As authorized by and in accordance with Section 355.010 of this Title, it shall be unlawful for the operator of a motor vehicle to stop, stand or park said motor vehicle at any one time or instance or location, as designated herein, except when necessary to avoid a conflict with the directions of a Police Officer or traffic control sign or signal.
[Amendment to Ord. No. 53, 4-13-1964; Ord. No. 96-2, 7-11-1996; Ord. No. 9502-1 § 1, 9-5-2002]
6th Street, either side:
From South Road to 69 Highway
No parking at any time
Main Street, northside:
Between 4th Street and 6th Street
No parking at any time
First Avenue, north side:
Between 4th Street and 6th Street
No parking at any time
South Road, both sides
No parking at any time
[Ord. No. 6, 4-1-1982; Ord. No. 8, 8-5-1982; Ord. No. 96-2, 7-11-1996; Ord. No. 9502-1 § 1, 9-5-2002]
First Avenue:
From 6th Street to 4th Street
Two-hour parking only
Except: Sunday and public holidays
Main Street:
From 6th Street to 4th Street
Two-hour parking only
Except: Sunday and public holidays
Main Street to Second Street
Two-hour parking only
Except: Sunday and public holidays
[Ord. No. 7, 8-5-1982]
Second Street:
No parking at any time
Between 3rd Street and Main Street
Except: Sunday and public holidays