[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of East Hampton as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 2-6-2014 by L.L. No. 1-2014]
Pursuant to § 8-804 of the New York State Village Law, the Village Board of the Village of East Hampton is empowered to adopt and make rules and regulations for the examination, hearing, investigation and determination of charges made or preferred against any member or members of the police force of the East Hampton Village Police Department (hereinafter "member").
The purpose of this article is to provide rules and regulations for examination, hearing, investigation and determination of charges made or preferred against members of the police force of the East Hampton Village Police Department, in accordance with § 8-804 of the New York State Village Law.
These rules and regulations are intended to comply with applicable provisions of law, including the Village Law of the State of New York. Except as expressly stated herein, and as stated in the rules and regulations of the East Hampton Village Police Department, as the Village may from time to time prescribe, the Village hereby adopts and incorporates by reference the procedures set forth in § 8-804 of the New York State Village Law for examination, hearing, investigation and determination of charges made or preferred against any member or members of the police force of the East Hampton Police Department.
For purposes of these rules and regulations, subject to the provisions of § 8-804 of the New York State Village Law or other applicable law, the Village Board has the power to discipline any member or members of the police force of the East Hampton Police Department found guilty upon written charges, after eight days' notice and an opportunity to be heard in his or her defense, of neglect or dereliction in the performance of official duty, or violation of rules and regulations, or disobedience, or incompetency to perform official duty, or an act of delinquency seriously affecting his or her general character or fitness for office, by the following disciplinary actions:
Suspension, without pay, not to exceed 20 days, provided that the Village Board shall have the power to suspend any member or members, without pay, for a period not exceeding 30 days pending trial of disciplinary charges.
Removal from one's title and reduction into a lower title if one exists.
Except as otherwise provided, no member or members of the police force of the East Hampton Police Department shall be fined, reprimanded, suspended, removed or dismissed until written charges shall have been examined, heard and investigated in such manner or procedure, practice, examination and investigation as the Village Board may by rules and regulations from time to time prescribe.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no charges shall be commenced more than three years after the occurrence of the alleged neglect or dereliction in the performance of official duty, or violation of rules and regulations, or disobedience, or incompetency to perform official duty, or an act of delinquency seriously affecting his or her general character or fitness for office, complained of and described in the charges; provided, however, that such limitation shall not apply where the aforementioned conduct complained of and described in the charges would, if proven in a court of appropriate jurisdiction, constitute a crime.
Any member or members of the police force of the East Hampton Village Police Department served with charges shall have the right to request a hearing of such charges. The request for a hearing must be made in writing and received by the Village Administrator, or such other person designated by the Village Board to accept a request for a hearing on disciplinary charges, within eight days of the service of the charges.
The Village Board shall have the power to suspend any member or members, without pay, for a period not exceeding 30 days pending trial of disciplinary charges. If any member so suspended shall not be convicted by the Village Board of any of the charges preferred, he or she shall be entitled to full pay from the date of suspension, notwithstanding such charges and suspension.
Following receipt of a request for a hearing on the charges, the Village Board will appoint a hearing officer who will conduct the hearing.
Except as otherwise provided herein, all hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures contained in § 8-804 of the New York State Village Law. The hearing of the charges shall be private, unless the member specifically requests a public hearing in writing. The member shall have the right to be represented by counsel or representative at such hearing. Any and all witnesses shall testify under oath. Compliance with technical rules of evidence shall not be required in such hearing.
The hearing officer is to hear all testimony and review all evidence and shall issue a report, in writing, containing recommended findings of fact and a recommended disciplinary penalty, if applicable, to the Village Board.
After review, the Village Board may accept or reject, in whole or in part, the recommended findings of fact and/or the recommended disciplinary penalty, if applicable. The Village Board shall make a final determination of the charges alleged in the notice of discipline, and, where applicable, shall impose any penalty consistent with the New York State Village Law.
In accordance with § 8-806 of the New York State Village Law, the conviction of such member or members shall be subject to review by the Supreme Court in the judicial district in which the Village is located, in the manner provided by Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules on the ground that said conviction is illegal, provided the proceeding is commenced within 60 days after the conviction.
If any part or provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is adjudged invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the part or provision or application directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered and shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of this article or the application thereof to any other persons or circumstances, and the Village Board of the Village of East Hampton hereby declares that it would have passed this article or the remainder thereof had such invalid application or provision been apparent at the time of enactment. The Village Board further hereby declares that should any part or provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstance be adjudged invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, that it is the intention of the Village Board that such part, provision or application be governed by the applicable provisions of the Village Law and/or the civil service provisions of § 8-806 of the New York State Village Law.
[Adopted 10-15-2021 by L.L. No. 26-2021]
The Village of East Hampton hereby establishes the position of Village constables, members of which shall be authorized to act in the capacity of peace officers pursuant to the provisions of Criminal Procedure Law § 2.10(1). Village constables shall have the powers and the responsibilities consistent and generally associated with peace officers in the State of New York, including but not necessarily limited to:
Patrolling the Village by foot or vehicle, noting violations of New York State and local laws, codes, and ordinances within the Village;
Answering calls for assistance within the Village in connection with automobile accidents, other accidents, emergency situations, and all other situations requiring action or intervention;
Directing pedestrian and vehicular traffic at scenes of accident, fires, public assemblages and at busy thoroughfares and intersections within the Village;
Answering questions for and directs the public;
Making reports of activities as required;
Investigating complaints and reports of violations of New York State laws and regulations, and Village and local laws and regulations, for investigation, and issuing summonses or appearance tickets to violators when sufficient evidence exists;
Directing pedestrian and vehicular traffic at scenes of accident, fires, public assemblages and at busy thoroughfares and intersections;
Patrolling parking areas and issues summonses for parking violations;
Answering questions for and directs the public;
Making reports of activities as required;
Testifying in court or grand jury as required.
No person holding the position of Village constable shall carry or otherwise possess a firearm in their capacity as a Village constable on Village property other than in conformity with state and federal law, and after having successfully completed such initial training and instruction, and any required in-service or follow-up training and instruction, required for a peace officer authorized to carry a firearm under the laws of the State of New York.
The Village constables shall serve at whatever compensation that will be determined by the Village Board, if any, and compensation shall be fixed at a rate commensurate with the task assigned, as determined by the Village Board in their sole discretion.
The Village shall purchase uniforms and equipment for constables and provide any and all necessary training as deemed necessary and required by the Village Board and the Village of East Hampton Chief of Police. There shall be a provision in the annual budget for the estimated expenditures incurred in providing uniforms, equipment and training.
Pursuant to the laws of the State of New York and specifically Municipal Home Rule Law § 10, the Village of East Hampton will waive the residency requirements set forth in New York State Public Officers Law § 3 for constables of the Village of East Hampton.
[Amended 3-15-2024 by L.L. No. 5-2024]
Constables are required to meet all training requirements set forth in the New York State Criminal Procedure Law § 2.30. Where applicable and authorized, any qualifying medical, psychological and physical evaluations may be waived for candidates with current or prior status in a peace or police officer title who are in possession of current New York State MPTC certification as a peace or police officer within the following guidelines:
Pursuant to § 2.30 of Criminal Procedure Law:
Separated for less than two years after having served for less than two consecutive years as a peace officer in NYS; or
Separated for less than four years after having served as a peace officer in NYS for more than two consecutive years.
Pursuant to § 209-q1(b) of General Municipal Law:
Separated for less than two years after having served for less than two consecutive years as a police officer in NYS; or
Separated for less than four years after having served as a police officer in NYS for more than two consecutive years; or
Up to 10 years after separation with an approved police officer refresher course.
This article shall take effect immediately upon filing with the New York State Secretary of State.