title 9, Public Utilities
Ch. 1, Electric and Water Utility Regulations and Rates
Ch. 160
Ch. 2, User Charges and Sewer Use
Ch. 263, Part 1
Ch. 3, Cable Communications (Cable Television)
Ch. A400
Ch. 4, Miscellaneous Utilities Regulations
Sec. 9-4-1, Water and Sewer Utilities
Ch. 330, Art. I
Sec. 9-4-2, Fluoridation of Water Supply
Ch. 330, Art. II
Sec. 9-4-3, Private Well Abandonment
Repealed by Ord. No. 01-10; see now Ch. 337, Art. II
Sec. 9-4-4, Cross-Connection Control
Repealed by Ord. No. 04-02; see now Ch. 330, Art. III
Sec. 9-4-5, Collection of Electric/Water/Sewer/Refuse Utility Charges
Ch. 309
Sec. 9-4-6, Wellhead Protection
Ch. 337, Art. I
Title 10, Land Use
Ch. 1, Zoning Code
Ch. 390
Ch. 2, Floodplain Zoning
Superseded by Ord. No. 08-01; see now Ch. 356
Ch. 3, Shoreland-Wetland Zoning
Ch. 385
Ch. 4, Solar Access
Ch. 276
Ch. 5, Official Map
Ch. 378
Ch. 6, Land Division Regulations
Ch. 371
Ch. 7, Building Code
Superseded by Ord. No. 04-04; see now Ch. 130
Ch. 8, Erosion, Sediment and Water Runoff Control
Ch. 350
Ch. 9, Driveways
Superseded by Ord. No. 03-02; see now Ch. 154
Ch. 10, Maintenance of Property
Ch. 252, Art. I
Title 11, Offenses and Nuisances
Ch. 1, State Statutes Adopted
Ch. 240, Art. I
Ch. 2, Offenses Against Public Safety and Peace
Ch. 240, Art. II
Ch. 3, Offenses Against Property
Ch. 240, Art. III
Ch. 4, Offenses Involving Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 200, Art. III
Ch. 5, Offenses by Juveniles
Ch. 205
Ch. 6, Public Nuisances
Ch. 229, Art. I
Ch. 7, Fair Housing
Ch. 167
Ch. 8, Hazardous and Unsightly Materials on Property
Sec. 11-8-1, Junked Vehicles and Appliances on Private Property
Ch. 252, Art. II
Sec. 11-8-2, Unhealthy, Hazardous or Unsightly Materials on Public or Private Property
Ch. 252, Art. III
Title 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 1, Traffic and Parking
Ch. 320
Ch. 2, Bicycles and Play Vehicles
Ch. 122
Ch. 3, Snowmobiles
Ch. 271
Ch. 4, All-Terrain Vehicles and Off-Road Motor Vehicle Operation
Ch. 324
Ch. 5, Abandoned Vehicles
Repealed by Ord. No. 05-02; see now Ch. 315