[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Easton 3-25-1980 as Title IX of the 1980 Code of Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There shall continue to be a Park and Recreation Commission, consisting of seven members, not more than five of whom shall be from the same political party. Each such member shall be appointed to a term of three years.
The Commission shall have full and exclusive power to make rules and bylaws for the transaction of its business and to appoint or employ such supervisors or employees as it may deem necessary and shall prescribe and define their respective duties and shall fix and regulate compensation to be paid to the persons to be employed by the Commission, subject to the approval of the Board of Finance as to the amount of any such compensation.
Said Commission shall have the care, management and control of:
All public parks and grounds used for park purposes and all structures therein and all recreational facilities therein, whether now owned or hereafter acquired by said Town of Easton, and all Town-owned greens, monuments and abandoned cemeteries.
Such other public grounds and public recreational facilities as may from time to time be delegated to said Commission by the Town of Easton.
Said Commission shall encourage and promote coordinated action among volunteer groups and agencies in the Town interested in recreational activities.
Said Commission shall have the power to make and alter from time to time all needful rules and regulations for the maintenance and order, safety and decency within the parks and other areas and facilities under its care, management and control and to prescribe penalties for disobedience thereof.
Said Commission shall consider the acceptance of gifts, donations, legacies or devises of property, both real and personal, for park and recreation purposes and recommend the acceptance or rejection thereof to the Town.
Said Park and Recreation Commission shall make an annual report to the Town of its activities.
All expenditures of said Commission shall be approved by a majority of the members present at a duly held meeting, and all checks or orders for the payment thereof shall be signed by either the Chair, the Vice Chair or Secretary of the Commission and by the First Selectman.