[The following real estate transactions have taken place in the City since January 1, 1983. For a complete description of the property affected, consult the original ordinance, on file in the City offices.]
The following bids for the sale of City-owned real estate have been accepted and/or conveyances made since January 1, 1983:
Adoption Date
Sale to Thomas O. Kindler of Lot 6, except the west 32 feet thereof, in Block 47, in the original town
Sale to David and Earlene Hof of part of Lots 2 and 3 in Block 17 in Illinois Central Railroad Company's addition to Mendota, generally located at 1205 6th Avenue (Dalene's Foods)
Sale to Donald Holdenrid, Jr. of approximately 0.90 acre of property generally located at Route 51
Sale to Leo Muhlach of Lots 4 and 5, except the east 72 feet of each and lot 6, in Block 2 of the Illinois Central Railroad Company's addition to the City, 601 8th Street
Sale to Department of Transportation of approximately 3.583 acres of an unimproved portion of the former Illinois Central Gulf Railroad right-of-way
Sale to Ross and Patricia Beatty of unimproved portion of the former Illinois Central Gulf Railroad right-of-way encompassed by East and West Main Streets, that would be located in the 1900 and 2000 blocks of the respective Main Street addresses
Sale to Tom Smith of an unimproved portion of the former Illinois Central Gulf Railroad right-of-way encompassed by East and West Main Streets, that would be located in the 1900 and 2000 blocks of the respective Main Street addresses
Sale to James Wade of Parcels 1 and 2 as described in adopting ordinance
Sale to Marty and Wanda Cassidy of the west 0 feet of Lots 9 and 10 in Block 33 of the Illinois Central Railroad Company's addition to City
Sale to Dan Hochstatter of unimproved property at the northeast corner of the intersection of County Highway Nos. 19 and 13 in the Township of Troy Grove
Conveyance to Graves Public Library District of approximately 1.49 acres of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 36 North, Range 1, east of the Third Principal Merdian
Conveyance to Michael and LeRoy Wirth of a portion of Fourth Street east of the Burlington Central Railroad tracks
Sale of Advanced Drainage Systems of 27 acres in the industrial part at Route 34 and I39
Sale to Kunz Engineering of property at 2100 Welland Road
Sale to Mendota Farmers Coop Supply Company of property at 902 6th Avenue
Sale to Lilja Tilling Service of property at 2000 East 5th Road
Sale to Terri S. Dunning of property at 1505 Industrial Drive
Sale to Advance Drainage Systems of property on Industrial Drive
Sale to Milepost 66 Rail Service Ltd. of property on North 44th Road
Sale to Dean Cotton of property on Eighth Avenue
Sale to Dean Cotton of property on Eighth Avenue
Reaffirming sale to Dean Cotton of property on Eighth Avenue
Reaffirming sale to Dean Cotton of property on Eighth Avenue
Sale to Kevin and Chad Frey of poperty in the Mendota Business Park Subdivision
Sale to Midwest Energy of the north 2 acres of Lot 6 in the Mendota Business Park Subdivision
Sale to Devang U. Brahmbhatt of property in the Mendota Business Park
Sale to Midwest Energy of Central Illinois of a portion of Lot 6 in the Mendota Business Park
Sale to Dan McGrath/Chicago Investment Partners and/or their assigns of the east 100 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 82 in the original Town of Mendota
Exchange with First State Bank of property generally located at 808 Illinois Avenue for property generally located at 478 North 44th Road
The following purchases of real estate for public purposes have been made by the City since January 1, 1983:
Adoption Date
ICG Railroad property — A & B
Portions of the Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Company's abandoned Amboy District
Approximately 5.48 acres in the Northeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 35 North, Range 1, east of the Third Principal Meridian in LaSalle County
Portion of the Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Company's abandoned Amboy District
1.20-acre parcel east of the City wastewater treatment plant
5.00-acre parcel north of the City wastewater treatment plant
Suzanne Marmion property, located north of the existing municipal swimming pool/Little League baseball field on Meriden Street
Property of Juanita Hartford, a portion of Lot 7, Block 28 in West's Addition
Property of Bertha Mauer Trust; the east half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 26 in Township 36 North, Range 1 East, of the Third Principal Meridian
Property from the Mendota Museum and Historical Society; Lot 7 in the subdivision of Lots 5, 6 and 7 in Block 36 of West's Addition to Mendota, and a portion of Sublot 5 of Lot 5 in Block 36 of West's Addition to Mendota
East 4 feet of Lot 10 in Block 69 in the Original Town of Mendota
Northern Partners property; east 72 feet of Lots 4 and 5 and the east 100 feet of Lot 6 in Block 2 of the Illinois Central Railroad Addition to Mendota
Lot 1 in the Subdivision of Lot 4 in Block 48 in West's Addition to Mendota, and the north 40 feet of the east 80 feet of Lot 4 in Block 48 in West's Addition to Mendota
Wixom property; South half of the northeast quarter of Section 29, Township 35 North, Range 1 East, of the Third Principal Meridian
Wixom property; south half of the northeast quarter of Section 29, Township 35 North, Range 1 East, of the Third Principal Meridian
1209 and 1211 Washington Street, Mendota, IL
Tract 1: Lot 5, except the South 50 feet thereof, in Block 65 in the Original Town of Mendota, LaSalle County, Illinois; Tract 2: The North 106.57 feet of Lot 6 in Block 65 of the Original Town of Mendota, excepting therefrom the following right of way which was dedicated to the State of Illinois pursuant to LaSalle County Recorder Document Number 02-11436: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 6, thence South 88 degrees 9 minutes 33 seconds East, 25 feet along the North line of said Lot 6; thence South 57 degrees 04 minutes 07 seconds West, 29.79 feet to the West line of said Lot 6, thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 56 seconds East, 17 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 212 square feet.
The east 72 feet of lots four and five in Block 2 in Illinois Central Railroad Company's addition to Mendota and that part of Lot 6 in Block 2 in Illinois Central Railroad Company's addition to Mendota described as follows: beginning at the northeasterly corner of Lot 6, thence west along the north line of said Lot 6 a distance of 100 feet, thence in a southeasterly direction for a distance of 65.1 feet to a point on the south line of Lot 6 which is 75 feet west of the east line of Lot 6, thence east along the south line of said Lot 6, thence north 60 feet to the place of beginning, all situated in the Town, now City of Mendota, Lasalle County, Illinois. Parcel No. 01-33-224-001)
Approximately a 21 by 75 foot parcel in Lot 5 of Walter Subdivision, Mendota, LaSalle County Illinois, the exact legal to be described by Survey
Lot 2 of H.D. Hume Company Business District Subdivision to the City of Mendota, being a part of the former right-of-way of the Illinois Central Railroad in the Northwest Quarter of Section 33 in Township 36 North, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian in the City of Mendota, LaSalle County, Illinois, said plat being recorded May 9, 2003, as Doc. 2003-15298, which real property is generally located at 1017 Main Street, Mendota, Illinois 61342 (Parcel No. 01-33-136-002)
South 70 feet of Lot 1, in the Subdivision of Lots 1 and 2, in Block 48, in West's Addition to the Town, now City of Mendota, situated in the County of LaSalle and State of Illinois, commonly known as "807 Illinois Avenue, Mendota, Illinois" (Parcel No. 01-33-128-017)
Part of Lot 2 of Mendota Business Park in the City of Mendota, in LaSalle County, Illinois, being a part of the Northeast Quarter and Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 36 North, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded April 9, 2002, as Document No. 2002-10593, which real property is generally located at 2100 Welland Road, Mendota, Illinois 61342
Part of Lots 2 and 3 of Mendota Business Park in the City of Mendota, in LaSalle County, Illinois, being a part of the Northeast Quarter and Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 36 North, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded April 9, 2002, as Document No. 2002-10593, which real property is generally located at 2000 Welland Road, Mendota, Illinois 61342
Parcel 1: Lots 14 and 15 of the Subdivision of Lots 1, 2 and also the east 90 feet of the north 26 2/3 feet of Lot 3, all in Block 48 in West's Addition to Mendota, in the City Of Mendota, LaSalle County, Illinois; and Parcel 2: Outlot 12 of Lot 1 and Outlot 13 of Lot 2, all in Block 48 in West's Addition to Mendota, situated in LaSalle County, Illinois, which real property is generally located at 812 and 818 Main Street, Mendota, Illinois
That part of the Northwest Fractional Quarter of Section 4, Township 35 North, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian lying West of Illinois Route 251/U.S. Route 52 and South of the Southerly right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad
Lot 17 , except the west 24 feet thereof, of the plat of Subdivision of Lots 6, 6 and 7 in Block 36 of West's Addition to Mendota, situated in LaSalle County, Illinois, 714 Illinois Avenue, Mendota, Illinois 61342 (Parcel No. 01-33-134-031)
Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 (excepting the south 20 feet of said Lot 16), according to the plat of the Subdivision of Lots 5, 6. and 7 in Block 36 of West's Addition to Mendota, in LaSalle County, Illinois, 712, 712A, 712B Illinois Avenue, Mendota, Illinois (Parcel Nos. 01-33-134-015; 01-33-134-016; and 01-33-134-007)
The south 20 feet of the east 128 feet of Lot 8 in Block 36 in West's Addition to the City of Mendota, County of LaSalle and State of Illinois, 716 Illinois Avenue, Mendota, Illinois (Parcel No. 01-33-134-028)