Providing for the increase of the bonded indebtedness by the sum of $25,0000 for the purpose of purchasing water and electric light plans of the Aspinwall Borough Water Company and the Aspinwall Borough Electric Light Company
Providing for the issue of bonds to the amount of $25,000 for the purpose of purchasing the water and electric light plans of the Aspinwall Water Company and the Aspinwall Electric Light Company
Providing for an increase of the bonded indebtedness of the Borough for the purpose of grading and paving streets and highways and for improving and constructing sewers
Providing for the issue of bonds in the sum of $30,000 and levying a tax to provide for the payment of the same
Signifying the desire of the Borough to increase its indebtedness in the amount of $40,000 and providing for the holding of an election to obtain the assent of electors
Authorizing the submission to the qualified electors of the Borough the question of increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough in an amount not exceeding $25,000 for the purpose of making improvements to the water and light systems of the Borough
Authorizing the submission to the qualified electors of the Borough the question of increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough in an amount not exceed $17,000 for the purpose of refunding the present floating indebtedness of the Borough
Authorizing the submission to the qualified electors of the Borough the question of increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough in an amount not exceed $16,000 for the purpose of making improvements to the water and lights systems of the Borough
Authorizing an issue of coupon bonds in the sum of $17,000 for the purpose of refunding the present floating indebtedness of the Borough
Signifying the desire of the Borough to increase the indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $7,500 for the purpose of providing a fund for the payment of the costs and expenses of extending the system of water works and lighting system
Authorizing and ordering an increase of the indebtedness of the Borough in the sum of $7,500 for the purpose of extending the system of water works and lighting system
Authorizing and directing the proper officers of the Borough to borrow the sum of $1,050 to meet certain specific indebtedness for the rehabilitation of the water and light system
Authorizing and directing the proper officers of the Borough to borrow the sum of $3,950 to meet certain specific indebtedness for the improvement of the street lighting system
Signifying the desire of the corporate authorities of the Borough to increase the indebtedness of the Borough in the sum of $22,000 for the purpose of providing funds for the improvement of the municipal water plant and the municipal lighting system
Authorizing and directing an increase of the indebtedness of the borough in the sum of $22,000 for the purpose of providing funds to be expended in the purchase and installation of a boiler, engineer, generators, switchboard and appliances, piping, heater and equipment for the water and light plants
Signifying a desire of the corporate authorities of the Borough to increase the indebtedness of the Borough in an amount not exceeding $22,000 for the purpose of funding the floating indebtedness of the Borough
Res. 12/6/1915
Certifying that an election was held on November 2, 1915 for the purpose of obtaining the assent of the qualified electors of the Borough to increase the bonded indebtedness of the Borough
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough and authorizing the execution and sale of tits coupon bonds in the sum of $22,000
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough for the purpose of funding and paying $25,000 of the present indebtedness of the Borough y an issue of coupon bonds
Signifying and expressing the desire of the corporate authorities of the Borough to increase the indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $50,000 for the purpose of rehabilitating, improving and enlarging the electricity and water producing plant and distributing system of the Borough
Signifying and expressing the desire of the corporate authorities of the Borough of Aspinwall to increase the indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $10,000 for the purpose of purchasing land for a public park and playground
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $50,000 for the purpose of rehabilitating, improving and enlarging the electricity and water producing plant and distributing system of the Borough
Signifying and expressing the desire of the corporate authorities to increase the bonded indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $50,000 for the purpose of funding the floating indebtedness of the Borough and completing improvements, additions and enlargement of the water and light plant
Res. 11/10/1921
Showing the results of the public election held on November 18, 1921, regarding the question of increasing the indebtedness of the Borough by the amount of $50,000 for the purpose of funding the floating indebtedness of the Borough and completing the improvements, additions and enlargement of the water and light plant
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough for the purpose of funding the floating indebtedness of the Borough and completing the improvements, additions and enlargement of the water and light plant, by an issue of bonds to the amount of $50,000
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough by the amount of $20,000 for the purpose of purchasing a boiler and stoker and erecting a building for the same for the water and light plant of the Borough
Signifying and expressing the desire of the corporate authorities of the Borough to increase the bonded indebtedness of the Borough by the amount of $50,000 for the purpose of paying the Borough's share of the cost of reading and improving Freeport Avenue and other paved streets within the Borough
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough for the purpose of paying the Borough's share of the cost of reading and improving Freeport Avenue and other paved streets within the Borough
Signifying and expressing the desire of the corporate authorities of the Borough to increase the bonded indebtedness of the Borough by the amount of $40,000 for the purpose of acquiring and purchasing a tract of ground for a public park and playground and the equipment and preparation for the same
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough in an amount not to exceed $40,000 for the purpose of acquiring and purchasing a tract of ground for a public park and playground
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough in an amount $60,000 for the purpose of surfacing, resurfacing and recurbing of streets and alleys
Signifying and expressing the desire of the corporate authorities of the Borough to increase the indebtedness of the Borough by the amount of $250,000 for the purpose of purchasing, installing and equipping new diesel or other type electric generating units
Res. 5/11/1949
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $250,000 by an issue of general obligation bonds of the denomination of $1,000 each for the purpose of purchasing, installing and equipping new diesel or other type electric generating units
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough by an issue of coupon bonds in the amount of $250,000 for the purpose of purchasing, installing and equipping new diesel or other type electric generating units
Res. 8/8/1951
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough by an issue of general obligation bonds in the amount of $1,000 each for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing and extending the sewer system of the Borough
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough by an issue of coupon bonds in the amount of $30,000 for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing and extending the sewer system of the Borough
Res. 9/12/1951
Awarding the purchase of bonds known as "Sewer Improvement Bonds" in the amount of $30,000 to bear interest at the rate of 2% per annum to Singer, Deane & Scribner
Res. 3/10/1964
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $80,000 by the issuance of general obligation for the purpose of improving, replacing and providing additional facilities for the water and electrical production and distribution systems of the Borough
Increasing the bonded indebtedness of the Borough by an issue of coupon bonds in the amount of $80,000 for the purpose of improving, replacing and provided additional facilities for the water and electrical production and distributing systems of the Borough
Authorizing and directing the proper fiscal officers of the Borough to create and maintain a separate debt service account for payment of existing bonded indebtedness of the Borough
Res. 75-2
Authorizing Tax Anticipation Notes, Series A of 1975, in the amount of $50,000
Authorizing the borrowing of $40,000 without the issuance of bonds pursuant to the Local Government Unit Debt Act for the purpose of purchasing certain real estate and a dwelling thereon
Res. 78-5
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $60,000 by the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes, Series A of 1978
Res. 79-2
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $60,000 by the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes, Series A of 1979
Res. 80-3
Increasing the indebtedness in the amount of $80,000 by the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes, Series A of 1980
Res. 80-7
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough by the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes, Series A of 1980
Accepting a proposal for a general obligation debt and awarding the note to evidence the same under the Local Government Unit Debt Act
Res. 81-1
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough by the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes, Series A of 1981
Accepting a proposal for a general obligation debt and awarding the note to evidence the same under the Local Government Unit Debt Act
Issuing general obligation notes in the amount of $15,378.50 for sundry purposes
Res. 82-1
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $100,000 by the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes Series A of 1982
Res. 82-8
Awarding the general obligation note for $20,000 by private sale
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $100,000 by the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes, Series A, 1-10 of 1984
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough by the issuance of a general obligation note in the amount of $150,000 for sundry purposes.
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough by the issuance of a general obligation note in the amount of $30,000 for sundry purposes
Res. 85-1
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $100,000 by the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes, Series, A, 1-10 of 1985
Res. 86-1
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $100,000 by the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes, Series A, 1-10 of 1986
Authorizing the incurring of nonelectoral debt by the issuance of a general obligation note in the principal amount of $175,000 for the purpose of providing funds for the refunding of outstanding debt and for road reconstruction
Res. 87-1
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough in the amount of $100,000 by the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes, Series A, 1-10 of 1987
Authorizing the incurring of nonelectoral debt by the issuance of a general obligation note in the principal amount of $500,000 for the purpose of providing funds for construction of a water filtration plant
Authorizing the incurring of nonelectoral debt by the issuance of a general obligation note in the principal amount of $150,000 for the purpose of providing funds for road reconstruction
Res. 88-2
Authorizing the issuance of tax and revenue anticipation notes in the aggregate principal amount of $100,000
Res. 89-3
Authorizing the issuance of tax and revenue anticipation notes in the aggregate principal amount of $100,000
Res. 90-01
Authorizing the issuance of tax and revenue anticipation notes in the aggregate principal amount of $120,000
Authorizing the incurring of nonelectoral debt by the issuance of a general obligation note in the principal amount of $300,000 for the purpose of providing funds for the purchase of a street sweeper and refunding the 1986 and 1987-B general obligation notes of the Borough
Res. 91-03
Authorizing the issuance of tax and revenue anticipation notes in the aggregate principal amount of $120,000
Authorizing the incurring of nonelectoral debt by the issuance of a general obligation note in the principal amount of $300,000 for the purpose of repayment of existing debt and providing funds for street repairs within the Borough
Authorizing the incurring of nonelectoral debt by the issuance of a general obligation note in the principal amount of $500,000 for the purposes of repayment of existing debt and providing funds for repair of a water filtration plant
Res. 92-02
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough by the issuance of a general obligation note in the amount of $25,000 for sundry purposes
Res. 92-03
Authorizing the indebtedness of the Borough be increased in the amount of $25,000 to be payable annually with interest of 5.0% evidenced by the issuance of an installment note
Authorizing the incurring of nonelectoral debt by the issuance of a general obligation note in the principal amount of $500,000 for the purposes of repayment of existing debt and providing funds for repair of a water filtration plant
Increasing the indebtedness of the Borough by the issuance of a general obligation note in the amount of $100,000 for the purpose of purchasing a firepumper truck
Res. 2004-04
Engaging Mellon Financial Markets, LLC, to pursue financing options for and on behalf of the Borough after the underwriting of a general obligation bond and engaging Springer, Bush & Perry, P.C., as bond council
Increasing the indebtedness by the issuance of a general obligation note in the amount of $1,210,000 for the purpose of providing funds for and towards various capital projects
Res. 2008-02
Authorizing the issuance of a Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note, Series 2008, with the terms set forth in the certificate and transmittal; approving a form of note; authorizing designated officers to execute and deliver the note; authorizing and directing the filing of proceedings with the Department of Community and Economic Development; providing for the payment and security of the note; making certain Federal income tax covenants in respect of the note; accepting the proposal of PNC Bank, National Association for the purchase of the note; and repealing inconsistent resolutions
Res. 2009-06
Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note, Series 2010
Res. 2010-05
Authorizing the issuance of a Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note, Series 201_ with the terms set forth in the attached certificate and transmittal; approving a form of note; authorizing designated officers to execute and deliver the note; authorizing and directing the filing of proceedings with the Department of Community and Economic Development; providing for the payment and security of the note; making certain federal income tax covenants in respect of the note; accepting the proposal of PNC Bank, National Association for the purchase of the note; and repealing inconsistent resolutions
Res. 2011-12
Authorizing the issuance of a tax and revenue anticipation note, series 2012 with the terms set forth in the certificate and transmittal; approving a form of note; authorizing designated officers to execute and deliver the note; authorizing and directing the filing of proceedings with the Department of Community and Economic Development; providing for the payment and security of the note; making certain Federal Income Tax Covenants in respect of the note; accepting the proposal of PNC Bank, National Association for the purchase of the note
Authorizing the incurrence of nonelectoral debt by the issuance of a General Obligation Note, Series 2020, in the aggregate principal amount of up to $850,000 for the purposes of providing financing for the refunding of the Borough's outstanding general obligation note, Series of 2004 and financing certain costs of issuing the note