[Code 1999 Schedule II; Ord. No. 148 § 40, 12-7-1956; Ord. No. 371 § 1, 11-10-1983; Ord. No. 382 §§ 1—2, 12-27-1984; Ord. No. 384 § 1, 5-23-1985; Ord. No. 410 § 1, 10-27-1988; Ord. No. 775, 2-27-2020]
In accordance with Section 365.030, and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle at any time within the district or upon any of the streets or parts of streets as follows:
Clinton Avenue (Business Route 60), north and south sides:
From Main Avenue east to the easterly boundary of the Seymour School RII school property.
No parking at any time
Division Street:
Between Clinton Street and Steel Street
No parking at any time
Between Summit Street (K Highway) and Clinton Street
No parking at any time
U.S. Highway 60:
Prohibited parking on the following portions within City limits:
At Division Street within 500 feet of any of the four corners at the intersection of Division Street and U.S. Highway 60.
No parking at any time
From the westerly right-of-way of State Highway "K" at its intersection with U.S. Highway 60 west 500 feet on the southerly side of U.S. Highway 60.
No parking at any time
Truck parking (truck being 25 feet or longer, including length of any trailer attached to or attachable to a towing vehicle):
Commercial Street:
Between Clinton Street and Market Street
No parking at any time
Between Washington Street and Summit Street
No parking at any time
Market Street:
Between Commercial Street and Frances Street
No parking at any time
Washington Street:
Between Commercial Street and Frances Street
No parking at any time
South Water Street:
Between East Washington and South Street
No parking at any time
North Frances Street:
[Ord. No. 833, 9-15-2022]
Between Clinton Avenue and Steel Street
No parking at any time
North Charles Street:
[Ord. No. 839, 2-9-2023]
Between Clinton Avenue and Center Avenue
No parking at any time