All codes, laws, ordinances or part of same in conflict herewith are repealed.
The invalidity of any section, clause, sentence or provision of this chapter shall not affect the validity of any part of this chapter which can be given effect without such invalid part or parts.
This chapter shall be effective 30 days after enactment.
Article IX, §§ 567-57 and § 567-58 shall be effective 30 days after enactment.
The standards herein are based upon available scientific and engineering considerations which may be revised as experience indicates. However, damages may nevertheless still occur within the state limits. This chapter shall not create liability on the City of Canandaigua, any officer, or employee thereof for damages that result from compliance or noncompliance with this chapter, or any administrative decision lawfully made or not made thereunder.
Further, compliance or noncompliance with this chapter is not intended nor shall it be construed to preclude a separate civil action for any actual damages caused by persons or property injured by those persons emitting such chemicals or offensive materials which result in such damages.