[Added 11-12-2013 by Ord. No. 504]
Any conditional use permit granted for the operation of a meat processing facility in the C-1 or C-2 Zone Districts shall, in addition to the requirements of Article XXVIII, be subject to the following standards:
Receipt of and maintaining at all times all applicable licenses from Wyoming Consumer Health Services or other applicable governmental agencies required for operation of a meat processing facility.
Receipt of written approval for discharge into Town sewer from Town Department of Public Works or Engineer.
Off-street loading/unloading area available for facility.
The zone lot on which a facility is located shall not abut any residential zoning.
The conditional use permit shall require the following:
All animal waste products shall be disposed of daily.
No storage of animals or parts of animals outside the facility structure, unless inside a container approved by the Town.
All associated business activities, other than loading/unloading, must take place completely inside the facility structure.
A violation of the terms of the conditional use permit shall be grounds for the revocation of the permit by the Town Council after notice to the holder of the permit.