[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Thornbury 11-19-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-2. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Peace and good order — See Ch. 89.
The rules and regulations established in this chapter are designed to supplement the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Fireworks Act, codified at 35 P.S. §§ 1271 to 1278, and to regulate the use of fireworks for commercial purposes in Thornbury Township.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
Includes all fireworks supervised or sponsored by any business, commercial enterprise, any nonprofit organization, club, etc., whether or not a fee is charged by the sponsor.
A natural person who or business entity which is currently registered with the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pursuant to 35 P.S. § 1276.2.
Any combustible or explosive composition or any substance or combination of substances intended to produce visible and/or audible effects by combustion and which is suitable for use by the public that complies with the construction, performance, composition and labeling requirements promulgated by the Consumer Products Safety Commission in 16 CFR (relating to commercial practices) or any successor regulation and which complies with the provisions for "consumer fireworks" as defined in the American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) Standard 87-1, or any successor standard.
The term does not include devices as "ground and hand-held sparkling devices," "novelties" and "toy caps" in APA Standard 87-1, the sale, possession and use of which shall be permitted at all times throughout this Commonwealth.
Large fireworks designed primarily to produce visible or audible effects by combustion, deflagration, or detonation. This term includes, but is not limited to, salutes containing more than 2 grains (130mg) of explosive material, aerial shells containing more than 80 grams of pyrotechnic compositions, and other display pieces, which exceed the limits of explosive materials for classification as "consumer fireworks." This term also includes fused set pieces containing components, which together exceed 50mg of salute powder.
Any composition or device designed to produce a visible or audible effect by combustion, deflagration, or detonation, and which meets the definition of "consumer fireworks" or "display fireworks."
The statute enacted by the Pennsylvania General Assembly to regulate fireworks which is codified at 35 P.S. §§ 1271 to 1278, as amended.
A person who has received a permit from the Township pursuant to this chapter to discharge fireworks in the Township.
Any natural person, corporation, partnership, joint venture, sole proprietorship, firm, association and any other entity of whatever type.
Those attorneys' fees incurred by the Township in bringing an action to enforce this chapter which shall be at that hourly rate annually approved by the Board of Supervisors for the Township Solicitor.
The business or individual that arranges for a fireworks display, and the owner of the property on which the display will take place if those two persons/entities are not identical.
Except as provided in § 81-4 hereof, it shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter for any person to conduct or permit, or associated with for a commercial purpose, a display of fireworks in Thornbury Township. Any person who violates this chapter shall be subject to the penalty provisions of § 81-9.
A permit shall be required for displays of consumer fireworks and displays of display fireworks.
Applications for permits shall be made on forms supplied by the Township and shall be accompanied by a filing fee as established annually by the Board of Supervisors by resolution.
Applications must be received at least 21 days prior to the date for the proposed fireworks display.
The Township Fire Marshal, or other Township official appointed by the Board of Supervisors for this purpose, shall review the application and shall issue a permit or provide written notice of denial within seven calendar days based on the permit issuance requirements set forth in § 81-5.
A permit will be granted to an applicant, provided that the permit application meets the following requirements:
The application is complete and the applicable fees have been paid;
If the fireworks to be used are display fireworks, the permittee is registered with the Commonwealth Attorney General as required by 35 P.S. § 1276.2;
[Amended 12-16-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-3]
The permittee has submitted proof of insurance as required by § 81-6 herein;
Any use of display fireworks, will be supervised by an approved competent operator; and
[Amended 12-16-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-3]
Proper precautions have been or will be taken to assure that the public display shall not be hazardous to or endanger any person or property. Evidence showing that the display will be conducted in accordance with NFPA 1123 shall be sufficient to meet this standard.
The sponsor of the public fireworks display shall be responsible for, and shall be available to, clean up, retrieve or otherwise secure any trash, spent shells, or other residual materials resulting from the display of the fireworks, whether said materials are located on the sponsor's property or property of adjoining residents, with permission from such property owners. For purposes of fire protection on and off the sponsor's property, the sponsor shall have a fire truck standing by on site during all fireworks displays.
A permit granted pursuant to this section shall not be transferable nor shall it be extended beyond the date set forth in the permit except for weather delays in accordance with 35 P.S. § 1274.
The sponsor shall furnish to the Township, annually, but in no event less than 14 days prior to a display, a certificate of insurance to cover potential damage caused either to persons or property on or off the sponsor's property due to the display, which shall be in the amount of $2,000,000, issued by a Best's A-rated or higher insurance company and listing the Township as an additional insured. Additionally, no later than the date upon which the above-described certificate of insurance is furnished by the sponsor to the Township, the sponsor shall execute an indemnification form prepared by the Township Solicitor in which the sponsor agrees to indemnify the Township from any damages, judgments, claims, causes of action, demands, suits and the like brought against or sought from the Township by any person as a result of the sponsor's fireworks display.
Any person affected by a decision of the Township Fire Marshal, or other official designated by the Board of Supervisors to grant or deny a permit pursuant to this chapter, shall have the right to appeal to the Township Manager provided that a written application for appeal is filed within seven days after the day the decision, notice or permit was issued. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the provisions of this chapter or state law have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this chapter do not fully apply or the requirements of this chapter are adequately satisfied by other means.
Unfired fireworks and trash remaining after the display is concluded shall be immediately collected and disposed of in an approved, safe manner.
Any person violating or permitting the violation of this chapter shall, upon being found liable therefor, pay a fine of not more than $1,000 nor less than $300, together with court costs and reasonable attorneys fees. Each section or provision of this chapter that is violated shall constitute a separate violation, and each day of violation shall constitute a separate violation.
The Township Fire Marshal, and/or the Township police, and the Pennsylvania State Police are authorized to enforce this chapter and have authority to seize, take, remove or cause to be removed, at the expense of the owner, all fireworks held in violation of this chapter or the Fireworks Act.