[Ord. 105, 4/13/1976; as revised by Ord. 374, 1/10/1989; and as amended by Ord. 820, 12/8/2003]
Bonds shall be approved by the Township Board of Supervisors on an annual basis. The bond of the Manager shall be a minimum of 5% of the total budgeted revenues, if commercially available.
[Ord. 105, 4/13/1976; as revised by Ord. 374, 1/10/1989]
The Township Manager shall submit reports to the Board of Supervisors, at least biennially, reviewing all Township coverage in all liability areas and recommending coverage deemed reasonable and prudent. Said areas shall include but not be limited to the following:
Catastrophic liability insurance.
Comprehensive business liability and damage insurance.
Township property protection insurance.
Professional police liability insurance.
Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance.
Public officials' and employees' indemnity insurance.
Employee benefit insurance.
[Ord. 105, 4/13/1976; as revised by Ord. 374, 1/10/1989]
As provided in § 8.05.7 of the Home Rule Charter, competitive bidding shall not be required for contracts for insurance and surety bonds. The Township Manager shall, in the biennial insurance report required above, submit a recommendation concerning whether insurance or bonds should be purchased through a competitive bidding procedure or on a direct purchase basis.