Cross References — As to buildings and building regulations, ch. 500; as to emergency management, ch. 220; as to unsafe buildings, ch. 505; as to solid waste, ch. 235; as to streets and sidewalks, ch. 520; as to subdivision, ch. 410; as to license tax paid by water companies, §625.050; as to flood hazard prevention, ch. 405, art. X, div. 4.
[R.O. 2013 §530.010; CC 1984 §19-1; Ord. No. 141 §6, 9-4-1936]
In addition to other penalties, any plumber or other person who shall violate this Chapter in the course of his/her business shall thereby forfeit his/her license for doing business in the City.
[R.O. 2013 §530.020; CC 1984 §19-2; Ord. No. 327 §§1 — 2, 6-19-1957]
It is hereby found, determined and declared to be necessary for the public health, safety, welfare and benefit of the City and its inhabitants that the existing waterworks of said City and the existing sewerage system of said City, including all future improvements and extensions thereto, be combined and that they shall be operated and maintained as a combined waterworks and sewerage system.
The waterworks and the sewerage system of the City, as now or hereafter constructed, including all future improvements and extensions thereto, whether to the waterworks or to the sewerage system or to both, shall be and the same are combined, and it is hereby declared that said waterworks and said sewerage system, and all future improvements and extensions thereto as aforesaid, thenceforth shall be operated and maintained as a combined waterworks and sewerage system.
[R.O. 2013 §530.030; CC 1984 §19-3; Ord. No. 141 §§1 — 4, 9-4-1936]
Designation Of Clerk — Funds. The City Clerk shall be ex officio Water and Sewer Commissioner and, subject to the direction of the Board of Aldermen, shall have general superintendence and control of the combined waterworks and sewerage system. For performing the additional duties prescribed in this Chapter, the Clerk shall receive such compensation as is provided by ordinance. He/she shall turn over all monies that may come into his/her hands from any source connected with said system to the City Treasurer and shall take the receipt of the Treasurer for all said monies and place same on file. Said money shall be kept separate from the general revenues of the City and shall continue a fund to be drawn upon only for the payment of water supply, expansions of water service, salaries of employees in the waterworks and sewerage system and incidental expenses arising out of the operation of said system; except that said fund may be used for urgent general purposes when there is no other method provided by law for supplying the necessary funds.
General Authority. The Water and Sewer Commissioner, subject to the supervision aforesaid, shall be in direct charge of and accountable for the operations and management of the waterworks and sewerage system of the City. He/she shall make out all bills and collect them, and keep an accurate record of same in proper books. He/she shall see that all rules in this Chapter for the government of said system are strictly enforced and that a full and accurate record of all operations of said system is made and preserved.
General Duties. The duties of the Water and Sewer Commissioner shall be as follows:
To take charge of the combined waterworks and sewerage system of the City and all connections and appurtenances thereto; to secure all labor, materials, tools and implements necessary for the proper maintenance and operation of said system. Supplies, materials, tools and implements, except incidental supplies necessary for the usual operation of the system, shall only be ordered upon direction of the Board of Aldermen, except that in emergency cases the Commissioner may, with the written approval of the Mayor, obtain such supplies, materials or implements as may be absolutely necessary for the proper operation of said system at the time.
To control and supervise the employees of said system; to see that they faithfully perform the duties assigned to them and to report to the Board of Aldermen any dereliction of duty on the part of such employees. Appointments of such employees shall, as in case of other appointments, be made by the Mayor with the consent and approval of a majority of the members elected to the Board of Aldermen. The employees shall be of such number and kind as the Board of Aldermen may by resolution from time to time designate and shall receive for their services such pay, and be subject to such rules and regulations, as the Board of Aldermen may direct. The Mayor may direct temporary appointments of such employees, subject to ratification of Board of Aldermen.
To receive applications and grant permits for excavation in streets; to run service lines and to superintend the making of connections with the waterworks and sewerage system.
To prevent injury to the system and waste of water, and to institute legal proceedings for the punishment of those violating the provisions of this Chapter, and to enforce all rules prescribed for the operation and regulation of the system.
To make, or cause to be made, all repairs occasioned by leaks or breaks in the mains of the system, and to shut off water from all premises on which leaks are permitted to go unrepaired.
To secure, upon approval of the Board of Aldermen, all necessary books of account and cause to be prepared all necessary forms and to keep the accounts of the system and to prepare all bills for consumers. All books and accounts of the system shall be safely and securely kept in the office of the City Clerk.
To make a written report to the Board of Aldermen at its first (1st) regular meeting of each month of the condition of the system and its needs and the collections made by his/her office during the previous month and paid over to the City Treasurer. The Water and Sewer Commissioner shall examine and approve all bills and accounts against the City arising out of the operation of the system.
At least semiannually, the Water and Sewer Commissioner shall carefully examine and test, or cause to be examined and tested, all fire hydrants and street valves, and in case any of them are found to be in an unsatisfactory condition, he/she shall at once have them placed in good working order. The result of each examination shall be reported to the Board of Aldermen by the Water and Sewer Commissioner in his/her next report.
The Water and Sewer Commissioner, in case of fire, shall make every effort to supply the Fire Department with an ample supply of water and may, to secure this object, shut off the water from any part of the distribution system. He/she may, in the event of shortage or low pressure of water, order the discontinuance of sprinkling and fountains and he/she may take any other reasonable and necessary measure to maintain the efficiency of the service.
[R.O. 2013 §530.040; CC 1984 §19-4; Ord. No. 666 §1, 9-20-1978]
Wherever any premises shall be connected with either portion of the combined waterworks and sewage system, a charge of forty dollars ($40.00) shall be made for each such connection to the waterworks portion, and a charge of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) shall be made for each such connection to the sewage portion; all additional sewage connections within the same structure are seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per connection.
[R.O. 2013 §530.050; CC 1984 §19-5; Ord. No. 141 §6, 9-4-1936; Ord. No. 420 §1, 12-15-1965]
In the event of non-payment of any water or sewer charges by the occupant of premises, should he/she be someone other than the owner, the bill shall become due and payable by the owner of the premises and become a lien against the property.