Cross Reference—As to appointment, see §115.020.
The Collector shall, annually, at such times as may be designated by ordinance, make a detailed report to the Board of Aldermen, stating the various monies collected by him/her during the year, and the amounts uncollected and the names of the persons from which he/she failed to collect and the causes therefor.
The Board of Aldermen shall require the Collector, at the first meeting of the Board in April of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, to make out, under oath, lists of delinquent taxes remaining due and uncollected for each year, to be known as "the Land and Lot Delinquent List" and "the Personal Delinquent List".
The Board of Aldermen, at the meeting at which the delinquent lists are returned or as soon as may be thereafter, shall examine the lists carefully, and if it appear that all property and taxes contained in the lists are properly returned as delinquent, the Board shall approve the lists, enter a record thereof in the journal and credit the amount thereof to the account of the City Collector.
The Board shall return the delinquent lists to the Collector, charging him/her therewith, and he/she shall proceed to collect the same in the same manner as provided by law for State and County taxes.