[CC 1997 §17-16; Ord. No. 1184 §2, 7-1-1997; Ord. No. 59-2008 §17-16, 8-12-2008]
All applicants for City water service, prior to being furnished such service, must deposit with the City Clerk the sum set out below, or twice that sum for each water service connection to a dwelling or other structure located entirely outside the City limits (regardless of whether any part of the parcel on which the dwelling or other structure is located is partially inside the City limits), to be known as a water security deposit:
Type of Establishment
Water Security Deposit
Single-family residential unit
Multi-family residential unit (per unit)
Resort, timeshare, motel (per unit)
Barber and beauty shop
Grocery or convenience store
Medical clinic
Laundry, restaurant
All other commercial or industrial users
Twice monthly estimated bill
Car wash
The greater of $400.00 or twice monthly estimated bill
All or any portion of the water security deposit may be applied by the City Clerk or utility Clerk at the time any bill owed by the customer becomes delinquent or at the termination of service.
[CC 1997 §17-17]
The deposit required by Section 705.150 (known as a service charge) shall be refunded, without interest, at the termination of service, after all charges that may be due and payable by the customer have been paid.
[CC 1997 §17-18; Ord. No. 1227 §17-18, 2-24-1999; Ord. No. 59-2008 §17-18, 8-12-2008]
Any applicant for water service, or any current customer receiving water service from the City, who desires to connect to the City's water system, or who desires a new or additional connection to the City's water system, shall first pay to the City a connection fee equal to one thousand three hundred fifty dollars ($1,350.00) per inch of line to be connected, if the water meter to be installed is larger than a three-fourths (¾) inch meter. If the water meter to be installed is the standard three-fourths (¾) inch meter, the applicant shall first pay to the City a six hundred fifty dollar ($650.00) connection fee. The connection fee is non-refundable and shall be in addition to the deposit required by Section 705.150 and any other special fees, costs or assessments set out by the City. This does not pertain to developments who have, as of this date, submitted plats and received approval.
Outside City Limits. For each water connection to a dwelling or other structure located entirely outside the City limits (regardless of whether any part of the parcel on which the dwelling or other structure is located is partially inside the City limits), the water service connection fee will be two (2) times the water service connection fee for users within the City limits.
[CC 1997 §17-19; Ord. No. 1134 §1(20-19), 7-9-1996; Ord. No. 114-2011, 9-13-2011; Ord. No. 14-2013, 11-12-2013; Ord. No. 7-2014, 11-18-2014; Ord. No. 13-2015, 12-8-2015; Ord. No. 13-2016, 12-13-2016; Ord. No. 4-2017, 9-12-2017; Ord. No. 8-2018, 10-9-2018; Ord. No. 6-2019, 9-10-2019; Ord. No. 8-2020,[1] 9-22-2020]
The rates for water users within the City shall be as follows:
First 2,000 gallons or less used per month
All over 2,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons or any fraction thereof
Editor's Note: This ordinance shall be effective for October usage with a billing date of November 1, so that proration (which would necessitate reading water meters twice in one month) is not required.
[CC 1997 §17-20; Ord. No. 1134 §2(20-20), 7-9-1996; Ord. No. 114-2011, 9-13-2011; Ord. No. 14-2013, 11-12-2013; Ord. No. 7-2014, 11-18-2014; Ord. No. 13-2015, 12-8-2015; Ord. No. 13-2016, 12-13-2016; Ord. No. 4-2017, 9-12-2017; Ord. No. 8-2018, 10-9-2018; Ord. No. 6-2019, 9-10-2019; Ord. No. 8-2020,[1] 9-22-2020]
The rates for water users outside the City shall be as follows:
First 2,000 gallons or less used per month
All over 2,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons or any fraction thereof
Editor's Note: This ordinance shall be effective for October usage with a billing date of November 1, so that proration (which would necessitate reading water meters twice in one month) is not required.
[CC 1997 §17-22]
All bills for water service furnished by the City shall be due and payable on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the month during which the water was furnished.
[CC 1997 §17-23]
All bills for water service furnished by the City remaining unpaid after the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the month for which said bills are issued shall be considered delinquent and a penalty charge in an amount of twenty percent (20%) shall be added thereto.
[CC 1997 §17-24]
The City Clerk shall make a list of all bills for water service furnished by the City remaining unpaid on the twentieth (20th) day of the month following the month for which said bills are used, and a copy thereof shall be delivered to one (1) of the linemen in the employ of the City for the purpose of disconnecting within a three (3) day period water service. No notice shall be necessary to any customer that his/her water service will be disconnected after said twenty (20) day period has elapsed.
[CC 1997 §17-25]
Any consumer of water furnished by the City whose service has been discontinued because of delinquency in the payment of his/her account shall not have said service renewed until the total amount of his/her account plus a reconnection charge of forty-five dollars ($45.00) has been paid to the City.
[CC 1997 §17-26]
Water service will be discontinued to any water user or property on account of temporary vacancy of such property upon written request of the water user, without in any way affecting the agreement in force, and upon payment of all charges due as provided in the rules and regulations of the City.
In the event that water service is discontinued for any reason other than the temporary vacancy of the property, then reconnection shall be made only in the event that all previously unpaid bills, plus ten percent (10%) interest thereon, shall be paid before reconnection shall be allowed for such water user or property.
In the event that an applicant for water services has purchased or otherwise acquired the property and holds title thereto and the previous landowner had discontinued water service other than because of the temporary vacancy thereof, said applicant shall not be required to pay the above reconnection charge as a result of the conduct or actions of the previous landowner, but shall be required to pay only the standard deposit and connection charges.
In the case of a water user who had been discontinued from the system for a reason other than the vacancy of the property, then such water user or landowner shall pay a reconnection charge of forty-five dollars ($45.00) for reconnecting said property to the system of the City.
Except in the case of failure of the water user to pay the bill owed the City for water service as set forth in these rules and regulations, the City will not discontinue the service of any water user for violation of any rule or regulation of the City without written notice as provided in Section 705.220, mailed to such customer at his/her address as shown upon the City's records, or personally delivered to the water user what rule has been violated for which service will be discontinued if the violation is permitted to continue. Provided however, that where misrepresentation of use of water is detected, or where the City's regulating or measuring equipment has been tampered with, or where a dangerous condition is found to exist on the water user's premises, service may be shut off without notice in advance. Subject to the foregoing provisions, service rendered under any application, contract or agreement may be discontinued by the City for any of the following reasons:
For willful or indifferent waste of water due to any cause.
For failure to protect from injury or damage the meter connections, or for failure to protect and maintain the service pipe, or fixtures on the property of the water user (or the property occupied by the water user) in a condition satisfactory to the City.
For molesting or tampering by the water user, or others with the knowledge of the water user, with any meter, connection, service pipe, curb cock, seal, valve or any other appliances of the City's controlling or regulating the water user's water supply.
For failure to provide the City's employees free and reasonable access to the property supplied, or for obstructing the way of ingress to the meter or other appliances controlling or regulating the water user's water supply.
For non-payment of any account for water supplied for water service, or for meter or service maintenance, or for any other fee or charge accruing under these rules and regulations, and the rate schedule of the City.
In case of vacancy of the premises.
For violation of any rules and regulations of the City.
For any practice or act prohibited by the Missouri Division of Health.
For failure to allow any City employee, officer, agent, or representative the right to inspect the water user's premises for any purpose set forth in these rules and regulations.
The discontinuance of the supply of water to a property for any reason shall not prevent the City from pursuing any lawful remedy by action at law or otherwise for the collection of monies due from the water user or property owner.
Water will not be turned on the to any property unless there is at least one (1) adult person therein at such time to see that all water outlets in the premises are closed and no leaks are apparent to prevent damage by escaping water.
Only an employee, officer or agent of the City may turn on water and all applicants and water users are expressly forbidden to do so.