[HISTORY: Adopted by the Lewiston Town Board 3-8-1976 by L.L. No. 2-1976 (Ch. 21C of the 1965 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 300.
This chapter shall be known as the "Town of Lewiston General Specifications."
In order to regulate public improvement construction throughout the Town of Lewiston and to protect the health and safety of the residents of the Town by ensuring safe, good-quality public improvement construction, this chapter adopts, by reference, the Town of Lewiston General Specifications, dated February 20, 1976, for the contracting for and for construction, installation, erection, alteration or addition of, to or for any public improvements or their appurtenances, including but not limited to pavement, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, waterlines, curbing and sidewalks. At least three copies of the Town of Lewiston General Specifications have been and now are filed in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Lewiston and the same is hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this chapter shall take effect the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the Town of Lewiston outside any incorporated village.
Amendments. The Town Board of the Town of Lewiston may from time to time, by its resolution, after a public hearing duly called and held, add, amend, modify or delete any of the provisions, terms or requirements set forth in the said Town of Lewiston General Specifications where it is deemed that the enforcement of the letter of the said specifications would cause undue and extreme hardship.
Waiver. The Town Board of the Town of Lewiston may waive any of the requirements set forth in the said specifications where it is deemed, after a public hearing duly called and held, that the enforcement of the letter of the said specifications would cause undue hardship.
Copies of the Town of Lewiston General Specifications, including the latest additions, amendments, modifications or deletions, shall be available to the public, at cost, at the Lewiston Town Hall and at any other location which the Town Board deems fit.