[R.O. 2011 §500.010; Code 1967 §5-26; CC 1975 §6-1]
The provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed applicable only to those rooms, walls, structures, parapets, buildings, appliances, apparatus, piping, tanks, plants, booths and cabinets, or parts thereof, which shall be built, enlarged, altered or installed within the corporate limits after the passage and approval of this Chapter.
Editor's Note — Ordinance no. 1685, from which this chapter derives, was adopted on July 30, 1947.
[R.O. 2011 §500.020; Code 1967 §5-3; CC 1975 §6-3]
The City Administrator or Code Enforcement Official shall inspect all buildings during construction to see that such buildings or structures are constructed in compliance with the provisions of this Chapter.
Cross References — As to building permits and certificates of occupancy generally, §§400.440400.460.
[R.O. 2011 §500.030; Code 1967 §5-3; CC 1975 §6-4]
Whenever, in the opinion of the City Administrator or Code Enforcement Official, by reason of defective or illegal work in violation of a provision of this Chapter, the continuance of a building operation is contrary to public welfare, he/she may order all further work to be stopped and may require suspension of work until the condition in violation has been remedied.
[R.O. 2011 §500.040; Code 1967 §16-115; CC 1975 §6-6]
Every person owning or occupying any building in the City shall cause the pipes conducting the water from the eaves of the building to be so constructed or altered as not to spread the water over the sidewalk. Every person neglecting to comply with this Section shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation.
[R.O. 2011 §500.045; Ord. No. 96-39 §§1 — 4, 9-25-1996; Ord. No. 96-49 §1, 10-23-1996; Ord. No. 09-34 §1, 9-14-2009]
Duty Of Owner. The owner or occupant of each house or building in the City of Trenton shall be required to place in a prominent and conspicuous location, clearly visible in all normal weather conditions from the street which serves as the street address for such house or building, numbers which shall conform to the number assigned thereto. Such numbers shall be sufficient size to be legible from the street, with a four (4) inch minimum. The assigned street numbers may also be displayed in additional locations at the discretion of the owner. The assigned numbers shall be in sharp color contrast to the house or building.
Duty Of Street Department Supervisor And Assignment Of Numbers. It shall be the duty of the Street Department Supervisor to assign street numbers to houses, buildings or vacant lots in the City upon request of the owners thereof or whenever it would be in the public interest to do so.
Obtaining Of Official Number. A building permit for the erection of any house or building requiring a street number in the City shall not be issued until the applicant therefore has obtained from the Street Department Supervisor an official street number for such house or building.
Penalty. Whoever shall fail to comply with the provisions of this Section, or whoever shall affix to or display upon any house or building any such numbers other than those assigned to it, shall be guilty of an ordinance violation.