[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Sterling 5-2-2016 ATM by Art. 11, approved 7-29-2016. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Carriage stands — See Ch. 34.
Junk dealers — See Ch. 86.
Licenses — See Ch. 92.
Peddling and soliciting — See Ch. 117.
This bylaw authorizes the Police Department to conduct state and national fingerprint-based criminal history checks for individuals applying for specific licenses in Town to enhance public safety, as authorized by MGL c. 6, § 172B 1/2. To carry out the criminal history checks authorized by this bylaw, the Police Department shall be authorized to use state and Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") records; provided, however, that such records shall not be disseminated to unauthorized entities and shall be maintained and disclosed in accordance with all applicable law.
The bylaw further authorizes the Select Board, in consultation with the Chief of Police, to promulgate policies and procedures to implement this bylaw, which may include, but shall not be limited to, establishment of submission deadlines, procedures for making recommendations to the licensing authority or making a licensing as a result of the criminal history check, procedures for assessing, correcting or amending any such record, criteria for fitness determinations, security of information obtained and penalties for failure to comply with this bylaw.
The Police Department shall, as authorized by MGL c. 6, § 172B 1/2, conduct state and federal fingerprint-based criminal history checks for individuals and entities for the following licenses. Any applicant for a license to engage in any of the following occupational activities within the Town shall submit a full set of fingerprints taken by the Sterling Police Department within 10 days of the date of the application for a license for the purpose of conducting a state and national criminal record background check to determine the suitability of the applicant for the following licenses:
Manager of alcoholic beverage license.
Hawker and peddler.
Door-to-door soliciting.
Owner or operator of public conveyance.
Dealer of secondhand articles,
Pawn dealers.
Ice cream truck vendor.
At the time of fingerprinting, the Police Department shall notify the individual being fingerprinted that the fingerprints will be used to check the individual's criminal history records and obtain the individual's consent. After the applicant completes a consent form, provides his/her fingerprints and the appropriate fee, the Police Department shall transmit the fingerprints it has obtained pursuant to this bylaw to the Identification Section of the Massachusetts State Police, the Massachusetts Department of Criminal Justice Information Services ("DCJIS"), and/or the FBI or the successors of such agencies as may be necessary for the purpose of conducting fingerprint-based state and national criminal records background checks for the license applicants specified in this bylaw.
The Town authorizes the Massachusetts State Police, the DCJIS and the FBI and their successors, as may be applicable, to conduct fingerprint-based state and national criminal record background checks, including of FBI records, consistent with this bylaw. The Town authorizes the Police Department to receive and utilize state and FBI records in connection with such background checks, consistent with this bylaw and its implementing regulations. In accordance with its implementing regulations, the Police Department shall communicate the results of fingerprint-based criminal record background checks to the appropriate governmental licensing authority within the Town.
Licensing authorities of the Town shall utilize the results of fingerprint-based criminal record background checks for the sole purpose of determining the suitability of the subjects of the checks in connection with the license applications specified in this bylaw. A Town licensing authority may deny an application for a license on the basis of the results of a fingerprint-based criminal record background check if it determines that the results of the check render the subject unsuitable for the proposed licensed activity. The licensing authority shall consider all applicable laws, regulations and Town policies bearing on an applicant's suitability in making this determination.
Licensing authorities of the Town are hereby authorized to deny an application for any license specified herein and in the implementing regulations, including renewals and transfers of said licenses, from any person who is determined unfit for the license due to information obtained pursuant to this bylaw. Factors that shall be considered in making a determination of fitness shall include, but not be limited to, whether the record subject has been convicted of, or is under pending indictment for, a crime that bears upon the subject's ability or fitness to serve in that capacity, including any felony or a misdemeanor that involved force or threat of force, possession of a controlled substance, or sex-related offense.
Implementation of this bylaw and the conducting of fingerprint-based criminal record background checks by the Town shall be in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and Town policies, including, but not limited to, the Town's policy applicable to licensing-related criminal record background check, which shall include record retention and confidentiality requirements. The Town shall not disseminate the results of fingerprint-based criminal background checks except as may be provided by law, regulation, and Town policy. The Town shall not disseminate criminal record information received from the FBI to unauthorized persons or entities.
The fee charged by the Police Department for the purpose of conducting fingerprint-based criminal record background checks shall be $100 for each fingerprinting and criminal history check. A portion of the fee, as specified in MGL c. 6, § 172B 1/2, shall be deposited into the Firearms Fingerprint Identity Verification Trust Fund, and the remainder of the fee may be retained by the Town for costs associated with the administration of the fingerprinting system.
This bylaw shall take effect after compliance with MGL c. 40, § 32, has been met.