Res. 100-1968
Entering into an agreement of purchase of Bond White Spring for the purpose of providing a source of public water for distribution to residents of Spring Township
Res. 104-1968
Entering into an agreement with Harris, Henry and Potter Engineers for a study for acquisition of the Bond White Spring
Agr. 12/1970
Agreement with Bond C. White and Adeline E. White for the purchase of a spring
Ord. 222-1975
Approving an agreement with Spring Waters, Inc., to take and use water from the Axemann Spring
Res. 2-1978
Negotiating with Pleasant Gap Water Company and Three Hills Water Company for source of public water for Spring Township
Ord. 23-1979
Entering into an agreement with the Pleasant Gap Water Supply Company for the purchase of stock, franchise and assets for the price of $195,000
Res. 38-1980
Conveying operation of the Pleasant Gap Water Company from Spring Township to the Spring Township Water Authority
Res. 71-1981
Assuming all matters in relation to the upkeep, operation and maintenance of the Pleasant Gap Water System
Res. 5-1982
Agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation where PennDOT agrees to pay 50% of the estimated total costs to reconstruct the Nittany Mountain water supply line which serves the Village of Pleasant Gap
Res. 14-1983
Directing that B.C.M. discontinue work on the Spring Township Water Authority Vo-Tech line
Res. 59-1985
Declaring void any action taken by the Water Authority on October 17, 1984, granting John Walker relief from being billed at the meter rate for water service
Res. 98-1987
Utilizing the 1987 Community Development Block Grant allocation to increase the funds for completion of the water storage tank project
Res. 84-1991
Negotiating the cost of funding, in the amount of $65,000, of updating the water system with new lines, fire plugs, cover reservoir, etc.