[Ord. 2199, 11/13/2006, § 2; as amended by Ord. 2288, 4/12/2010]
The Ross Township Board of Commissioners does hereby establish the offices of Fire Marshal and Deputy Fire Marshal.
Appointment of Fire Marshal and Deputy Fire Marshals.
The Fire Marshal shall be appointed by the Ross Township Board of Commissioners. A list of candidates will be recommended by the Ross Township Fire Chiefs Association.
[Amended Ord. No. 2457, 11/16/2020]
One or more Deputy Fire Marshals may be selected for appointment by the Fire Marshal subject to the approval by the Ross Township Fire Chiefs Association and appointment by the Ross Township Board of Commissioners.
Requirements for office:
Ten years current active service as a member of a fire department, whether in the Township of Ross Township or otherwise.
A minimum of 100 hours of "certified" arson training.
Possess and maintain a Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, Uniform Construction Code, Fire Code certification.
[Added by Ord. No. 2457, 11/16/2020[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection C as Subsection D.
Qualified to:
Determine the cause and/or origin of a fire.
Enforce and interpret the provisions of the International Fire Code.
[Amended Ord. No. 2457, 11/16/2020]
Interpret the provisions of the International Fire Code unless the Township shall designate another employee or official to perform these duties.
Make recommendations to the Ross Township Board of Commissioners or other body designated by it for:
Fire prevention.
Fire protection.
Inspect property situate in the Township of Ross Township for fire hazards.
Attend every structural fire.
Attend any other fire scene at the request of the controlling Fire Department officer in charge.
Aid in protecting any property from damage and pillage, and shall have the right to call upon any Ross Township police officer for assistance in fulfilling this obligation.
Investigate to determine:
Cause of a fire.
The amount of loss resulting therefrom.
The name(s) of the owner(s) of the property.
The amount of fire insurance thereon.
The name of the fire insurance carrier.
Keep a record, open to the public, of all fires in Ross Township.
Make quarterly reports of her/his activities to the Ross Township Board of Commissioners.
Advise the Ross Township Board of Commissioners of any relevant matters that she/he deems appropriate.
Make recommendations to the Ross Township Board of Commissioners for the adoption of any ordinance and/or regulation deemed necessary.
Coordinate and liaison with property owners, local Postmasters and local EMS dispatch for addresses/numbering of structures.
[Added by Ord. No. 2457, 11/16/2020]
Administer fire prevention programs within the Township as directed by Community Development management.
[Added by Ord. No. 2457, 11/16/2020]
Administering and coordinating with Community Development and the Finance Department for properties subject to the Fire Escrow Act.
[Added by Ord. No. 2457, 11/16/2020]
Authority Restrictions. The Fire Marshal and/or Deputy Fire Marshal shall not have the power or authority to direct, take charge, dispatch equipment and power, or issue orders at the scene of any fire or on the fire or on the fire ground unless necessitated for the preservation of evidence of a criminal act. The duties of directing, taking charge, dispatching of equipment and manpower shall be performed by the fire chiefs of the various fire companies of the Township of Ross Township or the next officer in the chain of command in her/his respective district.
Suspicious Fires. When the Fire Marshal or a Deputy Fire Marshal believes, during the course of investigation, that the origin of the fire is suspicious in nature, she/he shall immediately notify the Ross Township Police Department officer in charge (OIC) and request her/his response to the scene. The Fire Marshal or Deputy Fire Marshal shall confer with the OIC and if, in the course of the investigation, the Fire Marshal or Deputy Fire Marshal and the OIC believe it to be necessary, they shall request the assistance of the Allegheny County Fire Marshal. The role of the Ross Township Police Department OIC shall be to secure any and all evidence that may be necessary for criminal charges to be filed, and the OIC has the sole authority to restrict access to the scene at her/his discretion for the purpose of securing such evidence.