Editor's Note: Part 14, "Transferable Development Rights," was repealed and this Part reserved by § 22 of Ord. 2011-26, 10/17/2011, which provides:
"22. Part 14 of the Zoning Ordinance providing for the establishment and regulation of the Transferable Development Rights Program is hereby deleted in its entirety, provided however, that in the exercise of the Township's right to terminate the Transferable Development Rights Program, no owner of the land or owner of development rights shall have any claim against the Township for damages resulting from the abolition of the Transferable Development Rights Program. As of the effective date of this Ordinance, any owner of development rights shall be entitled to use such development rights in accordance with the terms and provisions of Chapter 14 at the time the development rights were secured, for a period not to exceed five years the development rights were secured."