[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991; as amended by Ord. 3-92, 5/5/1992, § 1; by Ord. 2-02, 6/4/2002, § 1; by Ord. 2-03, 8/5/2003, § 1; by Ord. 2-04, 6/1/2004, § 1; and by Ord. 2-14, 12/2/2014, § 1]
Maximum speed limits are established on portions of specified streets, as follows, and it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle, on any part of a street where a maximum speed limit applies, at a higher speed than the maximum prescribed for that part of the street:
Maximum Speed Limit
Airport Road (T-730)
Entire length
30 mph
Austin Drive (T-492)
Entire length
25 mph
Benson Drive (T-772)
Entire length
30 mph
Blacktop Lane (T-494)
Entire length
25 mph
Brooklyn Road (T-754)
Entire length
30 mph
Brueilly Road (T-775)
Entire length
25 mph
Bryant Road (T-573)
Entire length
30 mph
Bullock Road (T-678)
Entire length
30 mph
Burley Ridge Road (T-503)
Entire length
25 mph
Carpenter Road (T-543)
Entire length
35 mph
Cherry Ridge Road (T-510)
Entire length
25 mph
Cooper Road (T-499)
Entire length
20 mph
Crittenden Drive (T-774)
Entire length
30 mph
East Mulberry Hill Road (T-732)
Entire length
30 mph
Erie Avenue (T-488)
Entire length
25 mph
Firetower Road (T-713)
Entire length
25 mph
Fish Road (T-546)
Entire length
25 mph
Fourth Street (T-505)
Entire length
30 mph
Hemlock Drive (T-485)
Entire length
25 mph
Hollow Road (T-491)
Entire length
30 mph
Inscho Lane (T-776)
Entire length
25 mph
Kellytown Road (T-571)
Entire length
30 mph
Kelsey Road (T-676)
Entire length
30 mph
Kingsley Road (T-575)
Entire length
30 mph
Korb Road (T-568)
Entire length
30 mph
Lake Road (T-680)
Entire length
35 mph
Lambs Creek Road (T-844)
Entire length
35 mph
Mann Creek Heights Road (T-542)
Entire length
25 mph
Mann Creek Road (T-545)
Entire length
35 mph
Mitchell Tree Road (T-711)
Entire length
30 mph
Moore Road (T-710)
Entire length
30 mph
Mudge Road (T-646)
Entire length
30 mph
Mulberry Hill Road (T-731)
Entire length
30 mph
Mulberry Lane (T-490)
Entire length
25 mph
North Bullock Road (T-678)
Entire length
30 mph
Odell Road (T-728)
Entire length
25 mph
Old Mainesburg Road (T-507)
Entire length
25 mph
Orbed Road (T-501)
Entire length
30 mph
Pitts Road (T-497)
Entire length
30 mph
Putnam Drive (T-565)
Entire length
30 mph
Rice Road (T-496)
Entire length
35 mph
Richmond Drive (T-489)
Entire length
25 mph
Ritz Road (T-521)
Entire length
25 mph
South Bullock Road (T-678)
Entire length
30 mph
Schodac Road (T-708)
Entire length
30 mph
Scouten Road (T-519)
Entire length
30 mph
Shaw Road (T-541)
Entire length
30 mph
Skyline Drive (T-777)
Entire length
25 mph
Smith Road (T-569)
Entire length
30 mph
Smoke Rise Road (T-509)
Entire length
25 mph
Spencer Road (T-493)
Entire length
35 mph
Sportsmens Club Road (T-712)
Entire length
30 mph
Spruce Drive (T-487)
Entire length
25 mph
Sumner Road (T-539)
Entire length
30 mph
Thorn Apple Lane (T-486)
Entire length
25 mph
Valley Road (T-498)
Entire length
30 mph
Westgate Road (T-770)
Entire length
30 mph
Whittaker Road (T-495)
Entire length
35 mph
Wood Road (T-574)
Entire length
30 mph
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $35. Any person exceeding the maximum speed limit by more than five miles per hour shall pay an additional fine of $2 per mile for each mile in excess of five miles per hour over the maximum speed limit.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
Maximum speed limits are established, as follows, on certain bridges and elevated structures, and it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle on any such bridge or elevated structure, at a higher speed than the maximum prescribed for that bridge or elevated structure:
Bridge or Elevated Structure
Maximum Speed Limit
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $35. Any person exceeding the maximum speed limit by more than five miles per hour shall pay an additional fine of $2 per mile for each mile in excess of five miles per hour over the maximum speed limit.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
The following are declared to be hazardous grades, and, upon any such hazardous grade, no person shall drive a vehicle, having a gross weight in excess of that referred to for that grade, in the direction stated for that grade, at a speed in excess of that established in this section for that grade, and, if so stated for a particular grade, the driver of every such vehicle shall stop the vehicle before proceeding downhill:
Direction of Travel
Maximum Gross Weight
Maximum Speed Limit
Required to Stop Before Proceeding Downhill
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $35. Any person exceeding the maximum speed limit by more than five miles per hour shall pay an additional fine of $2 for each mile in excess of five miles per hour over the maximum speed limit.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
A speed limit of 15 miles per hour is established on all streets and roadways in the public parks maintained and operated by the Township of Richmond, except in the following locations, where the lower maximums, as specified, shall apply:
Maximum Speed Limit
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $35. Any person exceeding the maximum speed limit by more than five miles per hour shall pay an additional fine of $2 per mile for each mile in excess of five miles per hour over the maximum speed limit.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
At the following locations, traffic signals as indicated below shall be erected (or are ratified if previously erected), and traffic at those locations shall be directed by those signals:
Type of Signal
Any driver of a vehicle who disobeys the directions of any traffic signal shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
The following are established as intersections where drivers of vehicles headed in the direction or directions indicated are prohibited from making a right turn (or a left turn from a one-way street into another one-way street) on a steady red signal:
Vehicles Traveling On
Any driver of a vehicle who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
The following are established as one-way streets, and it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle on any one-way street other than in the direction established for traffic on that street:
Direction of Travel
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle, of the type indicated, traveling upon the first-named street at any of the following intersections, in the direction or directions indicated in each case, to make a left turn and/or a right turn into the second-named street, as indicated, at any time when such a turn is prohibited by this section:
Vehicles Traveling on
Direction of Travel
Not to Make
Type of Vehicle Applicable To:
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle, traveling upon the first-named street at any of the following intersections, in the direction or directions indicated in each case, to make other than a right turn, at any time stated, both left turns and straight-across traffic being prohibited:
Vehicles Traveling On
Direction of Travel
Not to make left turn into or travel straight across
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle, traveling upon any of the following portions of streets, in the direction or directions indicated for that street, to make a U-turn:
Direction of Travel
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
The following are established as no passing zones, and it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to overtake or pass another vehicle or to drive on the left side of the roadway in any no passing zone:
Direction of Travel
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
The following highways are established as through highways, thus authorizing stop or yield signs to be erected facing traffic approaching every intersection with the through highway except for those intersections with traffic signals, or with exceptions or modifications as indicated below. Every driver of a vehicle approaching a stop or yield sign authorized by this section shall stop the vehicle or yield right-of-way as required by § 3323(b) or § 3323(c) of the Vehicle Code, as the case may be, and shall not proceed into or across the through highway until he has followed all applicable requirements of that section of the law:
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991; as amended by Ord. 2-95, 5/2/1995, § 1; and by Ord. 1-98, 2/3/1998, § 2]
The following intersections (in addition to intersections with the through highways established by § 15-212) are established as stop intersections, and official stop signs shall be erected (or are ratified if previously erected) in such a position as to face traffic approaching the second-named street (the intersecting or through street) on the first-named street (the stop street) in the direction or directions indicated for that intersection. Every driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection on the first named or stop street, in the direction indicated in each case, shall stop the vehicle as required by § 3323(b) of the Vehicle Code, and shall not proceed into or across the second-named or intersecting or through street until he has followed all applicable requirements of that section of the law.
Stop Street
Intersection or Through Street
Direction of Travel
Airport Road
West Roosevelt Highway
Benson Drive
West Roosevelt Highway
Blacktop Land (E)
West Roosevelt Highway
Southeast bound
Blacktop Land (W)
West Roosevelt Highway
Southwest bound
Brooklyn Road
Spencer Road
Bryant Road
Pickle Hill Road
Brueilly Road
Canoe Camp Creek Road
Brueilly Road
South Main Street (Old U.S. Route 15)
Carpenter Road
Shaw Road
Cooper Road
West Roosevelt Highway
Southwest bound
East Mulberry Hill Road
West Roosevelt Highway
Hollow Road
West Roosevelt Highway
Southeast bound
North Bullock Road
Southwest bound
Kelleytown Road
Pickle Hill Road
Southeast bound
North Main Street
Kelsey Road
North Elk Run Road
Kingsley Road
Pickle Hill Road
Korb Road
Kelleytown Road
Lake Road
Orebed Road
Lambs Creek Road
Orebed Road
Main Creek Heights Road
Lambs Creek Road
Mann Creek Road
Lambs Creek Road
Moore Road
Orebed Road
Mudge Road
North Elk Run Road
Mulberry Lane (N)
East Mulberry Hill Road
Mulberry Lane (S)
East Mulberry Hill Road
North Bullock Road
West Roosevelt Highway
Southeast bound
North Schodac Road
West Roosevelt Highway
Old Mainesburg Road (W)
East Roosevelt Highway
Southwest bound
Old Mainesburg Road (E)
East Roosevelt Highway
Southeast bound
Orebed Road
West Roosevelt Highway
Southeast bound
Pitts Road
Canoe Camp Creek Road
Rice Road
West Roosevelt Highway
Northeast bound
Richmond Drive
South Main Street
Scouten Road
Roseville Road
Shaw Road
Lambs Creek Road
Smith Road
Pickle Hill Road
Smoke Rise Road
Pickle Hill Road
South Bullock Road
North Elk Run Road
West Roosevelt Highway
Northwest bound
South Schodac Road
Spencer Road
West Roosevelt Highway
Spencer Road
South Main Street
North Elk Run
Sportsmens Club Road
Lambs Creek Road
Sumner Road
Orebed Road
Valley Road
West Roosevelt Highway
East Mulberry Hill Road
Westgate Road
East Roosevelt Highway
Canoe Camp Creek Road
Whitteker Road
Canoe Camp Creek Road
Wood Road
Pickle Hill Road
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991; as amended by Ord. 1-98, 2/3/1998, § 1]
The following intersections (in addition to intersections with the through highways established by § 15-212) are established as yield intersections, and official yield signs shall be erected (or are ratified if previously erected) in such a position as to face traffic approaching the second-named street (the through street) on the first-named street (the yield street) in the direction or directions indicated for that intersection. Every driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection on the first-named or yield street, in the direction indicated in each case, shall slow down or stop the vehicle as required by § 3323(c) of the Vehicle Code, and then yield the right-of-way as required by that subsection of the Vehicle Code.
Yield Street
Through Street
Direction of Travel
Airport Road
Mann Creek Road
Austin Drive
East Mulberry Hill Road
Benson Drive
Orebed Road
Burley Ridge Road
Austin Drive
Crittenden Drive
Mann Creek Road
Southeast bound
East Mulberry Road
Mulberry Hill Road
Erie Avenue
Richmond Drive
Firetower Road
Shaw Road
Fish Road
Mann Creek Road
Kingleys Road
Wood Road
Southeast bound
Mann Creek Heights Road
Mann Creek Road
Mann Creek Road
Lambs Creek Road
Mitcheltree Road
Lambs Creek Road
Moore Road
Hollow Road
Mulberry Hill Road
Spencer Road
Valley Road
North Schodac Road
Hollow Road
Odell Road
Valley Road
Spencer Road
Putnam Drive
Kelleytown Road
Ritz Road
Scouten Road
Smith Road
Kelleytown Road
Northwest bound
Sportsmens Club Road
Shaw Road
Spruce Drive
Thornapple Lane
Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
No motor vehicle including a motorcycle, pedalcycle or minibike shall be operated on any property owned by the Township or any other public agency or instrumentality within the Township without the permission of the property owner and a permit from the [designated official] of the Township.
Any person who violates an provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
The following locations are designated as rotary traffic islands, and every vehicle passing around a rotary traffic island shall be driven only to the right of the island:
Any person who drives a vehicle otherwise than to the right of any rotary traffic island shall be guilty of a violation of this section, and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
The following areas upon the streets in the Township of Richmond are established as play highways:
The Board of Supervisors is authorized to designate as play highways, whenever it deems that action advisable, and for whatever period of time directed by it, any part of any street in the Township, where sledding and coasting, shall be permitted. That play highway shall be set apart for the purpose under the direction of the Board of Supervisors.
No person shall drive any motor vehicle upon any play highway at any time when that street shall be designated as a play highway, except in case of emergency, with special permission of the Board of Supervisors or of the police officer in charge, who shall first clear that play highway of all persons using it for the purpose for which it was set aside. Any person who violates any provision of this subsection shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs.
[Ord. 91-4, 9/3/1991]
The following roads and streets within the Township are designated as special snowmobile roads:
Street or Road
Used by Snowmobiles Only When Closed to Vehicular Traffic?
Shared with Vehicular Traffic?
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile on any highway, street or road in the Township other than as provided above. Provided nothing in this section shall prohibit any person from operating a snowmobile on any other street in the Township:
As authorized by § 7721 of the Vehicle Code for emergency and bridge crossings and for direct crossing of streets or two-lane highways; or
For special snowmobile events where authorized in advance and the street is blocked off as provided in § 7723 of the Vehicle Code. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in § 7752(a) of the Vehicle Code.
[Added by Ord. No. 01-2019, 8/6/2019]
The following roadways have been designated as in need of traffic calming measures:
Street or Road
Traffic Calming Measure
Westgate Road
Canoe Camp Creek Road and U.S. Route 6
Closure of section of road to preclude through traffic and installation of culs-de-sac or hammerheads at each end
The Township shall erect appropriate signage to alert motorists of the traffic calming measure at both the start of the affected street or road, being the point where said street or road intersects the next closest street or road, and at the approach to the traffic calming measure. Said signage shall be erected in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
The Township shall notify all adjacent municipalities, emergency services providers within the county, including but not limited to state and municipal police organizations, fire and ambulance departments, the Tioga County Communications Center, and the Tioga County Department of Emergency Services of any traffic calming measure in writing at least 20 days prior to the effective date of the measure.