[Added 12-15-2008 by Ord. No. 08-16]
Within the Department of Administration, there shall be a Code Enforcement Official who shall serve as an additional enforcing officer, official, agent or agency with respect to those ordinances and regulations prescribed hereafter. The Code Enforcement Official shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall report to the Mayor and the Business Administrator.
The Code Enforcement Official shall have the duty, authorization and power to investigate violations of the provisions of the Code of the Township of Washington as set forth hereafter, and shall have the power to enforce the provisions thereof as the enforcing officer, official, agent or agency:
Property Maintenance - Chapter 360.
Trees - Chapter 465.
Snow and Ice Removal - Chapter 407.
Streets and Sidewalks - Chapter 433.
Parking of Commercial Vehicles in Residential Areas - Chapter 330, Article II.
Vehicles, Abandoned; Display of Vehicles - Chapter 471.
Yard Waste and Refuse - Chapter 426, Article III.
Fences, Bushes and Shrubs - Chapter 217.
No parking on front lawn areas - § 223-27.2 of Chapter 223.
Solid Waste Collection - Chapter 415, Article IV.
The Code Enforcement Official may, on his own or upon the verbal or written request or complaint of any person, investigate the possible violation of any provisions of the Code of the Township of Washington as specified in § 7-98A. The Code Enforcement Official shall have the power to issue warning letters, warning notices, and cease and desist notices, issue summonses, provide testimony before any court, board, public body or agency, and represent the Township before any court, board, public body or agency. Without limiting the foregoing powers, the Code Enforcement Official shall have all of the powers of the enforcement officer, official or agency named in any chapter or section referenced in § 7-98A. In the event of a conflict or ambiguity as to the powers of the Code Enforcement Official, same shall be resolved in favor of the more expansive interpretation of the powers of the Code Enforcement Official.
The Code Enforcement Official shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions of the Township's Salary Ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 87, Salaries and Compensation, of the Code.