State Law Reference — As to City's authority with sewerage system and waterworks, see RSMo. §§ 250.010 to 250.030. As to revenue bonds, see RSMo. § 250.120. As to services outside City limits, see RSMo. § 250.190. Also see RSMo. §§ 250.233 and 250.234. As to sewerage service charges, see RSMo. § 71.715. As to condemnation for public services, see RSMo. § 79.380. Authority to operate waterworks, see RSMo. § 88.773(2). Also see, RSMo. § 88.812, et seq. As to acquiring waterworks, see RSMo. § 91.090. As to supplying outside cities, see RSMo. §§ 91.020 and 91.050. As to authority for City electric and water systems, see RSMo. § 91.010.
Cross Reference — As to collection and disposal services, see §§ 13-13 and 13-14.1. As to posting signs on utility poles, see § 20-39.1. As to emergency aid requests, see § 7-10. As to utility license, see §§ 16-22 et seq. As to plumbing and sewers in general, see ch. 23 of this Code.