Editor's Note — Under the authority contained in Article VI, Section 30, Mo. Constitution of 1945, the voters of St. Louis County and of the City of St. Louis authorized the formation of the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (which includes Richmond Heights) which has exclusive jurisdiction over sanitary and stormwater sewer systems.
[CC 1984 §22-1; Rev. M.C. 1963 §9.01; Ord. No. 3140 §22-1]
All premises shall be connected to the sanitary sewer to take care of all the sanitary waste of such premises.
[CC 1984 §22-2; Rev. M.C. 1963 §9.01; Ord. No. 3140 §22-2]
The use of septic tanks on any premises is prohibited.
[CC 1984 §22-3; Rev. M.C. 1963 §9.03; Ord. No. 3140 §22-3]
No person shall deposit or throw into any sewer or sewer inlet or any private drain connecting any public or joint district sewer any waste, produce or material of manufacture, manure or garbage, or any substance which may cause any sewer to choke up or which may cause a nuisance.
Cross References — As to disorderly conduct, see §215.310; as to trash and debris — prohibitions, see §215.530.
[CC 1984 §22-4; Ord. No. 3140 §22-3.1; Ord. No. 3620 §1, 12-17-1979; Ord. No. 4235 §13, 9-6-1988]
No person, firm or corporation shall develop, pave or in any way alter the nature and properties of the ground surface of any tract of land in the City which will tend to affect the stormwater runoff without having first secured approval of such development, pavement or alteration from the City Manager or his/her designee.
The City Manager shall adopt, and may from time to time amend, rules and regulations concerning stormwater runoff. Whenever such rules and regulations have been adopted, the enforcement of such rules and regulations for the best interest of the City shall be the responsibility of the Street Superintendent.
[Ord. No. 4734 §§1 — 3, 5-3-1999; Ord. No. 5520, 9-5-2023[1]]
The City of Richmond Heights does hereby levy and impose an annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) on all residential property having six (6) or less dwelling units to provide the funds to pay the cost of certain repairs of defective lateral sewer service lines of those dwelling units, to be collected by St. Louis County via the annual St. Louis County Real Estate Property Tax Bill.
The funds collected shall be deposited in the established special account to be used solely for the purpose of paying for all or a portion of the costs reasonably associated with and necessary to administer and carry out the defective lateral sewer service line repairs. All interest generated on deposited funds shall be accrued to the special account established for the repair of lateral sewer service lines.
The appropriate City Officers are authorized and directed to establish a special trust fund to be known as the Sewer Lateral Repair Program, from which fund expenditures may be made as deemed necessary or advisable for certain repairs to defective lateral sewer lines.
Editor's Note: The increase in the sewer lateral fee was approved by a majority of the electorate 4-2-2013 with a maximum of $50.00.