[R.O. 2011 §205.010; CC 1971 §5.1; Ord. No. 84-41 §5.1, 2-19-1985]
As used in this Chapter, the following words shall have the meanings set out below:
An animal is abandoned if it is not wearing a required license tag or if it is seen causing a nuisance and is not under the apparent control of any person.
Every living vertebrate except a human being.
Any officer of the City appointed by the Board to assist in the enforcement of this Chapter and carry out the requirements hereof. If no Animal Control Officer has been appointed by the Board, then Animal Control Officer means Chief of Police.
[Ord. No. 1520 § 1, 3-7-2017]
To feed or shelter an animal at the same location for three (3) or more consecutive days.
Immunized against rabies at the expense of the owner or custodian by the administration of antirabic virus by a licensed veterinarian.
In addition to its ordinary meaning, any person who keeps or harbors an animal or professes to be owning, keeping, or harboring an animal.
That an animal is confined on the property of its owner or securely fastened to a leash held by a person.
Any of the following dogs:
Any dog, whether or not running at large and whether or not unrestrained, that without provocation has bitten any person not a trespasser causing serious physical injury to that person.
Any unrestrained dog, whether or not running at large, that without provocation has attempted to bite any person not a trespasser which would cause serious physical injury to that person.
Any unrestrained dog, whether or not running at large, that without provocation has placed any person not a trespasser in apprehension of immediate serious physical injury.
Any dog that has killed another dog, cat or other domestic animal without provocation.
[R.O. 2011 §205.020; CC 1971 §5.3; Ord. No. 91-73 §5.3, 12-3-1991]
No person shall keep any dog or cat over twelve (12) weeks old within the City unless the dog or cat is licensed.
Term and penalty. All dog and cat licenses shall be issued for a term of one (1) year commencing on January first (1st) of each year. Any person who fails to obtain a license on or before February first (1st) of any year, or in the case of a new resident or recently acquired dog or cat, within thirty (30) days after such new residency is established or acquisition, shall be required to pay a penalty of fifty cents ($.50) for each month or fraction thereof during which the delinquency continues. In the case of persons who become new residents of the City or acquire a dog or cat after November first (1st) of any year, no license shall be required until January of the following year.
Fees, transfer and loss. The license fee shall be six dollars ($6.00) for all dogs except that the license fee for any neutered male or spayed female dog shall be four dollars ($4.00). If the ownership of any licensed dog is transferred, the new owner may have the license transferred to his/her name. The fee for such a transfer shall be two dollars ($2.00). Except as provided in this Subsection no license shall be transferrable between dogs or owners. If a license is lost or destroyed, a replacement license may be obtained from the City Clerk for a fee of one dollar ($1.00). There shall be no fee for the licensing of cats.
Issuance. The license tag shall be issued upon the applicant's submission of proof of vaccination of the dog to be licensed and such further information as the City Clerk may require. Proof of vaccination shall not be required for the licensing of cats.
Display. At all times when any dog or cat is outside the confines of a private building the owner shall keep the license tag affixed to the dog or cat in such a manner that the tag can be easily seen.[1]
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection (A)(5), which immediately followed, regarding vaccination, was repealed 8-1-2017 by Ord. No. 1553. See now Section 205.025.
[Ord. No. 1553 § 2, 8-1-2017]
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep any dog or cat within the City limits unless the dog or cat has been properly vaccinated to prevent rabies. Proof of vaccination by a licensed veterinarian shall be provided at least annually and shall be required for all dogs and cats over three (3) months old.
[Ord. No. 1553 § 3, 8-1-2017]
The keeping of animals shall be permitted in accordance with the following provisions:
Wild Or Exotic Animals. Wild or exotic animals as defined in this Chapter are prohibited.
Total Number Of Animals. The total number of animals kept on an individual lot shall not exceed ten (10), unless otherwise provided for herein.
Age. Animals under the age of twelve (12) weeks shall not count towards the total number of animals kept.
Domesticated Cats And Dogs. The total number of domesticated cats and dogs kept on an individual lot shall not exceed five (5).
Livestock. Other animals that are primarily kept outdoors and are generally considered livestock, including, but not limited to, horses, cows, pigs, chickens and goats, shall be subject to the following conditions:
Lands On Which Livestock May Be Kept. Livestock may be kept on any unplatted lot in a residential district provided the lot is a minimum of one (1) acre in size.
Size Of Livestock. If the livestock animal weighs more than ten (10) pounds, the number of that particular animal shall be limited to one (1) per acre.
Stables Or Structures For Livestock. Private stables or structures for the keeping of livestock are permitted provided the lot is a minimum of one (1) acre in size and the stable is located a minimum of one hundred (100) feet from any side lot line and a minimum of thirty-five (35) feet from the rear lot line.
[R.O. 2011 §205.030; CC 1971 §5.4; Ord. No. 84-41 §5.4, 2-19-1985, Ord. No. 92-55 §2, 10-13-1992]
It shall be unlawful for any person keeping any vicious animal, or any animal affected with, or bitten by, or otherwise substantially exposed to any other animal affected with rabies to fail to:
Immediately impound and confine the animal (unless transporting the animal to a licensed veterinarian) for at least fifteen (15) days following the vicious act or exposure to rabies.
Immediately notify the Animal Control Officer or the Police Department of the impoundment, the reasons therefor, and any further information as may be required.
[Ord. No. 1520 § 1, 3-7-2017]
Upon order of the Animal Control Officer or Police Department, surrender such animal for quarantine, which quarantine shall be at the owner's expense. In the event the animal is not claimed or in the event of the owner's execution of a relinquishment of ownership then said animal may be turned over to the Humane Society or other similar organization.
[Ord. No. 1520 § 1, 3-7-2017]
Any animal quarantined hereunder may be kept a maximum of fifteen (15) days but may be released earlier if certified by a licensed veterinarian to be free from rabies. No person shall kill any animal which is vicious or has been exposed to rabies without permission from the Animal Control Officer or the Police Department except when necessary to prevent such animal from escaping or attacking any other animal or person. If any such animal dies or is killed it shall be surrendered upon demand to the Animal Control Officer or the Police Department.
[Ord. No. 1520 § 1, 3-7-2017]
Any "guard dog" (for the purposes of this Chapter herein defined as a dog not owned by the governmental unit which dog is used to guard public or private property) used in the City, by virtue of such use, is hereby declared to be subject to the license requirements of this Chapter; must be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian; must, if brought into the City from outside the State of Missouri, be accompanied by the official health certificate required by the Code of State Regulations at 1 CSR Section 30-2.01(8), which certificate shall be exhibited upon request of any City Animal Control Officer or Police Officer; must be controllable by its keeper; and must not be used in a manner which, as determined by the Animal Control Officer, endangers individuals not on the premises guarded. Any person operating a guard dog service in the City shall register such business with the Animal Control Officer and shall list all premises to be guarded with the Animal Control Officer before such service begins.
[R.O. 2011 §205.040; CC 1971 §5.5; Ord. No. 84-41 §5.5, 2-19-1985; Ord. No. 92-55 §1, 10-13-1992]
All abandoned animals shall be impounded by the Animal Control Officer or Police Department. Any animal impounded pursuant to this Section shall be, if the owner can be ascertained and the animal is not diseased or disabled beyond recovery for any useful purpose, held for recovery by the owner. The owner shall be notified within five (5) business days of impoundment by phone or by mail of the animal's location and recovery procedures. The animal shall be held for ten (10) business days. An animal unclaimed after ten (10) business days may be put up for adoption or humanely killed. However, no liability shall attach to the Animal Control Officer, the City, nor to any officer or employee of the City for failure to notify such owner.
[Ord. No. 1520 § 1, 3-7-2017]
The Animal Control Officer shall release an impounded animal to its owner upon production of satisfactory proof of ownership and payment of all fees prescribed in this Chapter if the owner seeks the release of the animal within the impoundment period.
Any impounded animal remaining unclaimed at the end of the impoundment period may, upon payment of all fees and charges due, be released to any person who shall provide satisfactory proof of an intention to provide the animal with humane and proper care; provided, no unspayed female dog or unneutered male dog shall be released to such person without written certification by a licensed veterinarian that the veterinarian has been paid in full for the spaying or neutering of the dog and will perform the operation within the earlier of thirty (30) days or such dog's first (1st) fertile period.
Animals which have not been claimed or released to new owners may be destroyed in some humane manner by the Animal Control Officer.
An animal shall be impounded as required by Subsection (A) above except as follows: When an animal arrives at the animal shelter in so sick or injured a condition that in the judgement of the Animal Control Officer or a licensed veterinarian, human compassion requires that the suffering be promptly ended. In such instances said time period shall not apply, and the animal will be humanely destroyed to prevent needless suffering.
[R.O. 2011 §205.050; CC 1971 §5.6; Ord. No. 84-41 §5.6, 2-19-1985]
The fee for the care of impounded animals shall be the actual costs of impoundment incurred by the City during the time the animal is impounded together with a fee of five dollars ($5.00) for any animal picked up by the Animal Control Officer or any City Official or employee; provided, that there shall be added to the fee the actual cost of any extraordinary expenses incurred in the impoundment or care of any animal.
[R.O. 2011 §205.060]
A person is guilty of animal neglect if he/she has custody or ownership or both of an animal and fails to provide adequate care.
A person is guilty of animal abandonment if he/she has knowingly abandoned an animal in any place without making provisions for its adequate care.
Animal neglect or animal abandonment are ordinance violations. For a first offense of either violation, a term of imprisonment not to exceed fifteen (15) days, or a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or both such fine and imprisonment may be imposed. For a second or subsequent violation of either offense, a term of imprisonment not to exceed ninety (90) days, or a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or both such fine and imprisonment may be imposed. All fines and penalties for a first conviction of animal neglect or animal abandonment may be waived by the court, provided that the person found guilty of animal neglect or abandonment shows that adequate, permanent remedies for the neglect or abandonment have been made. Reasonable costs incurred for the care and maintenance of neglected or abandoned animals may not be waived. This Section shall not apply to the provisions of Section 578.007 or Sections 272.010 to 272.370, RSMo.
In addition to any other penalty imposed by this Section, the court may order a person found guilty of animal neglect or animal abandonment to pay all reasonable costs and expenses necessary for:
The care and maintenance of neglected or abandoned animals within the person's custody or ownership;
The disposal of any dead or diseased animals within the person's custody or ownership;
The reduction of resulting organic debris affecting the immediate area of the neglect or abandonment; and
The avoidance or minimization of any public health risks created by the neglect or abandonment of the animals.
A person is guilty of animal trespass if a person having ownership or custody of an animal knowingly fails to provide adequate control for a period equal to or exceeding twelve (12) hours.
For a first conviction of animal trespass, each offense shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00). The second and all subsequent convictions shall be punishable by imprisonment or a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), or both such fine and imprisonment. All fines for a first conviction of animal trespass may be waived by the court, provided that the person found guilty of animal trespass shows that adequate, permanent remedies for trespass have been made. Reasonable costs incurred for the care and maintenance of trespassing animals may not be waived. This Section shall not apply to the provisions of Section 578.007 or Sections 272.010 to 272.370, RSMo.
A person is guilty of animal abuse if a person:
Intentionally or purposely kills an animal in any manner not allowed by or expressly exempted from the provisions of Sections 578.005 to 578.023 and 273.030, RSMo.;
Purposely or intentionally causes injury or suffering to an animal; or
Having ownership or custody of an animal knowingly fails to provide adequate care which results in substantial harm to the animal.
Note — Under certain circumstances this offense can be a felony under state law.
[R.O. 2011 §205.080; CC 1971 §5.9; Ord. No. 84-41 §5.9, 2-19-1985]
The owner shall confine any female dog in heat within a building in such a manner that the dog will not be accessible to other dogs and will not attract male dogs. This Section does not apply to dogs involved in planned breeding activities.
[R.O. 2011 §205.090; CC 1971 §5.10; Ord. No. 84-41 §5.10, 2-19-1985; Ord. No. 2002-33 §1, 3-5-2002]
Prohibited Acts. The following acts are hereby declared to be prohibited and it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or allow an animal owned by or possessed by such person to engage in the following activities:
Keep a vicious animal;
Allow any animal to leave the owner's premises unless said animal is under restraint as defined by Section 205.010;
Allow any animal to:
Continually bark, howl, yelp or make loud and raucous noises; or
Trespass upon the private property of another and damage vegetation; or
Spread garbage and trash along a roadside or otherwise create an unsanitary condition.
Unlawful Release. A person commits the crime of knowingly releasing an animal if that person acting without the consent of the owner or custodian of an animal, intentionally releases any animal that is lawfully confined for the purpose of companionship or protection of persons or property or for recreation, exhibition or educational purposes.
As used in this Subsection (B), "animal" means every living creature, domesticated or wild, but not including Homo sapiens.
The provisions of this Section shall not apply to a public servant acting in the course of such servant's official duties.
Intentionally releasing an animal is a misdemeanor except that the second (2nd) or any subsequent offense may be a felony.
[R.O. 2011 §205.100; CC 1971 §5.11; Ord. No. 84-41 §5.11, 2-19-1985]
No person shall hinder, molest, or interfere with the Animal Control Officer or Police Officer in the performance of their duties under this Chapter.
[R.O. 2011 §205.110; Ord. No. 86-50 §1, 12-2-1986; Ord. No. 88-55, 10-4-1988]
It shall be unlawful to keep, harbor, own or in any way possess wild or exotic animals within the City limits of the City of Riverside, Missouri. These include:
Any warm-blooded, carnivorous or omnivorous, wild or exotic animals (including but not limited to non-human primates, raccoon, skunks, foxes and wild and exotic cats; but excluding fowl, ferrets and small rodents of varieties used for laboratory purposes).
Any animal having poisonous bites.
Any snake, whether poisonous or non-poisonous, native or non-native.
Any animal not specifically prohibited by City ordinance without the possession of any permit required by Chapter 252, RSMo., and all rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
Any dog with the following characteristics may be classified as dangerous:
Any dog that has inflicted a severe or fatal injury on a human being on public or private property. Severe injury means any physical injury, resulting directly from a dog's bite, that results in broken bones, lacerations requiring stitches, or in-patient hospitalization. A victim who receives severe injuries must provide the Supervisor of Animal Control a signed physician's statement documenting injury and treatment qualifying such as a severe injury or sign an authorization for release of such statement.
Any dog that has killed a domestic animal, dog, or cat without provocation, while off the owner's property.
Any dog owned or harbored primarily or in part for the purpose of dogfighting or any dog trained for dogfighting.
Any dog that has bitten a human being without provocation on public or private property other than the property of the owner.
Any dog that, while on the owner's property, has bitten without provocation a human being other than the owner or a member of the owner's family who normally resides at the place where the dog is kept.
Any dog that, when unprovoked, chases or approaches a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public grounds or private property other than the property of the owner, in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of attack, regardless of whether or not a person is injured by such dog.
Any dog with a known propensity, tendency or disposition to attack unprovoked, to cause injury, or to otherwise threaten the safety of human beings, domestic animals, dogs or cats.
If the circumstances surrounding the classification as a dangerous dog under any of the definitions listed in Subsection (A) of this Section are in dispute, then the owner has the option of submitting, within five (5) working days, a written request to the Chief of Police for a hearing and possible appeal as follows:
A hearing board, consisting of the Chief of Police and two (2) other people designated by him shall be convened within ten (10) working days after receipt of a bona fide written request.
Pending the outcome of such a hearing, the dog must be confined in such a manner so as not to be a threat to any person. The confinement may be on the owner's premises or with a licensed veterinarian.
The hearing board shall determine whether to declare the animal to be a dangerous dog based upon evidence and testimony presented at the time of the hearing by the owner, in addition to witnesses, Animal Control personnel, police or any other person possessing information pertinent to such determination.
The hearing board shall issue written findings within five (5) days after the hearing. The owner or possessor of the animal found to be dangerous shall be required to maintain the animal as provided in this Section.
Exemptions to dangerous dog classification:
With the exception of Subsection (A)(1) of this Section, no dog may be declared dangerous if the threat, injury or damage was sustained by a person who, at the time, was committing a willful trespass or other tort upon the premises occupied by the owner or keeper of the dog; was teasing, tormenting, abusing, or assaulting the dog; has in the past been observed or reported to have teased, tormented, abused or assaulted the dog; or was committing or attempting to commit a crime.
With the exception of Subsection (A) of this Section, an Animal Control Officer may, because of extenuating circumstances, determine from the investigation of an incident, that an animal is not dangerous. However, the owner, being responsible for the dog, may be warned of the animal's tendencies and to take appropriate action to prevent subsequent incidents. This, however, does not exempt the owner from being cited for other animal control ordinance violations.
Dogs owned by governmental or law enforcement agencies when being used in the services of those agencies are exempt from being classified as dangerous.
Actions to be taken for dangerous dogs causing severe or fatal injuries:
Any dog, whether previously declared to be a dangerous dog or not, responsible for an unprovoked severe or fatal attack on a human being or another animal, may be humanely destroyed.
A dog responsible for a provoked severe or fatal attack shall be maintained as a dangerous dog.
The following actions shall be required of owners of dogs that have been declared dangerous dogs:
Any dangerous dog that bites or scratches a human being and any dog whose behavior immediately prior to or during an incident resulting in the biting or scratching of a human being that is determined to be dangerous, shall be impounded for a ten (10) day rabies quarantine at the Municipal Animal Shelter or a veterinarian clinic within or near to the City limits of the City. Any dog impounded shall not be released to its owner or keeper until the license and spay/neuter requirements of this Article are complied with and the owner/keeper has paid all fines and/or costs associated therewith.
Any dangerous dog shall wear at all times a bright orange collar with a large brightly colored metal tag attached to the collar so the dog can readily be identified as a dangerous dog.
The owner or keeper shall notify the Animal Control Unit immediately if a dangerous dog is loose, unconfined, or missing, has attacked another animal or has attacked a human being.
The owner or keeper shall notify the Animal Control unit within twenty-four (24) hours if a dangerous dog has died or has been sold or given away. If the dog has been sold or given away, the owner or keeper shall provide the Animal Control Unit with the name, address and telephone number of the new owner. The new owner, if the dog is kept within the City limits of the City, must comply with the requirements of this Section.
While on the owner's property, a dangerous dog must be securely confined indoors or in a securely enclosed and locked pen or structure, suitable for preventing the entry of young children and designed to prevent the animal from escaping. Such pen or structure must have minimum dimensions of five (5) feet by ten (10) feet and must have secure sides and a secure top. If it has no bottom secured to the sides, the sides must be embedded into the ground no less than twelve (12) inches. The enclosure must also provide protection from the elements for the dog. The enclosure, when occupied by a dangerous dog, shall not be occupied by any other animal. If the dangerous dog is a female with a litter of puppies under three (3) months of age, the puppies may occupy the same enclosure as the mother.
No dangerous dog may be kept on a porch, patio or in any part of a house or structure that would allow the dog to exit such building on its own volition.
The owner or keeper shall display a sign on his premises that there is a dangerous dog on the property. This sign shall be visible and capable of being read from the public highway or thoroughfare from which the property is entered. In addition, a similar sign is required to be posted on the kennel or pen or fenced yard of such animal.
A dangerous dog may be off the owner's premises if it is muzzled and restrained by a substantial chain or leash not exceeding six (6) feet in length and under the control of a responsible person. The muzzle must be made in a manner that will not cause injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration but must prevent it from biting any person or animal.
The owner or keeper of a dangerous dog shall present to the Animal Control Unit proof that the owner or keeper has procured liability insurance in the amount of at least three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00), covering the twelve (12) month period during which licensing is sought. This policy shall contain a provision requiring the City to be notified by the insurance company of any cancellation, termination, or expiration of the policy.
All owners or keepers of dangerous dogs must within ten (10) days of such declaration provide the Animal Control Unit with two (2) color photographs, one showing the left profile and the other showing the right profile of the animal, clearly showing the color and approximate size of the animal.
All owners or keepers of dangerous dogs must have such dogs implanted with an identifying microchip in a manner approved by the Animal Control Unit. Owners or keepers shall then provide the Animal Control Unit the microchip number, and shall notify the Animal Control Unit and the national registry applicable to the implanted chip of any change of ownership of the dog, or any change of address or telephone number. Any costs associated with the microchip shall be borne by the owner or keeper.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of a dangerous dog within the City to fail to comply with requirements and conditions set forth in this Section. Any dog found to be the subject of a violation of this Section may be, in addition to other penalties provided by ordinance, subject to immediate seizure and impoundment for a minimum of ten (10) days or the time necessary for the owner or keeper to show compliance with this Section, whichever is shorter.
[Ord. No. 1370 §1, 11-18-2014; Ord. No. 1494 §1, 11-1-2016]
Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
The intentional act of furnishing or otherwise making available food or other substance which is likely to be consumed by wild animals.
Food or other substances consumed by wild animals, produced by or existing in nature, not artificial.
Any animal that is not domesticated, including deer, mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, moose, caribou, wild turkeys, rabbits, squirrels, feral cats, raccoons, opossums, skunks, groundhogs, foxes, coyotes, bobcats, geese, non-domesticated waterfowl, and any bird of prey.
Prohibition of Feeding. No owner or occupier of land within the City of Riverside, Missouri, shall intentionally feed, cause to be fed or provide or make available food or other substances for the consumption by a wild animal within the City, either on private property or on public property.
This Section shall not apply to any item that can be used as food if its source in nature is native to the subject premises on which the food is available. For example, by way of illustration only, this Section shall not apply to apples or acorns generated from an apple tree or oak/acorn tree located upon the subject premises or carrots and corn grown in a garden located upon the subject premises.
A property of ten (10) acres or more shall be exempt from this Section and shall follow the current applicable rules of the Missouri Conservation Department pertaining to the feeding and baiting of deer.
This Section does not apply to naturally growing vegetation, or to planted vegetation growing in yards, gardens, or flower beds; or bird feeders located a minimum of four (4) feet above the ground.
[R.O. 2011 §205.130; Ord. No. 86-50 §3, 12-2-1986]
Any person violating or permitting the violation of any provision of this Article shall upon conviction in Municipal Court be fined a sum not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) and not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). In addition to the fine imposed, the Court may sentence the defendant to imprisonment for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. In addition, the Court shall order the registration of the subject dangerous dog revoked and the dog removed from the City. Should the defendant refuse to remove the dog from the City the Municipal Court Judge shall find the defendant owner in contempt and order the immediate confiscation and impoundment of the animal. Each day that a violation of this Article continues shall be deemed a separate offense. In addition to the foregoing penalties, any person who violates this Article shall pay all expenses, including shelter, food, handling, veterinary care and testimony necessitated by the enforcement of this Article.