The following principles of subdivision and land development,
general requirements and minimum standards of design, shall be observed
by the applicant in all instances. Other design requirements as established
in the Zoning Ordinance or other Lansdale Borough ordinances shall
be in addition to the following:
A. All portions of a tract being subdivided shall be designated as to
their use, such as lots, streets, parking areas, open space, public
lands, or other proposed uses so that remnants and landlocked areas
shall not be created.
B. Applicants shall preserve natural amenities such as trees and watercourses,
as well as scenic areas, historic sites and other community assets
and landmarks. The applicant shall refer to the Lansdale Borough Open
Space Plan, the Lansdale Borough Comprehensive Plan, and the Montgomery
County Comprehensive Plan to help identify features worthy of preservation.
C. Plans shall be designed to avoid excessive disturbance of vegetation
and movement of earth, unless specifically warranted by terrain or
D. Floodplain land areas, should they exist, shall be governed by additional
standards contained in this code.
E. The applicant shall construct, install and guarantee, at no expense
to the Borough of Lansdale or its authorities, all improvements required
as part of plan approval, including, but not limited to, streets,
curbs, sidewalks, water and sewage facilities, stormwater management
facilities, street lights, fire hydrants, street signs, shade trees,
monuments, lot pins, and other facilities and utilities specified
in this chapter. Construction and installation of such facilities
and utilities shall be subject to inspection by the appropriate Borough
authority and North Penn Water Authority officials during the progress
of the work, and the applicant shall pay for all inspections.
F. Where the North Penn Water Authority determines that no public water
supply is available to the subdivision or land development, the Borough
Council shall require the applicant to obtain from the Montgomery
County Health Department certificates of approval as to the quality
and adequacy of the water supply proposed to be utilized by the applicant
and approval of the type and construction methods to be employed in
the installation of the individual water supply system. Construction
and installation shall be performed in accordance with all applicable
state or local regulations.
G. Stormwater management systems shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the requirements set forth in §
347-422, Stormwater management and drainage, of this chapter.
H. The applicant shall observe the ultimate rights-of-way for contiguous
existing streets as set forth herein. Additional portions of the corridors
for such streets shall be offered to the government agency having
jurisdiction at the time the subdivision or land development is consummated.
Applicable building setback lines, as defined by the Borough Zoning
Ordinance of current adoption, shall be delineated as measured from
the ultimate right-of-way lines.
I. The proposed subdivision and land development shall be coordinated
with the existing nearby neighborhoods as well as with abutting tracts
where future development is possible so that the community as a whole
may develop harmoniously.
J. Improvement construction requirements shall be completed in accordance
with specifications of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation,
the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Montgomery
County Conservation District or other appropriate agencies or the
specifications provided herein and whichever specifications are most
stringent shall take precedence over any less restrictive law, ordinance
or regulation.
K. The standards contained within this chapter are the minimum standards
and requirements for the protection of the health, safety, and welfare
of the residents of the Borough of Lansdale and are to be used in
all subdivisions and land developments. In addition, the Borough Council
reserves the right to require standards in excess of the minimum requirements
if warranted to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of
the community.
L. The applicant shall offer for dedication to the appropriate jurisdiction
any and all rights-of-way, easements, land, facilities, or other improvements.
Borough Council reserves the right to accept of refuse offers of dedication
to the Borough for public uses.
M. Exemptions. The following is exempt from the provisions of this chapter:
land development with no new buildings, building additions, accessory
buildings, and less than 1,000 square feet of land disturbance.
A. Comprehensive plans. Proposals for land development or subdivision
shall be generally consistent with the latest Lansdale Borough Comprehensive
Plan, especially as to the use of land, intensity of development,
transportation, community facilities and resource protection. Residential
development should also be consistent with the housing objectives
of the plan. The latest revision of the Comprehensive Plan may be
available on the Borough website.
B. State, regional, county and municipal plans. Proposals shall be generally
consistent with appropriate state, regional, county, and any other
municipally adopted plans, as last revised, including, but not limited
to, the Borough's latest Open Space Plan and latest Revitalization
Plan. Where regional facilities are proposed in the plan, including
but not limited to highways, rail lines, rail stations, and transportation
centers, effort shall be made to preserve needed rights-of-way in
the proposed land development or subdivision for future infrastructure
C. Public service improvements. Proposals shall be consistent with the
location and timing of public service improvements, such as water
and sewage facilities in accordance with the appropriate infrastructure
plans governing those facilities. In addition, the location of public
service facilities as outlined in a capital improvement plan or official
map shall be considered in locating and planning development.
Proposed land developments and subdivisions shall address the
opportunities and limitations present on a site and its adjacent surroundings.
Site opportunities shall be maximized to enhance the overall quality
of the development and steps shall be taken to lessen potential negative
impacts upon a site and the surrounding properties. The impacts of
the proposed development on the natural environment and surrounding
land uses shall be given a high priority and made an integral part
of the overall design for the land development and subdivision. The
following site organization guidelines shall be used:
A. Site improvement layout. Building placement should be functionally
compatible with the site's topography, existing vegetation, and surrounding
land uses, taking into account energy conservation, solar access,
and pertinent natural features, as described below in § 347-402A(2),
Existing natural features.
B. Existing natural features. Existing natural features should be recognized
and integrated into the site layout. Existing natural features, including,
but not limited to, streams, hillsides, wetlands, unique habitat,
woods and similar natural resources, shall be incorporated into the
overall site plan to strengthen the unique quality of the land.
C. Open space. The placement of open space should be a fundamental part
of the development design. Open space offers recreation, protects
important natural systems, can provide community gathering space,
and effectively buffers different land uses.
D. Circulation. Movement within a site and access to the site should
consider the safety and convenience of various types of users, not
just vehicles. Cross access by various types of users between properties
and joint access are encouraged to improve circulation.
E. Relationship to surrounding uses. The proposed design should complement
positive surrounding uses through building setbacks, buffers, and
separation of uses. Various potential negative impacts upon surrounding
land uses, including but not limited to noise, light, and loss of
privacy, should be mitigated.
F. Health hazards. The configuration of a subdivision or land development
should reduce potential health hazards to the future users of the
subdivision or land development and to the community as a whole.
Blocks shall be designed to provide efficient, convenient, and
safe pedestrian and vehicular circulation. When a new block or a revised
street is proposed, the characteristics of blocks should be determined
by the following parameters:
A. Perimeter. The block perimeter in the downtown, mixed use, and TOD
areas (shown in Figure 4.1: Area Where Smaller Blocks are Appropriate
bounded by the thickest solid line) shall be less than 1,400 feet.
In the residential areas (in Figure 4.1, all areas outside the thickest
solid line) blocks shall be less than 2,400 feet. Block perimeter
is measured along the ultimate right-of way lines. Parks, industrial
areas, schools, shopping centers, and other large uses may constitute
blocks with longer perimeters; however, public pedestrianways shall
be considered that will provide access equivalent to the perimeters
above. Borough Council may require bridges or other crossings for
watercourses, railways, or other similar barriers in order to achieve
the required perimeter.
Figure 4.1: Area Where Smaller Blocks are Appropriate
B. Size. Blocks shall be of such size as to provide two tiers of lots
of at least the minimum size permitted under the applicable zoning
C. Street and alley pattern. Blocks shall be designed to continue the
Borough's existing street and alley pattern and provide efficient,
convenient, and safe pedestrian and vehicular circulation.
D. Double frontage lots shall not be allowed where the rears of any
building or use are to face any thoroughfare or residential street.
E. Natural features. Blocks shall be designed to reflect natural features
that may constrain subdivision and land development. Unless a watercourse
is located internal to the block, drainage should be away from the
interior of the block toward the abutting streets.
F. Walkways. Where necessary for safe, convenient and direct pedestrian
access to commercial, institutional, or open space/recreation areas
as determined by the Borough of Lansdale, walkways shall be included
in the design for the block area. The walkways shall extend from one
street to the next within either an easement granted to the Borough
or a public right-of-way at least 10 feet in width.
A. Lot size. All lots shall be no smaller than the minimum lot area
requirements of the applicable zoning classification and be generally
sufficient in size and shape to adequately accommodate the development
or use proposed for it. Lots that contain natural restrictions, including
but not limited to, wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes, or other
similar features shall be large enough to provide suitable area for
the intended use of the lot without requiring encroachment upon natural
amenities. Lots with existing or planned public improvements, such
as fuel pipe lines, underground utilities, stormwater detention basins,
high voltage power lines, or other similar facilities, shall be of
adequate size to allow sufficient room for the intended use of the
lot without requiring encroachment on the public facilities or easements
for the installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of such
facilities and improvements.
B. Lot shape. Every lot shall contain a building envelope that complies
with the requirements of the applicable zoning classification in the
Zoning Ordinance and is suitable for the type(s) of development proposed.
C. Corner lots. Corner lots shall meet lot frontage requirements on
two streets. The owner shall have the option of choosing which of
the two lot lines that are not street lines is to be considered a
rear lot line.
D. Rear or flag lots. Rear or flag lots shall not be permitted.
E. Reverse frontage lots. Reverse frontage lots shall not be permitted.
F. Lot lines. Lot lines shall be drawn parallel, concentric, at right
angles, or radial to the street right-of-way, unless not feasible
or undesirable due to existing permanent, natural or man-made features.
Where possible, lot lines shall coincide with abutting lot lines and
lot lines across streets.
G. Lot lines shall follow municipal and county boundaries rather than
cross them.
H. Building lines. Building lines for all lots shall be in conformance
with the minimum front, side and rear yard setback line requirements
of the applicable zoning district.
I. Lot numbers. For the purpose of development, each subdivision may
have an overall system of lot numbers, the number one being assigned
to a lot in the first section to be developed. (Such system of lot
numbers shall not be confused with the regular house or building numbering
system based on a Borough-wide plan).
J. Building numbers. House or building numbers shall be assigned by
the Borough based on an overall street plan. Numbers will be assigned
in such a way as to allow for vacant parcels and future development.
A. Whenever practicable, provision shall be made for open space suitable
for parks, playgrounds, trails, and recreational areas. In commercial
areas, provision shall be made for open space suitable for walkways
to connect parking facilities to commercial structures, malls, sitting
areas, and other similar uses. For such open space, due consideration
shall be given to the preservation of natural features, including
large trees, groves, scenic points, historic resources, and other
community assets. Perennial watercourses and ponds shall be preserved
and maintained for a distance of 15 feet from the edge of the banks.
B. The Borough Council shall determine the need for additional community
facilities to serve the proposed subdivision or land development,
and shall determine which, if any, community facility or facilities
shall be provided. Examples of such facilities include but are not
limited to illuminated crosswalks, tot lots, a gazebo, a portion of
the Liberty Bell Trail, a pedestrian path to a recreation facility,
or an electrical facility or access thereto. Where identified in a
Borough, county, or state trail or open space plan, a trail shall
be the preferred amenity.
C. Where identified in a duly adopted Borough Comprehensive Plan, Borough
Revitalization Plan, or Borough Official Map, or if otherwise deemed
necessary or desirable by the Borough Council upon consideration of
the particular type of development proposed, and especially in large-scale
residential developments, the Borough Council may require the dedication
or reservation of such areas or sites of an extent and location, as
determined by Borough Council, as is suitable to service the needs
created by the development for parks, schools, roads, emergency services,
and other facilities to serve the community.
D. Areas dedicated or reserved for such open space or community facilities
shall be adequate to provide for building sites, related activity
areas, landscaping and off-street parking as appropriate to the use
A. Open space criteria. Open space preserved in fulfillment of the requirements
of this article shall be in accordance with the following standards
and principles:
Goals and existing plans. Open space shall be consistent with
the plans and proposals outlined in the Lansdale Borough Comprehensive
Plan. The Borough Council shall review the consistency of the proposed
open space with the recommendations of the Lansdale Planning Commission
and the Open Space or Revitalization Committees (if active).
Interconnections. Open space shall be connected by sidewalk,
crosswalk, and/or trails to all buildings on-site and to the public
sidewalk along the street. Open space shall connect to permanently
preserved land on abutting property, if possible, including provisions
for accessways for general public use to permit residents safe and
easy access to open space.
Contiguous. Open space areas shall be contiguous, except that
two or more separate open space parcels may be connected by other
legal public access means. Land separated from the open space by physical
barriers such as hedges or fences, or otherwise designated as a private
yard area, shall not be counted as open space.
Access. Open space shall have frontage on a public or private
road or easement of suitable grade to allow for access to the open
space by maintenance and equipment transport vehicles.
Utility corridors. Open space may include land within utility
corridors only if the utility companies having legal rights to these
corridors do not prohibit their use for such purposes.
Open space shall have the physical characteristics capable of
serving the purposes intended for such areas, including recreational
use. Borough Council may require a larger size, but at a minimum,
the following size open space area shall be provided:
The total open space area must be equal to at least 2.5% of
proposed gross floor space.
A village green, lawn, recreation area, or park shall be at
least 20,000 square feet in size, must be able to fit a circle with
a radius of at least 125 feet in it; and be surrounded along at least
45% of its perimeter by roads or driveways.
A plaza shall have a minimum size of 2,500 square feet, shall
be surrounded by streets or building facades on all sides, shall be
comprised of landscaping covering between 25% and 80% of the plaza,
and shall be improved by an architectural feature of amenity approved
by Borough Council that helps identify the area as a central gathering
Open space comprising the verge area may not be counted towards
meeting the open space requirement.
Open space shall be visible from dwelling units and roadways.
Open space shall protect environmentally sensitive and/or aesthetic
features and be landscaped to provide sufficient screening or buffer
areas to minimize any negative impacts from or upon adjacent development.
Stormwater management facilities shall not be counted as open space
except for the area of basins if they are constructed and maintained
as naturalized basins.
B. Conservation of natural resources in open space.
Environmentally sensitive features should be conserved based
on the natural tolerances to encroachment and development as follows:
Natural Feature
Minimum % to Be Preserved
Floodplains and watercourses
Steep slopes (15-25%)
Very steep slopes (25%)
Where features overlap, the greater percentage shall be conserved.
The percentage of each feature is the extent that it shall not be
altered, regraded, filled or built upon. The land shall be permanently
restricted by an easement and maintenance agreement in form and substance
acceptable to Borough Council and the Borough Solicitor preventing
further development. The deed restrictions shall be included in the
deed to the property and shall be in a form acceptable to Borough
Council and the Borough Solicitor.
C. Open space designation. All land held for open space shall be so designated on the plans. The plans shall contain the following statement for lands in Subsection
C(1) through
(8) below: "Open space land may not be separately sold, nor shall such land be further developed or subdivided." All plans shall further designate the use of open space, the type of maintenance to be provided, and a planting plan or schedule. In designating use and maintenance, the following classes may be used:
Natural area. Land which is left predominately in a natural
condition and managed to protect significant natural resources in
accordance with a natural areas management plan.
Farmland. Land which will be used to grow agricultural crops
or for the pasturing of farm animals maintained in accordance with
the Soil and Water Conservation Plan as approved by the Montgomery
County Conservation District.
Lawn. A grass area with or without trees which may be used by
the residents for a variety of informal purposes and which shall be
mowed regularly to insure a neat and orderly appearance.
Recreation area. An area designated for specific recreational
uses including, but not limited to, tennis, athletic fields and tot
lots. Such areas shall be maintained so as to avoid creating a hazard
or nuisance, and shall perpetuate the proposed use.
Garden area. An area designated for community vegetable plots.
Stormwater management. Stormwater best management structures
may not be counted toward required open space unless they are vegetated
and their use complements the surrounding open space.
Park. A small area designated for use for a variety of outdoor
activities. It may include lawn areas, decorative plantings, seating
areas, and/or walking paths.
Public plaza. An area in an urban or village center designated
as a meeting place for community residents. It may include gazebos,
information stands, seating areas, decorative plantings, fountains,
or other similar features.
D. Open space ownership and perpetuation. Any of the methods cited under
this section may be used individually or in combination, to own and
perpetually preserve open space that is provided in fulfillment of
this article and the Borough Zoning Ordinance. The final subdivision
and or land development plan shall clearly indicate the manner in
which open space will be owned and administered. Following final plan
approval, the open space ownership shall be established as outlined
below. Written notice of any proposed transfer of open space shall
be given to the Borough for approval no less than 30 days prior to
such event.
The Borough may, but is not required to, accept fee simple dedication of recreation land portions of open space in accordance with §
347-407, Recreation land dedication criteria and standards.
There shall be no cost of acquisition (other than costs transfer
costs agreed upon by the Borough.
The Borough shall agree to maintain the open space.
The open space shall be in an acceptable condition to the Borough
at the time of dedication with regard to size, shape, location, and
that any improvements are certified as satisfactory by the Borough
The applicant shall prepare, at no expense to the Borough, the
legal description, with metes and bounds, of the land being offered
for dedication.
The Borough shall accept the dedication by means of a signed
Borough resolution to which a property description, deed, and plan
of dedication area or areas shall be attached.
All dedications in fee simple shall be free and clear of any
liens or encumbrances.
An agreement citing all applicant obligations serving as a condition
to plan approval shall be approved by the Borough and recorded with
the plan at the same time as the plan is approved.
A public agency acceptable to the Borough including county,
state, or federal government or another municipality may, but shall
not be required to, accept the fee simple dedication of open space,
provided that the Borough approves a maintenance plan whereby the
grantee agrees to and has access to maintain the open space.
Open space may remain or be placed in the ownership of the individual
property owners and shall be restricted from further subdivision and/or
land development by deed restriction, provided that:
The Borough shall agree to the boundaries of the open space
that shall be held in private ownership.
Restrictions providing for the protection and continuance of
the open space which meet Borough specifications shall be placed in
the deed for each property that has the open space area within its
A maintenance agreement suitable to the Borough shall be established,
and the deeds to the properties that are located within the deed restricted
open space areas shall clearly state that the maintenance responsibility
for the open space lies with the individual property owner.
A private, nonprofit conservation organization, among whose
purposes is to conserve open space land and/or natural features, may,
but shall not be required to accept the conveyance of fee simple or
less-than-fee simple interests in any portion of the open space, provided
Any private, non-profit conservation organization intended to
be the grantee of a conveyance shall be acceptable to the municipality
as a bona fide conservation organization with perpetual existence.
Any conveyance shall contain appropriate provisions for proper
reverter or retransfer in the event that the grantee becomes unwilling
or unable to continue carrying out its function.
A maintenance agreement acceptable to the Borough shall be established
between the owner and the conservation organization.
Open space may be controlled with condominium agreements that
shall be approved by the Borough and be in conformance with the Pennsylvania
Uniform Condominium Act or Uniform Planned Community Act. All open space land and facilities shall be held as a
common element.
Open space may be held in common ownership by a homeowners association.
In addition, the homeowners association shall be governed according
to the following:
The owner or applicant shall provide to the Borough a description
of the organization, including its bylaws, and all documents governing
maintenance requirements and use restrictions for open space. The
homeowners' association agreement shall be recorded.
The organization shall be established (with financial support
by the applicant if necessary) before any lot in the subdivision or
building in the development is sold.
Membership in the organization and fees shall be mandatory for
all purchasers of property therein and their successors.
The organization shall be responsible for the maintenance of
suitable insurance on the open space.
The members of the organization shall share equitably in the
costs of maintaining, insuring, and operating the open space.
The applicant proposing any plan containing open space shall
arrange with the County Board of Assessment a method of assessment
of the common facilities which will allocate to each tax parcel in
the development a share of the total assessment for such open space.
Where this alternative is not utilized, the organization shall be
responsible for applicable real estate taxes on common facilities.
The organization shall have or hire adequate staff, as necessary,
to administer, maintain, and operate the open space.
The organization shall have the power to compel fees from property
owners therein to cover their proportionate shares of the initial
cost and costs associated with the maintenance and upkeep of the open
In addition to meeting pertinent requirements of §
347-406, Open space criteria, above, recreation land shall meet the following requirements:
A. Location and criteria for dedicated recreation land. Lands to be
Should be suitable for facilities which can meet the various
recreational needs of the residents, businesses, and industries of
the development.
Should be easily and safely accessible, and shall be connected
with sidewalks and/or crosswalks to street front sidewalks and all
on-site buildings, If a development includes a proposal to dedicate
to the Borough land for park and/or open space use under provisions
of this section, the total land area to be dedicated shall be delineated
on the subdivision plan with a note stipulating that the legal means
of conveyance shall be by dedication.
The configuration of the recreation area must be able to accommodate
recreation activities proposed by the development plans. The recreational
activities and/or facilities for which the area is intended must be
specified on the development plans and recorded on the record plan
set. A metes and bounds legal description of the property shall be
shown on the recorded plan.
Should have suitable topography for the development as a particular
type of recreational use.
That are designated for recreation land shall not contain lands
with natural resources that are to be permanently protected and undeveloped,
stormwater detention facilities or lands designated for any other
Recreation areas shall not be traversed by utility easements
unless said utilities are placed underground and no part of them or
their supportive equipment protrudes above ground level.
On-site improvements should be commensurate with the adjacent
on-site development improvements, including but not limited to grading,
curbs, sidewalks, and utilities.
Open space which is required to be set aside as part of a zoning
district or use which requires open space shall be provided in addition
to the recreation land required by this chapter.
B. If the open space land is to be retained by the property owners or
other private entity:
The Borough will require that the proper owners provide for
and establish a homeowners' association, or other organization or
funded community trust, for the ownership and maintenance of the open
space, and that such organization shall not be dissolved nor shall
it dispose of the open space by sale or otherwise, except to an organization
conceived and established to own and maintain the open space, or by
dedication to and acceptance by the Borough. In the event that a homeowners'
association is contemplated, the association shall, to the greatest
degree practicable, be established from the start of the project,
and all homeowners shall be a party thereof. In addition, homeowners'
associations may, as determined appropriate by the Borough Council,
maintain dedicated open space or lease back dedicated open space land
from the Borough.
All property owners of the tract shall have equal rights and
obligations in the organization, and these rights and obligations
shall be included in all deeds which shall be properly recorded, and
the agreement containing these rights and obligations shall be approved
by Borough Council at the same time as the plan is approved. In the
event that the organization established to own and maintain open space
land or any successor organization shall, at any time after establishment
of the development, fail to maintain the open space land in a reasonable
order and condition in accordance with the development plan, the Borough
may serve written notice upon such organization or upon the property
owners of the development setting forth the manner in which the organization
has failed to maintain the open space land in reasonable condition,
and said notice shall include a demand that such deficiencies or maintenance
be corrected within 30 days thereof and shall state the date and place
of a hearing thereon, which shall be held within 14 days of the notice.
At such hearing the Borough may modify the terms of the original notice
as to the deficiencies and may give an extension of time within which
they shall be corrected. If the deficiencies set forth in the original
notice or in the modifications thereof shall not be corrected within
said 30 days of any extension thereof, the Borough, in order to preserve
the taxable values of nearby properties and to prevent the open space
land from becoming a public nuisance, may enter upon said open space
and maintain the same for a period of one year. Said maintenance by
the Borough shall not constitute a taking of said open space, nor
vest in the public any rights to use same. Before the expiration of
said year, the Borough shall, upon its initiative or upon the request
of the organization therefor responsible for the maintenance of the
open space land, call a public hearing upon notice to such organization,
to be held by the Borough Council, at which hearing such organization
or the residents of the development shall show cause why such maintenance
by the Borough shall not, at the option of the Borough, continue for
a succeeding year. If the Borough Council shall determine that such
organization is ready and able to maintain said open space in reasonable
condition, the Borough shall cease to maintain said open space land
at the end of said year. If Borough Council shall determine that such
organization is not ready and able to maintain said open space land
in a reasonable condition, the Borough may, in its discretion, continue
to maintain said open space land during the next succeeding year and,
subject to a similar hearing and determination, in each year thereafter.
The cost of maintenance by the Borough shall be assessed ratably
against the properties within the development and shall become a lien
on said properties. The Borough, at the time of entering upon said
open space land for the purpose of maintenance, shall file a notice
of lien in the office of the prothonotary of the county upon the properties
affected by the lien within the development.
C. Acceptance and use of park and recreation land.
Land dedicated to the Borough of Lansdale as park and recreation
land shall be used only for the purpose of providing park and recreational
facilities open space and shall be available for use by all residents
of the Borough, subject to such regulations and rules as may be adopted
by Borough Council.
When land is dedicated, acceptance by the Borough shall be by
means of a signed resolution in form and substance acceptable to Borough
Council and the Borough Solicitor and to which a property description
and survey plan of the dedicated area shall be attached. A fee simple
warranty deed conveying the property shall be delivered to the Borough
of Lansdale with title free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and
conditions excepting public utility easements and such other easements
and restrictions as are approved by the Borough Solicitor.
D. Alternatives to the dedication of park and recreational land. Upon
agreement of both Borough Council and the applicant, the applicant
may pursue the following alternatives:
Improvements to other recreation sites. The applicant may, through
an agreement with the Borough, construct recreational facilities on
existing or proposed parkland that is readily accessible to residents
of the proposed development. The value of such improvements shall
be comparable to the fee in lieu of dedication that would have otherwise
been required, as determined by the Borough, based upon the applicant's
estimates, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Lansdale Borough
A combination of land dedication and/or alternative approaches
as listed herein may be pursued, as reflected in a written agreement
between the applicant and the Lansdale Borough Council.
A. Figure 4.2: Recreation Facility Requirements lists the recreation
facilities required in all residential subdivisions and land developments.
Figure 4.2. Recreation Facility Requirements
Total Number of Lots or Dwelling Units
Facilities, Fields, Courts, etc.
10 to 25
26 to 50
More than 51
B. At the discretion of the Borough Council, upon recommendation of
the Lansdale Planning Commission, land developments with greater than
100 dwelling units proposed may be required to satisfy increased recreation
facility requirements, and may be required to provide specific recreation
C. Tot lot design requirements. Where a tot lot is provided, it shall
meet the following standards:
Definition of "tot lot": a neighborhood play area primarily
for use by preschool-age children under the supervision of parents
or guardians.
Use of tot lots shall only be permitted between sunrise and
sunset; no lighting shall be installed, except for security lighting,
as deemed necessary. This requirement shall be disclaimed, as a note
on the plan, on any plan containing such facilities, which is submitted
for approval or recording, and shall be contained within the homeowners'
association (HOA) declaration, if an HOA is proposed.
All equipment shall be installed over a resilient safety surface
and shall conform to safety guidelines established by the International
Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA).
Sitting areas, including benches, shall be provided for the
convenience of persons supervising the children.
Shade trees shall be provided for sitting and play areas; gazebo
or picnic-type shelters may be used in addition to shade trees.
When a tot lot is placed adjacent to the playfield, it is recommended
that practical measures, such as fencing and orientation of facilities,
shall be addressed to reduce hazards resulting from other recreation
activity, especially from balls or other flying objects.
Minimum dimensional standards shall be as follows:
(a) Minimum area: 2,500 square feet within the fenced areas. Applicants
shall provide a landscaped, but not screened, buffer area a minimum
of 10 feet in depth. Locations should be at convenient, centralized
intervals, requiring no longer than a 1,000-foot walk from any dwelling
A landscaped buffer that acts as a visual screen shall be provided
between the and any proposed or existing dwelling unit within 100
D. Play field design requirements. Where a play field is provided, it
shall meet the following standards:
Definition of "play field": a common area within a subdivision
or land development for neighborhood residents and the general public
to use for informal, active recreation purposes such as ball games
and other activities requiring a large lawn area, away from homes
or other buildings.
Applicants shall review the need for general and/or security lighting, consistent with §
347-616, Outdoor lighting.
Playfields shall consist of a lawn area, unobstructed by trees,
shrubs, benches, playground equipment or other obstacles. Applicants
shall locate trees and shrubs along the perimeter of a playfield in
order to define its limits, enhance its appearance, and, where possible,
filter noise generated by activities.
Playfields shall be sloped for proper drainage, not less than
1% nor more than 3% grade, and shall be well-drained so that they
are suitable for use in most weather.
Minimum dimensional standards shall be as follows:
Minimum area: 25,000 square feet.
Minimum horizontal dimension: 150 feet.
Minimum setbacks to the edge of a playfield.
From any dwelling unit: 100 feet.
From any property line: 50 feet.
From the ultimate right-of-way of streets:
[a] Residential streets: 50 feet.
[b] Other classifications: 100 feet.
Locations: at convenient, centralized intervals.
E. Basketball and tennis court design requirements. Where basketball
or tennis courts are provided, they shall meet the following standards:
Definition of "basketball court": a basketball facility, including
pavement, striped court area not exceeding half court size, with posts,
backboards, and baskets at one end of the court.
Definition of "tennis court": a tennis facility including a
standard sized and striped court area with a macadam surface meeting
Borough specifications, posts, net, and fencing around its perimeter.
Courts shall be constructed in accordance with specifications
approved by the Borough Engineer, and shall be generally oriented
in a north-south direction to minimize sun glare.
Minimum dimensional standards shall be as follows:
Court areas shall be of a standard size. Tennis court areas
shall be at least 36 feet by 78 feet with twelve-foot clearance on
both sides and twenty-one-foot clearance on both ends. Basketball
court areas shall be at least 50 feet by 84 feet with a minimum of
five-foot clearance on all sides.
Minimum setbacks to the edge of paving:
From any dwelling unit: 125 feet.
From the ultimate right-of-way of streets:
[a] Residential and feeder streets: 50 feet.
[b] Other (higher) classifications: 100 feet.
From any property lot line: 50 feet.
Tennis courts shall be fenced around the entire perimeter with
minimum ten-foot-high fencing.
Basketball courts shall be fenced with minimum six-foot-high
fencing under the following conditions:
When the edge of pavement is less than 30 feet from a lot line,
that edge shall be fenced.
When the edge of pavement is less than 30 feet from an area
sloping 10% or greater downward from the court, the edge shall be
Lighting, when approved by Borough Council, may be provided
for nighttime use of courts, if they are arranged so that no glare
affects abutting residences or streets, until not later than 10:00
p.m. All lighting shall turn on and off automatically, based upon
lighting conditions. Lighting shall be shielded and the spillover
lighting level of the property shall not exceed 10 footcandles for
basketball and 20 footcandles for tennis, at the property line. The
light fixtures shall not be mounted in excess of 30 feet.
F. Consolidation of facilities. Applicants shall provide the numbers
and types of facilities as required in this section, spaced for convenient
access by the residents. However, applicants are encouraged to consolidate
several facilities in fewer locations to better serve the residents'
needs in the following possible ways:
By locating all required tennis or basketball courts in one
area, thereby restricting noise and light to one area, and providing
convenience to users.
By combining two 25,000-square-foot playfields into one 40,000-square-foot
area to permit larger fields for softball, football, soccer, or other
field sports, while maintaining the neighborhood use character.
By creating one or more park-like facilities rather than several
sets of scattered facilities.
Tot lots may be adjacent to other types of recreation facilities
but not to other tot lots so that they are dispersed throughout the
development and only require short walking distances from all homes.
A. Preservation of existing vegetation.
All subdivisions and land developments should be laid out in
such a manner as to minimize the removal and/or disturbance of healthy
trees, shrubs, and other vegetation on the site. Special consideration
shall be given to mature specimen trees and ecologically significant
Removal or disturbance of vegetation in environmentally sensitive areas, including wetlands, floodplains, steep slopes, riparian corridors, wildlife habitats, and ecologically significant woodlands as identified in the Montgomery County Natural Areas Inventory or other sources shall be undertaken only as permitted in §
347-409D(1), Tree replacement planting requirements: "Any subdivision or land development proposal which will result in the destruction. . ." to minimize the adverse effects of such actions.
The applicant shall prove to the satisfaction of Borough Council
that vegetation removal is minimized. A written document or plan may
be requested to be performed by a registered landscape architect or
other qualified professional showing that no more desirable layouts
are possible and no alternative clearing or grading plan would reduce
the loss of mature trees, tree masses, and woodlands.
Each freestanding mature tree, tree mass, or woodland on the
site shall be designated "to remain" or "to be removed" in accordance
with the following criteria:
A mature tree, tree mass, or woodland may be designated "to
be removed" only if it meets all of the following criteria:
The outermost branches of the tree(s) are at least five feet
or the trunk of the tree at least 20 feet from any proposed buildings,
structures, paving, parking, or utilities (overhead or underground).
The outermost branches of the tree(s) are at least five feet
or the trunk of the tree is at least 20 feet from any proposed changes
in grade or drainage such as excavations, mounding, or impoundments.
The tree(s) interfere with traffic safety or are located within
proposed sight triangles.
The tree(s), by its location or apparent health, poses any undue
threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the community.
The tree blocks required solar access.
Mature trees, tree masses, or woodlands that do not fit the
above criteria shall be designated "to remain."
Unique or specimen trees should be preserved.
B. Protection of existing vegetation. Existing vegetation designated "to remain," in accordance with §
347-409D(1), Tree replacement planting requirements: "Any subdivision or land development proposal which will result in the destruction. . .", as part of the landscaping of a subdivision or land development shall be identified in the field prior to any clearing and shall be physically protected throughout the construction process. A temporary, sturdy physical barrier, such as a snow fence, shall be erected a minimum of one foot outside the drip line or a minimum of 20 feet from the tree's trunk, whichever is greater, on all sides of freestanding trees, tree masses, or woodlands prior to major clearing or construction. The barrier shall be placed to prevent disturbance to or compaction of soil inside the barrier and shall remain until construction is complete. The barrier shall be shown on the erosion and sedimentation (E & S) control plan and the landscape plan. Reference to the installation of tree protection should be included in the sequence of construction notes to ensure incorporation of tree protection before the earliest stages of site disturbance.
C. Credit for preserved trees. Requirements for street trees and buffer plantings may be met, whenever possible, by preserving existing trees. It is greatly preferred that existing street trees be preserved. Credit for existing trees which are "to remain," as determined in §
347-409A(4), Preservation of existing vegetation: "Each freestanding mature tree. . .", to offset either the street tree or buffer planting requirements are to be calculated as follows:
Preserved tree
Number of Trees Credited
(2 1/2-inch caliper)
36 inches or greater
6 trees*
18 to 35 inches
4 trees*
12 to 17 inches
2 trees*
8 to 11 inches
1 trees*
One tree shall be credited for each preserved street tree.
D. Tree replacement planting requirements.
Any subdivision or land development proposal which will result
in the destruction of 25% of the existing trees six inches dbh or
greater on a lot shall replace the removed trees. The total tree removal
impact of woodland areas designated "to be removed" shall be measured
by a forest density survey that calculates the approximate quantity
of trees (with six inches or greater dbh) per square foot area. Calculated
woodland tree removals and individual mature tree removals shall be
listed on the plan. Tree replacement shall occur in the following
Each tree six inches dbh or greater that is destroyed shall
be replaced with a sufficient number of trees whose total caliper
measurement equals the dbh measurement of the tree which is destroyed.
Each individual replacement tree intended to satisfy this requirement
shall have a minimum two-and-a-half-inch caliper.
Replacement trees shall comply with the landscape design criteria in §
347-438, General landscape design criteria, of this chapter.
Replacement trees shall be planted on site to mitigate for existing
trees removed, in addition to other landscaping requirements. Proposed
replacement tree plantings shall be listed on the plan.
If the site does not reasonably contain enough room for the
required replacement trees, Borough Council may allow the developer
to locate some or all of the replacement trees on public lands or
accept an equivalent fee-in-lieu of plantings, at their discretion.
Calculation and estimation of existing trees shall be performed
before any clearing commences and shall be documented on the plan.
Calculation and estimation of the existing trees remaining after
construction shall be performed and compared with the calculations
of the approved plan. Any tree removals additional to those on the
approved plan shall be replaced as required by this section prior
to the issuing of any occupancy permits.
A. Hydric soils. The presence of hydric soils may indicate wetlands.
When hydric soils are indicated on the site, a wetlands study should
be conducted in accordance with the federal Corps of Engineers Wetlands
Delineation Manual (1987 Manual). In the event no wetland study is
undertaken, the location of soils with soils rated as all hydric in
the county soil survey on site will be assumed to be wetlands for
the purpose of this chapter and so noted on the plan.
B. Wetlands as defined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania in accordance with Section 404 of the Federal Clean
Water Act of 1977 and the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Act shall be preserved in subdivisions and land developments.
Required permits shall be obtained at an early stage to determine
the extent and location in the proposed subdivision and/or land development.
C. Wetland buffer. A twenty-five-foot setback known as the "wetland
buffer" shall be maintained around the perimeter of all wetlands.
No removal of vegetation, except the selective removal of dead trees
and or other noxious vegetation, in the wetland area or buffer shall
take place without the specific permission of the Borough Engineer.
D. Building setbacks as required by the Zoning Ordinance shall be measured
from the edge of the wetland buffer.
A. Whenever a pond, water course, stream, or intermittent stream, as
identified in the NRCS, USDA Web Soil Survey, is located within a
development site, it shall remain open in its natural state and location
and shall not be piped.
B. Unless otherwise provided in the Zoning Ordinance, a 100-foot buffer
(50 feet from each bank of the water body) shall be maintained along
all intermittent and perennial water courses and ponds. This buffer
area shall be known as the riparian corridor. No removal of vegetation,
except for removal of dead trees and shrubs or periodic mowing of
existing lawns or fields, shall take place within the riparian corridor
without the prior written permission of the Borough of Lansdale.
C. No stormwater detention basins, stormwater piping, or other stormwater
structures shall be allowed within the fifty-foot buffer zone unless
approved by the Borough Engineer.
D. Within any riparian corridor, no construction, development, use,
activity, or encroachment shall be permitted unless a riparian corridor
management plan is submitted and approved by Borough Council upon
the recommendation of the Borough Engineer, and the effects of such
development are mitigated by the implementation of the riparian corridor
management plan. The riparian corridor management plan shall meet
the following requirements:
Plan contents. The riparian corridor management plan shall contain
the following information:
Existing conditions, including the corridor boundaries, steep
slopes, swales, wetlands, streams, ponds, floodplains, woodlands,
other vegetation, and existing structures. A written description of
unusual or significant conditions shall also be included.
Management goals for the entire tract and long-range goals for
the riparian corridor, if applicable (this might include goals such
as reforestation, eradication of invasives, and/or stream bank stabilization).
Proposed activities, including a plan drawn to scale that shows
all proposed activities within and adjacent to the riparian corridor
(including long-term management goals). The plan shall differentiate
areas that will be disturbed from those that will be protected and
Proposed management, including an explanation of how the goals
will be met given the proposed activities. The plan shall specify
when the construction, planting, or other activities are to begin
and end and shall address long and short-term maintenance, mitigation,
and improvement activities necessary for preservation of the riparian
corridor, including application of herbicides, removal of invasive
plants, spacing and types of newly planted trees and shrubs, mowing
schedules, farming practices, and other related functions.
Management, mitigation, and restoration measures. The proposed
management plan shall comply with the following management, mitigation,
and restoration measures:
Management practices. The following management practices shall
be integrated into the management plan:
Existing woody and other vegetation shall be preserved to the
greatest extent possible.
Fallen branches and other organic material shall be allowed
to remain where they have fallen, provided that they do not create
a hazard.
Stream crossings shall be designed at a 90° angle to the
stream, or as close as possible.
Stream banks shall be stabilized in accordance with "A Stream
Bank Stabilization and Management Guide for Pennsylvania Landowners,"
Mitigation measures. Disturbance of vegetation within the riparian
corridor shall be mitigated by at least one of the following measures,
with a total amount of mitigated area, measured horizontally, that
is equal to or greater than the total amount of disturbed area, measured
Increasing the width of the corridor. The width of the riparian
corridor, measured from the defined edge of a watercourse (from the
top of the stream bank), is increased to at least 75 feet on each
side of the watercourse.
Converting to a more effective landscape. The existing landscape
is converted to a more effective landscape. The following landscapes
are listed in order of effectiveness, from most effective to least
effective: woodland, meadow, shrub, old-field, lawn. Landscapes shall
be restored by removing invasive vines and trees, cleaning out trash,
correcting soil erosion problems, planting appropriate plants, and
properly maintaining all new plantings. Incompatible existing vegetation
shall be removed, plants shall be planted that are appropriate for
the proposed landscape type and site, and the plantings shall be maintained
and protected from invasive plants, deer, and other long-term problems.
Increasing the effectiveness of the corridor. In existing degraded
wooded areas or proposed new wooded areas, planting the riparian corridor
with three distinct layers of vegetation: (1) canopy trees, such as
oak, hickory, maple, gum, beech, sycamore, spruce, pine, and fir,
(2) shrubs that provide an understory, such as elderberry, viburnum,
azalea, rhododendron, holly, laurel, and alders, and (3) herbaceous
plants that serve as ground cover, including ferns, sorrel, trillium,
violet, Virginia creeper, nettle, phlox, aster, and worts. All three
layers shall be planted at a density sufficient to create a fully-functioning,
naturalized riparian corridor.
E. Vegetation selection. To function properly, vegetation in the riparian
corridor management plan shall be selected by a registered landscape
architect for suitability with site-specific conditions and approved
by the Borough Engineer.
Existing tree cover shall be surveyed and inventoried to assess
the need for any new plantings. Existing species included on the Pennsylvania
Noxious Weed Control List shall be removed.
Adjacent to the watercourse, dominant vegetation shall be comprised
of a variety of native riparian tree and shrub species and appropriate
plantings necessary for stream bank stabilization.
Away from the watercourse, dominant vegetation shall be comprised
of riparian trees and shrubs, with an emphasis on native species and
appropriate plantings necessary to stabilize the soil.
Disturbed areas shall be revegetated with riparian corridor plants, in compliance with the approved riparian corridor management plan, the requirements of §
347-617, Plant materials specifications, and the following:
Canopy tree and shrub plantings shall be located along the stream
bank to provide shade for the stream, and soil erosion control and
stormwater benefits, according to accepted stream bank restoration
New canopy trees shall be planted at a minimum rate of 20 feet
on center or one tree per 225 square feet in staggered naturalized
rows or an equivalent informal arrangement within the area within
25 feet of the top of each bank of the stream. One new shrub or understory
tree shall be planted for every four new trees required for riparian
corridor revegetation.
New trees shall be a variety of sizes ranging from a minimum
four-foot to five-foot branched whip to an approximate 1 1/2
inch caliper balled and burlapped planting stock.
Dead or damaged trees and plantings shall be replaced at no
cost to the Borough. The Borough may require financial security be
posted to guarantee the trees and plantings for a period of 18 months
from the date of substantial completion of the improvements in accordance
with a maintenance agreement executed by the applicant in a form acceptable
to Borough Council upon advice of the Borough Solicitor.
Areas that cannot be revegetated shall be restored using management
practices accepted by experts qualified in riparian corridor management.
A. Minimal grading: Grading shall be limited to the minimum amount of
disturbance of soil or natural topography.
B. Topsoil protection. The topsoil that existed naturally on site prior
to subdivision or land development shall be managed in the following
In areas to be graded, the top soil shall be stripped off and
stockpiled on-site in accordance with the erosion and sediment (E
& S) control plan.
Following construction, the stockpiled soil shall be redistributed
uniformly on-site to a minimum depth of eight inches.
Any topsoil in excess of soil needed for the reestablishment
of eight inches depth in areas of the site that will not be paved
may be removed from the site based upon the determination of the Borough
C. Grading. All permanent and temporary cutting, filling, grading, regrading,
and/or other forms of earth-moving activities shall be known as "grading"
and shall be conducted only in compliance with the standards as described
All grading shall be set back from property lines at least three
feet, or a sufficient distance to prevent any adverse effects on adjacent
No permanent excavation shall be made with a cut face steeper
in slope than three horizontal to one vertical (3:1). For steeper
slopes, a soils report prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist
experienced in performing such studies and registered in the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania shall be prepared to document the soil stability.
Wherever grading will increase the volume or velocity of stormwater
flow toward a property line, the applicant shall install and maintain
drainage facilities sufficient to prevent adverse effects on the adjoining
property. The construction and operation of these drainage facilities
shall not cause any adverse effects on abutting properties.
Within the property proposed for development or along property
lines, where grading creates an abrupt drop-off in contrast to a previously
existing gradual change or where a wall is being installed, the applicant
shall be required to install a fence or other suitable protective
A permit shall be required for grading operations. Permits shall
be issued by the Zoning Officer upon recommendation of the Borough
Engineer for each tract, lot, parcel, or site which comprises a separate
operation, unrelated to or not contiguous with nearby grading proposed
or performed by the applicant. A permit shall not be required in the
following situations, however:
For an excavation that does not exceed 20 cubic yards total
material removed.
For a fill that does not exceed 20 cubic yards of material deposited.
For an excavation below finished grade for basements and footings
for a single-family detached or two-family dwelling, swimming pool,
or underground structure authorized by building permits, excavation
for a driveway for a single-family detached or two-family dwelling,
or the regrading of such excavated materials into the site from which
they were excavated.
A. General. Erosion and sediment control must be addressed in the following
An erosion and sediment control plan, which meets the requirements of the DEP's Erosion/Sediment Pollution Control Program (PA Code Chapter
102: Erosion Control) must be approved by the Montgomery County Conservation District and available on site for all earth disturbance activities over 5,000 square feet.
All construction activities proposing to disturb between one
and five acres with point source discharge to surface waters of the
commonwealth, or projects disturbing five or more acres of land must
be authorized by a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit.
No subdivision or land development plan shall be approved unless:
There has been a plan approved by Borough Council that provides
for minimizing erosion and sedimentation consistent with this section,
and an improvement bond or other acceptable securities are deposited
with the Borough in the form of an escrow guarantee which will insure
installation and completion of the required improvements; or
There has been a determination by Borough Council that a plan
for minimizing erosion and sedimentation is not necessary.
The Borough Council, in its consideration of any preliminary
plan of subdivision and land development, shall condition its approval
upon the execution of measures designed to prevent accelerated soil
erosion and resulting sedimentation, as required by PADEP. All applicable
regulations and permit requirements of PADEP as stipulated in its
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Pollution Control Manual shall be followed
for all earth-moving activities.
B. Performance principles.
Any appropriate action which minimizes erosion and sedimentation
as described in the Pennsylvania Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control
Program Manual can be included in the plan. Alternative methods should
be discussed with the Borough Engineer prior to the preparation of
an erosion and sediment control plan.
No unfiltered stormwater coming from an area which has been
disturbed shall be permitted onto an adjacent tract or allowed to
be discharged into any water body.
C. Responsibility.
Whenever sedimentation is caused by stripping vegetation, regrading
or other development activity, it shall be the responsibility of the
applicant to remove it from all adjoining surfaces, drainage systems
and watercourses and to repair any damage at their expense as quickly
as possible.
It is the responsibility of applicant doing any act on or across
a stream, watercourse, or swale or upon the floodplain to maintain,
as nearly as possible, in its present state the stream, watercourse,
swale, floodplain or right-of-way during the activity and to return
it to its original or equal condition after such activity is completed.
Adjacent to the watercourse, dominant vegetation shall be composed
of a variety of native riparian tree and shrub species and appropriate
plantings necessary for stream bank stabilization.
Disturbed areas shall be revegetated with riparian corridor plants, in compliance with §
347-437, Stormwater basin and natural areas planting.
D. Areas that cannot be re-vegetated shall be restored using management
practices accepted by experts qualified in riparian corridor management.
The design of subdivisions and land developments should be done
in a manner which would preserve desirable cultural and historic features
of a site wherever reasonably possible.
A. No proposal will be approved with a property line extending through
any portion of an existing building, except where that property line
follows a party wall separating semi-detached or attached units, in
accordance with the Lansdale Zoning Ordinance.
B. When existing buildings are retained:
Setbacks for existing buildings. When new lot lines are created,
it is recommended that setbacks for the existing building be greater
than the applicable required minimum setback when the height and/or
bulk of the existing building significantly exceeds that of proposed
abutting development. For existing tall buildings, it is recommended
that a building setback be equal to or greater than the height of
the building. For proportionally wide or deep buildings, a setback
at least equal to 1/2 the width or depth of the building is suggested.
Structurally deficient buildings shall be rehabilitated in conformance
with Lansdale's Building Code and Property Maintenance Code.
Additions to retained buildings shall conform in all respects
to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance applicable to the district
in which the building is located. It is recommended that the additions
be compatible with the character, design, building materials, and
other architectural features of the building.
Historical or culturally significant buildings should retain
their respective characters, to the greatest extent practical.
New buildings abutting the retained building should reflect
the retained building's character, to the greatest extent practical.
In nonresidential zoning districts, retained buildings shall
be provided with adequate parking, service, and landscaped areas in
accordance with the Zoning Ordinance provisions for the intended use.
If the applicant cannot specify the intended use, then the most land
consumptive provisions shall be applied, to ensure sufficient land
area for uses permitted in that district.
C. When existing buildings will be removed:
The plan must show the location and include a brief description
of the building(s) to be removed.
Plan approval will be granted upon written agreement to the
expeditious removal of buildings intended for removal, in conformance
with municipal demolition permits.
All applicable municipal requirements and procedures regarding
demolition of buildings and disposition of the reusable parts and/or
disposal of the rubble shall be complied with.
If the building will not be removed immediately, a financial guarantee must be posted for its removal, in compliance with §
347-702, Financial security, herein.
Sidewalks shall be installed along all existing and proposed
public and private streets, common driveways, and common parking areas.
A. General.
Sidewalks and verges shall be required on both sides of the
street within the ultimate right of way.
Borough Council may waive the sidewalk requirements if an alternative
pedestrian circulation concept can be shown to be more desirable,
especially when using open space areas, provided that appropriate
connections are provided between the open space walkways and the surrounding
pedestrian origins and destinations.
If for any reason an interim waiver of these requirements is
made, a sufficient guaranty shall be posted for the eventual installation
of sidewalks, subject to approval by Borough Council, upon recommendation
of the Borough Engineer and Solicitor.
B. Design and layout.
Sidewalks and verges shall be provided in appropriate locations
to provide safe and efficient pedestrian access between parking areas,
buildings, and other pedestrian destinations.
Sidewalk and verge widths are to follow the guidelines set forth
in Figure 4.3: Sidewalk and Verge Guidelines. Figure 4.4: Illustrated
Sidewalk Levels of Service illustrates levels of service offered by
varying widths of sidewalks.
The verge shall exist between the curbline or edge of cartway
and the sidewalk.
Verges between sidewalks and the curbs may contain street lights,
trees, benches, trash cans, mailboxes, or newspaper boxes. No obstacle
in the verge may reduce the required sidewalk width for use by pedestrian
traffic as described in the guidelines in Figure 4.3: Sidewalk and
Verge Guidelines.
The verge shall be maintained as a grass strip between the sidewalk
and the curb. If grass is impractical at the site, brick pavers or
similar surface may be used at the discretion of Borough Council,
upon recommendation of the Lansdale Planning Commission and Engineer.
Where a verge is proposed as a grass strip, in no case shall
its width be less than three feet.
Borough Council may require additional sidewalk width in areas
where higher volumes of pedestrian traffic are anticipated. In no
case shall sidewalk width be less than five feet.
All sidewalk widths are exclusive of any obstacle. Sidewalk
areas comprised of street lights, trees, benches, doors, trash cans,
mailboxes, newspaper boxes, or similar feature may not be counted
towards meeting the minimum width.
Additional sidewalks or paved trails shall be required where
deemed necessary by Borough Council to provide access to schools,
religious institutions, parks, community facilities, trails, and commercial
or employment centers, and to provide necessary pedestrian circulation
within land developments and/or subdivisions where otherwise required
sidewalks would not be sufficient for public safety and convenience.
The grade and paving of the sidewalk shall be continuous across
driveways, except in certain cases where heavy traffic volume dictates
special treatment. The grade and alignment of all sidewalks shall
be approved by the Borough Engineer.
If the provision of sidewalks requires the destruction or removal
of mature trees, consideration shall be given to the retention of
such trees.
Conflicts arising from the placement of street trees, utilities,
and verges should be discussed with the Planning Commission, and Engineer
to determine appropriate placement and alignment.
Proposed sidewalks shall maintain the width, pattern, material,
and style of the Borough's sidewalk network. Where proposed sidewalks
meet existing sidewalks which have a different width, a tapered transition
shall be constructed.
Figure 4.3 Sidewalk and Verge Guidelines
Functional Classification
Single Family Residential Districts (A, B and C Districts)
4' - 6'
All Other Base Zoning Districts, and all Developments Proposed
Under an Overlay District
5' - 8'
Figure 4.4: Illustrated Sidewalk Levels of Service
A. Crosswalks shall be clearly delineated at all intersections and marked
to the width of the largest contributing sidewalk or trail. In no
case shall crosswalk width be less than the minimum width required
by PennDOT.
B. Crosswalks and their transition to adjacent sidewalks or trails shall
be designed to facilitate access and use by persons that are physically
disabled, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
C. Where a crosswalk is located at an arterial or collector street,
Borough Council may require one or more of the following measures
as described in the Pennsylvania Traffic Calming Handbook based upon
the recommendation of the Borough Planning Commission and Engineer:
Textured crosswalks. Crosswalk patterns, materials, and colors
shall be consistent with surrounding crosswalks based on the theme
established in the Borough and recommended to Borough Council by the
Borough Planning Commission and Engineer.
Pedestrian signalization shall be provided at intersections
where traffic signals exist.
Curb extensions, bulb-outs, raised medians, raised crosswalks,
and other pedestrian safety methods shall be considered and, where
determined to be appropriate by Borough Council, constructed.
Raised speed table crosswalks.
A. When a subdivision or land development includes an existing or a
proposed trail with public access customarily used by pedestrians,
bicyclists as delineated in the Borough's adopted Comprehensive, Open
Space, Recreation, or other Plans, the applicant shall make provision
for the continued recreational use of the trail subject to alterations
of the course of the trail within the boundaries of the development
under the following conditions:
The points at which the trail enters and exits the tract shall
remain unchanged.
The proposed alteration shall not diminish trail design and
Where an existing trail runs coincidentally with the paved road
intended for use by motorized vehicles, landscaping and other physical
structures shall be used to increase the separation between the trail
and the road.
B. Trail widths shall be as follows:
Multiuse trails shall be 10 feet wide with a cleared area of
five feet in width on either side.
A pathway for walking or bicycling shall be a minimum of six
feet wide with a cleared area of two feet on either side.
C. Borough Council may require, as a condition of final plan approval,
the guarantee of public access and improvement of trails when the
site is traversed by or abuts an existing trail or a trail proposed
in an adopted open space or trail plan of the county, the Borough
of Lansdale, or an adjacent municipality.
D. When a subdivision or land development lies adjacent to a park, school,
or other pedestrian destination, pedestrian connections should be
made to that destination.
E. All trails and pathways shall be constructed before occupancy of
residences and other buildings adjoining the proposed trails/pathways.
F. When a trail is intended for public use, a permanent access easement
shall be provided allowing public access to the trail on all properties
on which the trail is/will be located. The width of the protected
area in which the trail is located shall be a minimum of 20 feet.
The language of the easement shall be to the satisfaction of Borough
Council, upon recommendation of the Borough Solicitor.
G. Any of the methods cited under §
347-406D, Open space ownership and perpetuation concerning open space ownership may be used either individually or in combination, to own and perpetually preserve trail easements provided in fulfillment of this article.
H. Trails and pathways shall have adequate access for use by all residents
of the development or, preferably, the general public.
I. Trails shall be landscaped in accordance with the specifications described in §
347-424, Buffer plantings. Landscaping shall be used to help delineate the route of the trail and screen surrounding properties from trail users.
J. The land area permanently designated for trails for public use may
be credited toward any open space requirement of the Zoning Ordinance.
K. No trail shall be designed with the intent to accommodate motorized
vehicles except for emergency or maintenance access.
When a subdivision or land development includes improvements
to streets which have been specified on Borough-adopted plans or maps
to receive future bicycle infrastructure improvements, bicycle routes
or lanes shall be created and shall meet the following standards:
A. Bicycle lanes shall be marked with appropriate striping, reflectors,
and signage in accordance with Federal Highway Administration guidelines.
B. Bicycle lanes shall be a minimum five feet in width.
C. Where the roadway narrows, signage and pavement markings shall be
added to warn drivers and bicyclists to help them avoid bicycle-automobile
D. Drainage improvements shall be made where necessary to eliminate
puddles and sediment deposit on the section of the road used by bicyclists.
E. Proposed bicycle lanes shall meet the PennDOT requirements.
A. Applicants shall provide a safe, reliable, and adequate water supply
from public water service to support the intended uses approved as
part of a development plan. When water is to be provided by means
other than private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners
of lots within a subdivision or land development, applicants shall
present evidence to Borough Council that the subdivision or land development
is to be supplied by the North Penn Water Authority or other suitable
water supplier. A copy of a certificate of public convenience from
the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such
certificate, a cooperative agreement, or a commitment or agreement
to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate, shall be
acceptable evidence.
B. When individual private water supply wells are proposed, the applicant
shall provide evidence that adequate potable water supplies are reasonably
available for each lot. This can be performed in the following ways:
Performance of a groundwater study in accordance with §
347-803, Groundwater study;
Drilling and testing water supply wells for each lot; or
Providing suitable documentation based upon local geology and
adjoining wells demonstrating availability of potable water in the
vicinity of the proposed lots.
C. Fire hydrants shall be located at accessible points throughout the
subdivision and land development and shall be located according to
the Borough Engineer in consultation with the Borough Fire Marshal.
As a general rule, hydrants should be located at each street intersection
and at intermediate points as recommended by the Borough Fire Marshal.
Generally, hydrant spacing may range from 350 feet to 600 feet depending
upon the area being serviced. The type and methods of construction
to be employed in the installation of fire hydrants shall be in accordance
with current state and local regulations.
D. Public water supply facilities design. The design for public water supply facilities shall be in accordance with PADEP Water Supply Manual, the specifications of the utility providing water service, or Article
VI, Engineering and Construction Standards.
A. All lots created through subdivision or all proposed land developments
must have a suitable method for the management of wastewater.
The applicant shall demonstrate suitable management of wastewater
for each lot of a subdivision or land development through one of the
following ways:
If the site falls within the sewage facilities growth area established
in the Borough Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan, the following options
should be pursued in the order listed:
Where suitable collection system infrastructure and treatment
facilities are reasonably available with adequate capacity, the applicant
shall connect the proposed lots or land development to the collection
system and treatment plant after complying fully with any permit or
fee requirements established by the owner of the collection and treatment
Where suitable collection system infrastructure and treatment
facilities are not reasonably available with adequate capacity to
allow the applicant to connect the proposed lots or land development,
the applicant may petition the owner of the collection system and
treatment facility to extend the system or rectify the in adequacies
of the treatment facility to enable future connection.
Where connections cannot be made to the system by the applicant
or through an expansion of the system by its owner, the applicant
may install capped sewers in accordance with the specifications for
public sewers in this chapter which shall extend from each lot or
building into a system that will terminate at the property boundary
in a manner in which future connection to public sewers can be made
at some point in the future. Each lot of the land development would
have to be serviced with suitable on-lot disposal systems or a community
system approved by the Montgomery County Health Department or DEP
until such time as the capped sewers are connected. In limited situations,
holding tanks may be used in accordance with Borough and Pennsylvania
If the site does not fall within the sewage facilities growth
area established in the Borough Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan, the
following options should be pursued:
The applicant may request a revision to the Borough Sewage Facilities
Plan to add the site to the sewer growth area. If the revision is
not made, the applicant should pursue the on-lot disposal options.
The applicant shall evaluate the feasibility of on-lot disposal
options in the following order:
[a] Community spray irrigation.
[b] Individual lot spray irrigation.
[c] On-lot subsurface disposal.
[d] Community subsurface disposal.
[e] Alternative or experimental community or on-lot
[f] Community system stream discharge disposal.
[g] Individual lot stream discharge disposal.
Sewage Facilities Plan revision. Planning approval shall be
obtained for the selected option from the DEP or Montgomery County
Health Department.
Sewage Facilities Plan revision exceptions include:
Minor subdivisions, where no additional lots are created. This
includes lot line adjustments, simple conveyances, and mortgage subdivisions.
The impact of existing wastewater facilities shall be considered in
the placement of new lot lines in these types of subdivisions.
Non-building lots, provided a properly executed Request for
Planning Waiver and Non-building Declaration has been submitted to
and approved by DEP. Where the waiver is approved by DEP, the final
plan and the deed for the lot shall contain the following notation:
As of the date of this deed/plot plan recording, the property/subdivision
described herein is and shall be dedicated to the express purposes
of _______________ use.
No portion (or lot number(s) ______________________) of this
property are approved by ___________________________ the Borough of
Lansdale or the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for the
installation, construction, connection, to or use of any sewage treatment
facility. No permit will be issued for the installation, construction,
connection to, or use of any sewage collection, conveyance, treatment,
or disposal system (except for repairs of existing systems) unless
the municipality and DEP have both approved sewage facilities planning
for the property/subdivision described herein in accordance with the
Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (35 P.S. § 750.1 et seq.)
and regulations promulgated thereunder. Prior to signing, executing,
implementing, or recording any sales contract or subdivision plan,
any purchaser or subdivider or any portion of this property should
contact the appropriate officials of the Borough of Lansdale who are
charged with administering the Sewage Facilities Act to determine
the form of sewage facilities planning required and the procedure
and requirements for obtaining appropriate permits or approvals.
B. Sewage facilities design. The design and installation of domestic sewage facilities shall be done in accordance with the Pennsylvania Domestic Wastewater Facilities Manual prepared by PADEP and Article
VI, Engineering and Construction Standards.
C. Existing on-lot sewage disposal systems that will remain in use shall
be inspected and certified as to their satisfactory functioning, in
accordance with the Borough Sewage Facilities Plan, Montgomery County
Health Department, and DEP standards. Malfunctioning systems shall
be repaired or replaced with systems designed and constructed to current
All lots and land developments must contain proper facilities
for the management of solid waste, including recycling, in accordance
with the following:
A. Residential developments with single-family homes may manage solid
waste through a curbside collection service.
B. Developments without regular curbside collection shall have solid waste collection containers within enclosures. Enclosures shall be made of durable material in accordance with Article
VI, Engineering and Construction Standards.
C. Solid waste storage facilities should be located in the following
Convenient to portions of the development where solid waste
is generated.
Accessible for trash collection trucks.
Solid waste storage may be placed near building service entrances
or loading docks, but may not be placed in any area used for parking
or loading requirements.
In apartment or condominium complexes with centralized waste
storage, containers should be located in an area which is convenient
to each grouping of 10 to 15 units or be located in a large enclosed
facility at the entrance to the development.
During the servicing of these containers (up to five minutes)
it is important that internal circulation at the site is not impeded.
D. Operations. Trash storage containers shall be serviced at least once
a week. Recycling containers may be serviced at a less frequent interval.
If a dumpster contains food it shall be serviced every three days.
A storage container shall have tight-fitting lids, secured at all
times, and be leak-free. It shall also be cleaned out at least two
times a year.
A. The stormwater management system shall be designed in accordance
with the Borough Stormwater Management Ordinance and the Pennsylvania
Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual.
B. Existing natural stormwater drainage systems shall be preserved and
incorporated into the overall site stormwater management system.
C. Natural site conditions. New stormwater conveyance and control devices
shall be designed to be compatible with natural site conditions.
D. Approval or construction in sections.
Approval in sections. When subdivisions or land developments
are submitted to the Borough Engineer for approval in sections, a
complete storm sewer design for the entire proposed subdivision and
land development shall be submitted.
Construction in sections. If only a section of a subdivision
or land development is contemplated for construction, the applicant's
engineer shall show how stormwater from each section will be managed
to protect adjacent properties. If temporary construction is required,
the engineer shall include such structures in the plan submitted.
E. Minimum grades inside stormwater basins and conveyance structures
shall be 2% and maximum side slopes of any stormwater device should
be 33% (3:1 slope).
F. Dispersal through site. Appropriate stormwater controls, best management
practices, and conveyance facilities should be dispersed throughout
the site and generally located close to the sources of stormwater
release such as downspouts, culverts, and parking lots.
G. Maintenance of stormwater facilities. Prior to the granting of final
approval of any subdivision or land development plan, the Borough
must be satisfied through contractual arrangements that all stormwater
facilities will be properly maintained. If all, or a portion, of the
facilities will be on property which will be conveyed to an individual
homeowners' association or any other eventual owner, the guarantees
must be in such a form that they will carry through to the new owners.
H. Conveyance to two or more separate owners. If the land of the proposed
subdivision or development will be conveyed to two or more separate
owners, the applicant shall provide written assurance and deed restrictions
to the Borough that the stormwater management structures will be properly
maintained by the owners, or if acceptable to the Borough, be dedicated
to the Borough, which shall then be responsible for maintaining the
stormwater management structures.
I. Easements and dedication. Where stormwater or surface water will
be gathered within the subdivision or land development and discharged
or drained over lands within or beyond the boundaries of the subdivision
or land development, the applicant shall reserve or obtain easements
over all lands affected. The easements shall be adequate for such
discharge or drainage and for carrying off of such water and for the
maintenance, repair, and reconstruction of the same, including the
right of passage over, including vehicles, machinery, and other equipment
for such purposes, and which shall be of sufficient width for such
passage and work. The applicant shall offer the dedication, at no
cost to the Borough, drainage easements to the Borough at the completion
and stabilization of all improvements. If drainage easements are not
accepted for dedication by the Borough, they shall be maintained by
the owner of the property that uses them.
J. Storm drainage directed into an adjacent municipality. When storm
drainage will be directed into an adjacent municipality, all provisions
for accommodating such storm drainage shall be submitted to the governing
body of that municipality for review and approval.
K. Discharge of roof runoff. Stormwater runoff from roofs shall not
be discharged into the street right-of-way without approval by the
Borough, upon review by the Borough Engineer, nor concentrated onto
adjacent properties. It shall be returned to sheet flow or discharged
into a structure adequately designed and approved by the Borough.
L. Properties shall be graded to secure proper drainage away from buildings
and to allow the collection of stormwater in catch basins. Minimum
2% slopes away from structures shall be required.
M. Drainage from non-natural sources. Water originating from on-site
machinery or filtration systems, such as air-conditioning units, sump
pumps, or other dry weather flow, wherever practicable, shall be discharged
into natural watercourses on the property. The discharge of water
from these sources into the street is prohibited.
N. Storm sewers.
Existing storm sewer accessibility. Where existing storm sewers
are reasonably accessible and of adequate capacity, subdivisions and
land developments shall connect to the existing storm sewers.
All storm sewer pipes shall have a minimum diameter of 15 inches.
Drainage easements. Drainage easements shall be provided to
accommodate all storm drainage requirements and shall be a minimum
of 30 feet in width. Storm sewers, as required, shall be placed in
the road right-of-way, parallel to the roadway and shall be designed
as a combination storm sewer and underdrain if necessary. When located
in undedicated land, they shall be placed within an easement not less
than 20 feet wide, as approved by the Borough Engineer.
Drainage facilities design requirements. All drainage facilities
shall be designed to adequately handle surface runoff and carry it
to suitable outlets and shall be designed in accordance with the following
minimum design standards.
All storm drains and drainage facilities such as gutters, catch
basins, bridges, inlets, and culverts shall be installed and the land
graded for adequate drainage as shown on the grading plan submitted
and approved with the final plan. Construction of these facilities
shall generally conform with PADOT Specifications Publication 408
(latest version). Storm drains and appurtenances shall be required
to be constructed by the applicant to take surface water from the
bottom of vertical grades to lead water away from springs, and to
avoid use of cross gutters at street intersections and elsewhere.
The existing points of natural drainage discharge onto adjacent
property shall not be altered without the written approval of the
affected landowners.
No stormwater runoff or natural drainage shall be so diverted
as to overload existing drainage systems, or create flooding or the
need for additional drainage structures on the other private properties
or public lands. In cases where additional stormwater flows will overload
adjacent structures, the applicant shall be responsible for enlarging
the facilities.
Manholes. Manholes shall be constructed at all changes in horizontal or vertical alignment and as otherwise required in §
347-610, Utility locations, easements, and rights-of-way.
Location within Borough rights-of-way. Storm sewer lines within
street rights-of-way shall be placed at locations acceptable to the
Borough. They shall be protected by a cover of at least 18 inches.
Location within state rights-of-way. Drainage structures that
are to be located within state rights-of-way shall be approved by
PADOT, and a letter from the Department indicating such approval shall
be submitted to the Borough.
A. Street trees shall be required along:
All existing streets when they abut or lie within the proposed
subdivision or land development, except where existing trees serve
to meet the planting requirement.
All proposed streets, whether public or private.
Access driveways that serve five or more residential dwelling
Access driveways that serve two or more nonresidential properties
or uses.
Major walkways through parking lots and between nonresidential
buildings, as recommended by Borough Council, upon the recommendation
of the Planning Commission.
B. Trees shall be planted no greater than 10 feet from the curbline
of a public or private street.
Trees shall be located so as not to interfere with the installation
and maintenance of sidewalks and utilities. Trees shall be planted
such that their trunks are a minimum distance of three feet from curbs
and sidewalks, 12 feet from overhead utilities, and six feet from
underground utilities.
Tree species shall be selected based on appropriate growth rates
and mature heights for use adjacent to overhead utility lines.
Trees shall be planted at a rate of at least one tree per 40
feet of street frontage or fraction thereof. Trees shall be distributed
along the entire frontage of the property, although they need not
be evenly spaced.
Trees, including species selected, shall comply with the requirements of §
347-438, General landscape design criteria, herein.
Use requirements. Buffer plantings shall be installed in subdivisions
and land developments to integrate new development with its surroundings,
to separate incompatible land uses by providing screening, to reduce
wind, and to minimize or eliminate views of certain site elements
in compliance with the following regulations:
A. Buffer plantings shall be required for the following types of development
and as otherwise specified in the Borough Zoning Ordinance:
All nonresidential development.
All single-family detached, single-family attached, multifamily,
and semi-attached (e.g., twin) residential development.
All residential cluster development.
Active recreational facilities.
Construction of any of the following items which exceeds 400
square feet in ground coverage:
Public utility facilities or structures.
Waste collection, storage and/or treatment facilities.
Any other structure of similar character or impact.
B. An on-site investigation by the applicant shall determine the adjacent
land uses along each property boundary. In the case of vacant land,
the existing zoning shall be used. The existing or zoned uses shall
be noted on the plan. In the case when several uses are allowed on
a site, the most restrictive landscaping requirements shall apply,
as determined by the Borough.
Figure 4.5: Required Buffer Type
Existing Uses
Proposed Uses
Office/Institutional/Private Recreation
Multifamily/Single-Family Attached/Mobile Home
Twins/Duplexes/Single-Family Detached
Multifamily/single-family attached/mobile home
Active recreation
C. Buffer area location and dimensions.
A buffer planting area of not less than 15 feet in width shall
be established along all property lines and external street boundaries
of the tract proposed for subdivision or land development, unless
otherwise specified in the Zoning Ordinance. Where zoning regulations
allow building setbacks less than 15 feet, the buffer area may be
reduced to equal the width of the minimum building setback.
The buffer area shall be applied to the side and rears of lots.
The buffer shall not apply where a right-of-way intervenes between
The buffer area shall be a continuous pervious planting area
consisting of canopy trees, small understory trees, and shrubs, with
grass or groundcover. No paving shall be permitted within the buffer
areas except for driveway crossing and/or walkways.
Parking is not permitted in the buffer area.
Stormwater basins are permitted in the buffer area provided
that the visual screening requirements of the buffer are met.
D. Minimum buffer planting requirements. The minimum planting requirements
shall be determined by the intensity of the proposed land use and
the adjacent land use, vacant land, or zoning district.
E. Minimum plant material requirements. The following requirements are
minimum standards; additional plant material, grading treatments,
or architectural elements may be included in the plan, at the applicant's
discretion. Every 100 linear feet of property line or external street
boundaries of the tract proposed for subdivision or land development
shall be buffered with the following minimum quantities, types, and
sizes of plant material:
Figure 4.6: Required Buffer Components
Buffer Type
1 canopy tree (2 2 1/2 inches min. caliper)
2 understory trees (1 1/2 inches min. caliper)
2 evergreen trees (8 feet min. ht.)
2 canopy trees (2 2 1/2 inches min. caliper)
2 understory trees (1 1/2 inches min. caliper)
5 evergreen trees (8 feet min. ht.)
5 shrubs (24 inches min. ht.)
Screening Buffer:* (Choose one of four options)
Option 1:
8 evergreen trees (8 feet min. ht.)
2 understory trees (1 1/2 inches min. caliper)
2 canopy trees (2 2 1/2 inches min. caliper), and
10 shrubs (24 inches min. ht.)
Option 2:
Fence or wall
30 upright evergreen shrubs (4 feet min. ht.; shrubs shall be
located on the outer side of buffer, closer to neighboring property
than fence or wall)
Option 3:
15 upright evergreen shrubs (4 feet min. ht.)
4 ornamental trees (1 1/2 inches min. caliper) or
3 canopy trees (2-2 1/2 inches min. caliper)
Option 4: an alternative planting design that will
result in at least an equivalent degree of visual screening to one
of the above screening buffers.
Limited Area Buffer** (At the discretion of the Borough Council,
the applicant may substitute this buffer for another where space is
limited [in such cases, Council shall select one of the two options]).
Option 1: 1 upright evergreen shrub per three feet
(4 feet min. ht.)
Option 2: 4-6 foot solid fence or wall
A screening buffer must be adequate to visually
screen the proposed land use or development from off-site view. Several
different planting options could be used to create an effective buffer.
Grading treatments and architectural features, such as walls, fences
and/or naturally undulating berms may be required in addition to the
minimum planting quantities in order to effectively provide a visual
The limited area buffer can be used in older developed
areas where space for planting is severely restricted. The planting
screen would be equivalent to an evergreen hedge planting. Alternative
planting arrangements, such as shade or flowering trees with deciduous
shrubs, could be considered in conjunction with a fence or wall, at
the discretion of municipality.
F. Mitigation of visual impacts.
The use of a screening buffer planting shall be required to
mitigate the adverse visual impacts that the proposed land uses or
site elements have on the subject tract, adjoining properties and
the community in general. In addition to the requirements for buffer
plantings as listed in Figure 4.5: Required Buffer Type, the following
proposed land uses and site elements shall be screened from off-site
with a screening buffer planting:
Dumpsters, trash disposal, recycling areas, and mechanical equipment (dumpsters shall also comply with §
347-618, Solid Waste Storage Facilities).
Service and loading docks.
Sewage treatment plants and pump stations.
Existing topographic conditions, such as embankments or berms,
in conjunction with existing vegetation, may be substituted for part
or all of the required buffers at the discretion of the governing
body. The minimum visual effect shall equal or exceed that of the
required buffer or screen.
Constructed berms or other architectural elements such as walls
or fencing may be permitted to augment part of the landscape buffering
G. Design standards for fences/walls used as buffers. When a fence or
wall is proposed to be used to fulfill a buffer requirement, the following
standards shall apply:
Fences shall be solid or opaque, and shall be constructed of
wood, material designed to appear as wood, or decorative metal. Chain
link fencing with slats shall not qualify as solid or opaque. Fences
shall otherwise conform to all other applicable standards in the Zoning
Walls shall be constructed of masonry or brick, but shall not
include unpainted cinder block.
Both walls and fences shall be no higher than six feet.
Parking lots should be landscaped with trees and shrubs to reduce
the visual impact of glare from headlights, and parking lot lights;
to delineate driving lanes; and define rows of parking. Furthermore,
parking lots should be adequately landscaped to provide shade in order
to reduce the amount of reflected heat and to improve the aesthetics
of parking lots.
A. Planting regulations. All parking lots shall be landscaped according
to the following regulations:
Parking islands.
One planting island shall be provided for every 15 parking stalls.
There shall be no more than 15 contiguous parking stalls in a row
without a planting island.
As an alternative to the previous planting island requirement
(planting islands located every 15 contiguous parking spaces) the
applicant may provide one canopy tree for every 10 parking spaces
in other planting island areas and in perimeter parking planting areas
at the discretion of Borough Council.
Planting islands shall be a minimum of nine feet by 18 feet
in area. Unless designed to function as part of the stormwater management
system, planting islands shall be underlain by soil, mounded up to
at least six feet above the paved parking or drive area, and shall
be protected from vehicle traffic with curbing, wheel stops, or bollards.
Each planting island shall contain one shade tree plus low-growing
shrubs and/or groundcover over the entire area.
Planting islands shall divide the ends of all parking rows from
internal parking lot driving lanes.
Planting strips. All planting strips shall be a minimum of 15
feet wide. Strips shall run the length of the parking row, be underlain
by soil, and shall be protected with curbs, wheel stops, or bollards.
Planting strips shall contain plantings of one canopy tree every 25
feet, plus shrubs and/or groundcover to cover the entire area at maturity.
Unless otherwise described in this chapter, where required, all planting
strips shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide and run the length of the
parking row. Unless designed to function as part of the stormwater
management system, planting strips shall be underlain by soil mounded
up to six inches above the paved parking or drive area and shall be
protected by curbs, wheel stops, or bollards.
The placement of light standards shall be coordinated with the
landscape plan to avoid a conflict with the effectiveness of light
Plant materials shall comply with the requirements of §
347-617, Plant materials specifications, herein, and shall be selected from the Appendix: List of Recommended Plant Material.
B. Residential parking lots.
Parallel rows of parking spaces, which are not separated by
a driveway, shall be separated by a planting strip.
A single row of parking spaces located parallel to and between
two driveways shall be separated from one of the driveways by a planting
strip, a minimum of eight feet wide.
Parking lots with a capacity of greater than 40 cars shall be
divided into smaller parking areas of no more than 40 stalls by planting
No less than 20 feet of open area shall be provided between
the curbline of any parking area and the outside wall of the dwelling
C. Nonresidential parking lots. Parking lots with a capacity of from
50 to 100 cars shall require a planting strip around the perimeter
and one planting island for every 10 spaces within the perimeter of
the lot. Parking lots for more than 100 cars shall be divided into
sections no greater than 100 stalls each by planting strips.
These planting strips shall be located parallel to the rows
of parking, to serve the following purposes:
To separate main access (entrance-exit) driveways from rows
of parking spaces.
To separate other major driveways (service drives, general internal
circulation) from rows of parking spaces.
To separate large parking areas into smaller units at intervals
of not more than four rows of parking stalls.
For parking areas with an ultimate capacity greater than 400
cars, the requirements may be modified by Borough Council to provide
separation into units at intervals of six rows of parking stalls,
with each unit capacity no greater than 100 cars.
The applicant may request the Borough to permit an alternative
design which achieves the purposes of these parking area requirements
as well or better than the requirements herein. The final decision
to permit an alternative design shall be made by Borough Council,
with the advice of the Borough Planning Commission and Engineer.
D. Screening requirement. All parking lots shall be screened from public
roads and from adjacent properties according to the following:
For parking lots of at least 20 spaces, the parking lot screen
along a street shall be composed of each of the following requirements:
Wall or fence, between 30 inches and 48 inches in height, comprised
of masonry or wrought iron or a combination thereof, but no unfinished
cinder block.
Shrubs, at least half of which shall be evergreen, planted three
feet to four feet on center, outside an opaque wall or fence, but
may be located either inside or outside a wrought iron fence.
One shade tree, planted every 25 feet on center, or two shade
trees and four understory trees per 100 feet of perimeter.
Where trees are planted, a gap is permitted in the fence, wall,
or line of shrubs.
For parking lots of less than 20 spaces, the parking lot screen
along a street shall be composed of one of the following options:
Wall or fence, between 30 inches and 48 inches in height, comprised
of masonry or wrought iron or a combination thereof, but no unfinished
cinder block, which shall also include shrubs planted three feet to
four feet on center.
Opaque wall or fence, between 36 inches and 48 inches in height.
For parking lots of any size which are located in the side yard and directly abut an adjacent property where no right-of-way intervenes, a filtering buffer or Option 2 of screening buffer as per §
347-424E above shall be provided. If the principal use of the property is already subject to a buffer requirement as per §
347-424, Buffer plantings, the stricter of the two shall apply.
For the purposes of aesthetics or pedestrian access, breaks
of six feet in a wall or fence used for screening a parking lot are
permitted, provided the breaks are a minimum of 32 feet apart.
To encourage flexibility, the number of shrubs can be reduced
up to 50% to allow greater use of grasses and perennials in a design.
One square foot of perennial planting for every linear foot of total
buffer may be used.
A. All new streets and additions to existing streets shall:
Be offered for dedication to the Borough. The Borough may accept
or refuse dedication of any street.
Conform with the transportation element of the Lansdale Comprehensive
Plan and county or state highway plans, and be designed to conform
with the existing street system.
Provide appropriate access between abutting tracts of land for
immediate or future use.
Create a road hierarchy among interior subdivision and land
development streets and exterior streets to insure proper through-traffic
flow, local access, and internal traffic distribution and flow.
Conform to existing topography to assure reasonable grades,
alignment and drainage, appropriate access to lots, and to minimize
regrading and removal of vegetation.
Be designed to continue existing streets at equal or greater
right-of-way and cartway width, as well as aligned with and connected
to existing streets, where applicable, as recommended by the Borough
Engineer and Planning Commission.
Include curbs and sidewalks installed along all existing and
proposed public and private streets and common parking areas except
when this requirement is waived at the discretion of Borough Council
upon recommendation of the Borough Planning Commission and Engineer.
B. Street names shall be assigned in accordance with §
347-616, Street names.
A. Whenever an applicant proposes to establish a street which is not
offered for dedication of public use or when dedication is not accepted,
Borough Council shall require the applicant to submit, and also to
record with the plan, a copy of the agreement made with the Borough
addressing the ownership, access rights, and maintenance responsibilities
for that street. Such streets shall be constructed in conformance
with the Borough Engineering standards for public streets. Maintenance
responsibility shall be outlined and defined by the applicant and
reviewed by the Borough prior to final approval. When, in the determination
of Borough Council, it becomes necessary for the Borough to assume
responsibility for a private street in order to maintain the health,
safety, and welfare of the residents of the Borough, the Borough may
do so and assess the property owner(s) or abutting owners who use
the street for any improvements necessary to restore the street to
conformance with Borough specifications.
B. Residential private streets. Private streets may be permitted by
Borough Council to provide access to land which abuts its right-of-way.
Private streets shall comply with the following:
The minimum right-of-way or equivalent right-of-way shall be
50 feet.
Minimum paved cartway width shall be 18 feet.
Streets shall be built in accordance with the construction and engineering standards in Article
VI of this chapter.
An irrevocable right-of-access shall be guaranteed to all properties
whose access depends upon the private street, by means of legal agreement
or covenants, subject to approval by Borough Council as advised by
the Borough Solicitor.
The legal access agreements and/or covenants shall be:
Clearly noted on the subdivision or land development plans for
all properties using private streets for access.
Included in the deeds for all properties having these access
Recorded in the Montgomery County Office of the Recorder of
Clear and specific with regard to property owner's rights to
further subdivision or land development, especially in regard to the
need to receive approval from the private street owner and/or waiver
from the requirement of this chapter.
The private street may be owned by one or more of the property
owners who have right-of-access or may be jointly owned by an association
of these property owners.
When several properties use a private street, maintenance shall
be guaranteed by the formation and administration of an association
or other legally binding organization of all land owners with access
Documents governing such associations shall be subject to approval
of Borough Council upon the advice of the Borough Solicitor, shall
be filed with the Borough, and shall be recorded with the deed for
each property with access rights.
All property owners in such an association or other type of organization shall have a share in the rights and bear a share of the costs and other burdens of maintenance, as specified in the access agreements and/or covenants. This share shall also apply to the assessed costs for upgrading to public street standards, in accordance with the construction and engineering standards in Article
VI of this chapter.
If one or more property owners in the association or other type
of organization believe that the street is not being properly maintained,
and cannot succeed in having the association or other type of organization
authorize or conduct proper remedies, then that/those property owner(s)
may request the Borough to authorize an inspection of the street by
the Borough Engineer. The cost of the inspection shall be paid by
those property owners requesting the inspection. If the Borough Engineer
determines that the street is not being properly maintained, the Borough
may take corrective actions against the entity maintaining the road.
Borough Council reserves the right to order the private street
to be upgraded to meet all of the standards and requirements for a
public street, if, at any time it deems the road to be a health or
safety hazard for reasons of improper or inadequate maintenance.
The full costs of upgrading the street, including engineering,
legal and related costs, shall be assessed against the owner of the
road. The share of the assessment to be determined by the association's
legal access agreements and/or covenants recorded for the private
Prior to such action by Borough Council, the landowners with
access rights shall be notified, in writing, by certified mail, of
the pending action. The landowners will have 30 days from the date
of such notice to propose an alternative solution acceptable to Borough
Additional provisions.
Any vehicular accessway which provides the primary access to
more than three lots or housing units, but is not offered for dedication
as a public street, shall be considered a private street subject to
these requirements.
Not more than 10 dwelling units may be served by a private street
which has access to a public street (private dead-end or cul-de-sac
street) if the street is not owned and managed by a homeowners association
or owner of the entire property.
Emergency access to a private street which has only one public
street access may be required.
For private cul-de-sac streets, a suitable turnaround shall
be provided, subject to the approval of the Borough Engineer. A forty-foot
radius paved bulb turn-around is preferred, but other configurations
may be used if acceptable to the Borough Engineer.
Further subdivision or land development of any lot depending
upon a private road for vehicular access where properties and streets
are under multiple ownership or not subject to a homeowners association
is prohibited if it would exceed the number of lots permitted, maximum
length of a cul-de-sac, or any other applicable requirements contained
in this chapter. If an applicant requests such further subdivision,
the following standards shall apply:
The street must be upgraded to meet all the standards and requirements
for public street construction, and must be offered for dedication
to the Borough; or
Further subdivision may be permitted and the street may remain
private, if Borough Council approves the waiver of necessary design
The applicant shall apply in writing to Borough Council for
approval to upgrade the street or to be granted appropriate waivers.
Application to Borough Council shall include written approval
from the association or organization which controls the street for
the applicant to seek Borough approval for upgrading or waivers.
Upgrade of the street or waivers should not be approved by Borough
Council approval is first received from the association or other organization
which controls the street.
The costs of upgrading a private street to public street standards
including the dedication, and/or costs involved in granting waivers
shall be borne by the association of individual property owners in
accordance with the association's legal access agreements and/or covenants.
An individual private driveway may be legally reclassified and
physically upgraded and improved to become a private street upon approval
of Borough Council.
A right-of-way shall be established to contain the private street
in compliance with the requirements herein.
The private driveway shall be physically improved to comply
with private street construction and paving width standards, as well
as applicable dimension standards.
Maintenance shall be guaranteed as established for private street
in this chapter.
Upgrading of existing individual driveways to private street
status is encouraged where it would take the place of several individually
owned and maintained access strips.
Parking shall not be permitted within the minimum eighteen-foot-wide
cartway of a private street, but may be permitted outside the cartway
in a manner that does not interfere with the free movement of emergency
vehicles along the private street.
The legal access agreements and/or covenants shall guarantee
free unobstructed access throughout the minimum eighteen-foot-wide
cartway. If violations occur, attempts should be made to resolve the
problems within the structure of the association or organization which
controls the street. Under situations of repeated and/or flagrant
violations, individual property owners may request police enforcement
of free and unobstructed access.
If there is a continuing access problem caused by improper parking,
Borough Council shall notify the owner of the private street or homeowners
association, in writing, that the problem must be corrected by some
means satisfactory to the Borough Engineer or Solicitor, depending
upon whether the solution is a physical or legal remedy.
If, after written notification, the owner or association or
organization which controls the road fails to correct the parking
problem, Borough Council may order the upgrading of the private street
to public street standards as specified herein. The owner or association
or organization which controls the road shall have 30 days from the
date of written notification to propose a solution to the parking
In considering applications for waivers of private street standards,
Borough Council shall consider the following:
Number of lots and/or dwelling units in excess of the permitted
Whether or not more lots could be proposed along the private
street, in conformance with the applicable zoning, in addition to
those proposed in conjunction with the waiver application. For example,
one additional unit may be acceptable in itself, but may not be acceptable
if a potential would exist for five more lots.
[1] Borough Council may require the applicant to submit
a sketch plan and/or information showing the approximate maximum number
of lots and/or dwelling units which could be created under the applicable
zoning requirements, on all lands serviced by the private street.
[2] When conditions are considered favorable for limited
additional subdivision under the private street access, Borough Council
may request deed restrictions against further subdivision as a condition
of final approval of the subdivision.
Ability of a private street to be served by an emergency access
as a condition of granting a waiver.
Characteristics of properties, neighborhood and private street(s)
[1] Configuration of the properties.
[2] Lot sizes and development characteristics, with
particular regard to avoiding congested appearance and functioning.
[3] Topography, including vegetation and other environmental
[4] Character of land and development surrounding the
properties in question, including their development status and potential
Whether or not requiring a public street would have an appreciable
benefit to the properties and/or the Borough in terms of access and
traffic circulation.
The economic impact of permitting the waiver compared to requiring
a public street.
C. Nonresidential private streets. Private streets may be permitted
by Borough Council to provide access to various nonresidential developments
or lots.
Every street, road, or highway within the Borough shall be classified
by its function, and shall be subject to the requirements for its
classification as contained in this article. These classifications
are based on the Montgomery County Comprehensive Plan which incorporates
standards established by the American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and used by PADOT. Street classifications
are intended to provide appropriate standards for each road, as well
as to coordinate street functions and improvements among neighboring
municipalities, the region, and the state. The classifications are
as follows:
A. Arterials. Arterial roads provide a high degree of mobility in order
to better serve trips of longer length. Since access to abutting property
is not their major function, access controls are desirable to enhance
mobility. They are further classified as follows:
Principal arterials. The design standards for principal arterials
are contained in Figure 4.7: Road Design Standards. Principal arterials
generally provide between two and four lanes of travel depending upon
traffic volume and land use density. Urban principal arterials may
have wider travel lanes and should have parking lanes. Both urban
and rural principal arterials generally have posted speeds of 45 miles
per hour dependent upon local site conditions.
Minor arterials. Minor arterials interconnect with and augment
principal arterials in serving major activity centers. They typically
accommodate trips between three miles and five miles in length. They
are spaced at intervals consistent with population density and carry
vehicles within or between several municipalities of the county. The
only difference between rural and urban design for minor arterials
is the location of a parking lane on urban arterials. Lastly, they
link other communities not connected by principal arterial and provide
key connections between roads of higher classification. The design
standards for minor arterials are included in Figure 4.7: Road Design
B. Collectors. Collector roads serve a dual function of providing a
mix of accessibility and mobility. They typically serve trips of up
to four miles in length and channel or distribute traffic to or from
a road of a higher classification. They are further subclassified
as major and minor collectors.
Urban collectors: These types of roads provide a combination
of mobility and access with a priority on mobility. Ideally access
is partially controlled with preference given to through traffic.
Access is permitted with at grade intersections and major access driveways
of selected land uses such as a retail or employment center. Few if
any individual driveways should be permitted off of urban collections.
Urban collectors may accommodate trips within and between neighboring
municipalities and may serve as the major road through large industrial
complexes or office parks or provide key connections between roads
of higher classification. The typical posted speed is 35 miles to
40 miles per hour. The design standards for urban collectors are in
Figure 4.7: Road Design Standards.
Rural collectors: Rural collectors provide a combination of
access and mobility with more emphasis on access. They allow more
access to abutting properties with little or no restriction. Individual
driveway access is permitted. Generally rural collectors accommodate
trips only within a small segment of a municipality. They are spaced
at intervals to collect traffic from local roads and neighborhoods
and channel it to urban collectors and arterials. Finally rural minor
collectors may serve as a major road through a residential neighborhood.
Rural minor collectors serve the same function as urban collectors,
though due to their location, they handle smaller volumes of traffic
and generally have smaller travel lanes and shoulders. The typical
posted speed is 25 miles to 35 miles per hour. The design standards
for minor collectors are in Figure 4.7: Road Design Standards.
C. Local roads. Local roads and streets have relatively short trip lengths,
generally not exceeding one mile. Because property access is their
main function, there is little need for mobility and high operating
speeds. This function is reflected by use of lower posted speed between
25 miles and 35 miles per hour. Through traffic is discouraged from
using local roads. Local roads can only provide a link between individual
properties and the collector road network. Rural local roads can be
more narrow due to the lower volumes of traffic expected on them.
Local roads should be oriented on an east-west axis to maximize the
potential solar access on adjoining lots.
Residential streets. New streets or extensions of existing streets
in residential developments function primarily to provide vehicular
access and street frontage for each lot. The design standards for
residential streets are in Figure 4.7: Road Design Standards. Parking
on both sides will be assumed on residential streets unless no driveways
take access on them or the development otherwise provides significant
off street public parking which is convenient to all the proposed
Nonresidential access streets: These streets shall function
primarily to provide vehicular access and street frontage for industrial,
office, institutional, and commercial lots and land uses. The standards
for nonresidential access streets are in Figure 4.7: Road Design Standards.
Alleys: Alleys are small service roads which provide a secondary
access to lots and buildings. They should not be more than 800 feet
in length and should have a paved cartway of 12 feet with two-foot
clear stabilized grass or gravel shoulder area.
Sight distance, horizontal, and vertical curvature, super-elevation,
and maximum and minimum street grades shall be determined by the Borough
Engineer in compliance with the standards contained in A Policy on
Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, published by the American
Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), most
recent edition, or PADOT standards, whichever is more suitable to
site conditions. In addition, the following standards and guidelines
shall be complied with:
A. Minimum horizontal and vertical curvature for all local access streets
shall conform with the standards in Figure 4.8: Street Alignment and
Intersection Standards.
B. Long radius, gentle curves shall be used rather than shorter radius
curves connected by tangents particularly where truck traffic is anticipated.
C. Curve-tangent relationships shall follow accepted engineering guidelines
for safety and efficiency. For example, minimum radius curves shall
not be used at the ends of long tangents.
D. Street grades shall be measured along the center line in accordance
with the following:
Minimum grade for all streets shall be 1%.
Maximum grades for arterials and collectors shall be 5% and
for residential streets shall be 10%.
Curve-grade combinations shall follow accepted engineering guidelines
for safety and efficiency. For example, minimum-radius horizontal
curves will not be permitted in combination with maximum grades.
At all approaches to intersections, street grades shall not
exceed 4% for a minimum distance of 50 feet from the intersection
of curblines or the edges of cartways.
All street intersections shall be governed by the standards
of this section and the appropriate PADOT or AASHTO Standards.
A. Number of streets. Not more than two streets shall intersect at the
same point.
B. Three-way/four-way intersections. Three-way or "T" intersections
should be used instead of four-way intersections involving local streets
intersecting arterial or collector streets unless the four-way intersection
would promote necessary and desirable traffic movements or where traffic
signals or four-way stop signs are proposed.
C. Angle of intersections.
All intersection approaches shall be designed at 90° angles
for a minimum of 50 feet from the edge of the cartway.
Where angled intersections are used they should be no less than
65° and designed so that the heavier traffic flow will make the
obliquely angled turn rather than the acutely angled turn.
D. Improvements to existing intersections. When existing streets intersect
at odd angles or have more than four approaches, the applicant shall
improve the intersection, to bring it into compliance with this chapter,
as required by Borough Council, based upon advice of the Borough Engineer
and Planning Commission and other technical advisors or agencies,
as appropriate. For state and county highways, improvements shall
comply with the requirements of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction
over the road.
E. Radii of pavement and right-of-way at intersections. Street intersections
shall be rounded with tangential arcs at pavement edge (curbline)
and right-of-way lines as indicated in Figure 4.8: Street Alignment
and Intersection Standards.
F. All radii specified herein must be increased if large trucks, fire
trucks, or other emergency vehicles would have difficulty with ingress
or egress as determined by the Borough Fire Marshal.
G. Waiver of improvements. Borough Council may waive the above requirements
for improvements to intersections under one or more of the following
When changes made on the applicant's land will not improve the
intersections deficiencies.
When other road improvements are already planned which would
correct the problem without changes required of the applicant.
When not required by PADOT where the intersections are under
their jurisdiction.
H. Single-access street intersections.
Single access streets shall be established beginning at a three-way
intersection perpendicular to a through street.
Four-way intersections may be created using two permanent single
access streets intersecting directly opposite one another along a
through street, when the through street is a local street.
I. All intersections shall provide clear sight distance in compliance
with AASHTO and PADOT standards.
J. Street intersection spacing shall be in compliance with the regulations
contained in this section, measured from center line to center line.
The applicant shall prepare a vehicular access analysis, for
all street intersections proposed along arterial and collector streets.
The spacings listed Figure 4.8: Street Alignment and Intersection
Standards shall be considered minimum spacing. Where greater spacing
is required in compliance with AASHTO or PADOT standards, the greater
spacing distances shall be applied, as determined by the Borough Engineer.
Offset intersections. In any case where the center lines of
street intersections are, or would be, within 150 feet of each other,
they shall be made to coincide by relocating the street within the
applicant's land, unless additional problems of sight distance or
other safety-related problems would be created. As an alternative,
relocation further away from the offset intersection may be done in
compliance with the intersection spacing requirements contained herein,
when approved by Borough Council.
Any street which is served by only one intersection with a through
street shall be considered a single-access street, regardless of the
street's configuration within the proposed subdivision or land development.
A. Single-access streets shall be classified as one of the following:
Single-access loop streets.
B. Single-access loop streets shall be subject to the requirements for
their street classification and the following additional requirements.
Shall not serve more than 300 average daily trips.
In addition to required sidewalks, shall be served by an appropriately
located pedestrian access when required by Borough Council to connect
surrounding neighborhoods and pedestrian destinations.
C. Cul-de-sac streets.
Shall be permanently closed to vehicular traffic at one end.
Shall be identified by a standard warning sign stating "No Outlet"
when deemed appropriate by Borough Council to help avoid mistaken
turning movements.
Shall not be permitted when a through street is possible for
the tract under consideration. All cul-de-sac streets must be approved
by Borough Council, with the Borough reserving the right to reject
any and all cul-de-sac streets proposed. The following shall be used
to determine the necessity of the cul-de-sac:
Adverse topography such as steep slopes, floodplain, streams,
The shape of the tract does not lend itself to a through street.
Shall be a minimum 250 feet but not exceed 800 feet in length.
Measurement of the length shall be made from the center line of the
abutting through road or point of intersection with another cul-de-sac
to the center line of the turnaround, measured along the cul-de-sac
street's center line.
Shall be provided with a vehicular turnaround at the closed
end with a right-of-way radius of at least 50 feet, and a paved radius
of at least 40 feet. Alternative vehicular turnaround designs are
encouraged to improve traffic flow and overall design of the subdivision.
If an off-set bulb turnaround is used, the bulb should be configured
to the left of the approaching road center line. In addition, parking
may be prohibited on the cul-de-sac by order of the Fire Marshal.
A permanent easement for snow removal may be required at cul-de-sac
bulb. The easement shall have a minimum length along the right-of-way
line of 40 feet and a depth of 15 feet. When curbing is required,
a curb depression shall also be placed in this easement area. No shrubbery,
fence, mail box, or any other obstruction shall be placed within the
easement to hinder the placement of the snow.
Shall not extend from a single-access loop street.
Existing temporary cul-de sac streets, stub streets, and rights-of-way
located on adjacent parcels, whether improved or not, shall be used
by the applicant to connect with their proposed roadway system. It
shall be the responsibility of the applicant to complete all roadway
improvements at their expense within the existing rights-of-way of
adjacent parcels.
Shall be served by an appropriately located and constructed
emergency accessway when required by Borough Council using the following
Minimum cartway width shall be 10 (12') feet.
Pavement shall satisfy the standards of the Borough Engineer.
Emergency accessways shall be maintained through properly recorded
easements or deed restrictions which at a minimum prohibit the planting
of any vegetation except grass within the accessway.
May be made available for pedestrian access.
Landscaped cul-de-sac islands are encouraged for private streets,
but shall not be accepted for dedication by the Borough. Landscaped
cul-de-sac islands shall conform to the following standards:
Shall be located within the bulb of a cul-de-sac and be concave
for use as part of the stormwater management infrastructure. Efforts
should be made to retain the existing vegetation on the site within
these islands.
Shall have a maximum radius of 24 feet and be surrounded by
paving on all sides.
Shall be designed to allow for emergency vehicle access into
the cul-de-sac.
In the event that right-of-way grading will not permit the retention
of existing vegetation in a cul-de-sac, the landscaping proposed for
the island shall be of low-maintenance varieties as approved by Borough
Council. The landscaping plan shall specifically describe the maintenance
required for any landscaping proposed on the landscape island.
D. Stub streets or temporary culs-de-sac.
Shall be provided in appropriate locations for vehicular access
to abutting undeveloped lands when required by Borough Council, upon
advice of the Borough Planning Commission and Engineer.
The length shall be designed in accordance with cul-de-sac street
The width and other road improvements of temporary stub streets
or temporary culs-de-sac shall generally conform with the future functional
classification of the roadway once it is fully connected.
Shall be provided with a vehicular turnaround that meets cul-de-sac
Shall be constructed to the property line in accordance with
the standards of this chapter applicable to the classification of
streets it will be upon extension.
A. The term "driveway" as used here refers to every entrance or exit
used by vehicular traffic to or from properties abutting a Borough,
county, or state road. The term includes proposed private streets,
lanes, alleys, courts, and other ways.
B. Driveways with the following characteristics will be reviewed in
the manner prescribed below:
When any residential dwelling driveways will access an existing
arterial or collector street.
For all nonresidential proposals which require a new driveway
or upgrading of an existing driveway.
For all proposals where driveways would generate 25 or more
vehicular trips per day, based on I.T.E. trip generation standards.
C. Following evaluation by the Borough, the applicant may submit plans
to the state, county, or Borough for formal review and, as appropriate,
approval and issuance of permits.
D. No driveway location, classification, or design shall be considered
finally approved by the Borough unless highway occupancy or access
permits have been granted by the state, county, and/or Borough and
preliminary plan approval has been granted by Borough Council for
the subdivision and/or land development which the driveway(s) will
E. Driveway intersections with streets:
Shall provide adequate sight distance in compliance with the
standards established by PADOT.
Shall not cause or contribute to:
Hazards to the free movement of normal street traffic.
Traffic congestion on the street.
Interference with the design, maintenance, and/or drainage of
the street.
Shall be designed and constructed in compliance with Chapter
441 of Title 67 the Pennsylvania Code unless Borough standards are
more restrictive.
F. In order to facilitate safe and efficient access between streets
and driveways, the number of driveways permitted to serve individual
parcels of land shall be kept to the minimum needed to adequately
serve the parcel in question. Shared access between adjoining lots
should be considered first.
Properties with frontages of 100 feet or less may be permitted
not more than one driveway intersection with a street. Exceptions
may be made when adjacent property owners share parking, or when the
need is determined in a traffic study prepared by a qualified traffic
Not more than two driveway intersections with the same street
may be permitted for any parcel of land unless anticipated traffic
volumes warrant more than two, and then only when supported by a traffic
study prepared by a qualified engineer warrants more than two driveway
G. Driveway intersections serving individual parcels of land may be
prohibited by Borough Council where such intersections would create
congestion, interference, and/or hazards to traffic flow and safety
by reason of street grades, land forms, vegetation, frequency of driveway
intersections, limited sight distances, and/or high speed traffic
flow. In such cases, Borough Council may permit reasonable alternative
forms of vehicular access to the parcel of land by means of:
Marginal access streets or driveways.
Reverse frontage lotting.
Other means which are legally and technically suitable in the
opinions of the Borough Solicitor and Engineer.
H. Where driveway intersections are prohibited by Borough Council and
alternative forms of vehicular access would cause an undue burden
upon an applicant, Borough Council may permit an alternative interim
access solution in compliance with the following:
It is the safest feasible alternative, acceptable to the Borough
Engineer and/or PADOT.
Suitable provisions are made for a preferable permanent access solution, consistent with §
347-432G, including legal agreements to enable implementation of the permanent solution.
I. Distance from street intersections. Driveways shall be located as
far from street intersections as is reasonably possible.
J. Choice of streets. When a lot adjoins streets of different classes,
the driveway shall provide access to the street of lesser classification
unless this requirement is waived by Borough Council for reasons of
sight distance, incompatibility of traffic, grading, drainage, or
other major reasons.
K. Sight distance determinations. Determination of sight distances at
intersections of new driveways and streets with existing Borough roads
shall be in accordance with the following provisions.
Access driveways shall be located at a point within the property
frontage limits which provides at least the minimum safe stopping
sight distance (SSSD), as determined by the standards within PA Chapter
441 (Access to and Occupancy of Highways by Driveways and Local Roads)
of Title 67 of the Pennsylvania Code.
The calculated minimum SSSD shall be measured from a point 10
feet back of the pavement edge and 3 1/2 feet above the road
If the minimum required SSSD's cannot be achieved, the Borough
may exercise one or more of the following options:
Prohibit left turns by exiting vehicles.
Restrict turning movements to right turns in and out of a driveway.
Require installation of a right turn acceleration lane or deceleration
Require installation of a separate left turn standby lane.
Alter the horizontal or vertical geometry of the roadway.
L. Driveway materials. All driveways construction materials, including
those parts of driveways used as parking, shall only consist of concrete,
pervious concrete, asphalt, or pavers, and not of gravel or grass.
A. Bridges and culverts shall be designed to meet current AASHTO or
PADOT Standards to support expected loads and to pass design stormwater
flows. They shall be constructed to the full width of the planned
cartway. Allowance for safe pedestrian crossing must also be made.
B. Where county-owned roads or bridges are involved, the County Roads
and Bridges Division must review and approve all proposals.
C. It is unlawful to construct any bridge, culvert, or other water obstruction,
or to make any change in or addition to, any existing water obstruction,
or in any manner change or diminish the course, current, or cross-section
of any stream or body of water, without first having made written
application to and obtained a permit or consent in writing from PADEP.
D. The following information is required when a bridge is to be constructed:
Drawings to include:
Cross-section of present bridge if one exists;
Profile of stream for a reasonable distance above and below
bridge site, showing slopes of bed, normal water surface and flood
water surface.
The total drainage area above the bridge site;
Description of watershed;
Length of stream from source to bridge site and to the mouth;
Character of stream bed and banks;
Extent and depth of overflow during floods;
Effect of previous floods upon bridges, their span and clearance;
Whether bridge will be within backwater influence of the stream.
E. A complete set of structural computations and drawings shall be submitted
with plans involving construction of bridges and culverts.
Parking and related internal driveways shall be governed by
the following regulations.
A. General.
The specific purposes to be served by these requirements are:
To add visual character and improve the appearance of parking
areas by reducing their massiveness into smaller units.
To integrate parking areas into the pedestrian circulation system.
To provide shade for parked cars and reduce heat islands, stormwater
run-off, and air pollution.
To reduce random vehicular flow across parking areas.
To permit a high level of visibility for those uses for which
visibility is an important factor.
To facilitate snow removal and storm drainage, and to conserve
energy in construction and resurfacing operations, by laying out the
paving surface with minimal obstructions.
The terms "parking lot," "parking area," and "parking" are interchangeable.
"Parking" includes the driveway which provides direct access to the
parking spaces.
Off-street parking facilities shall be provided in compliance
with the parking requirements of the Borough Zoning Ordinance and
the regulations contained herein.
Construction materials for parking areas of one- or two-family
dwellings, including driveways used as parking for such dwellings,
shall only consist of concrete, pervious concrete, asphalt, or pavers,
and not of gravel or grass.
Parallel parking shall be used along roads where needed. Angled
parking may be permitted along public or private streets or within
parking lots, when it is specifically designed to address potential
safety issues associated with vehicles using the parking. Perpendicular
parking shall not be permitted along public or private streets though
angled parking may be used in select locations.
Stormwater storage/infiltration facilities, such as vegetated
swales, infiltration galleries, or seepage beds beneath parking areas
should be used. These facilities avoid the generally negative visual
impacts of surface detention or retention facilities, and enhance
groundwater recharge, with the attendant positive effects on stream
flows and quality. Other stormwater management controls such as rain
gardens and porous pavement shall be used in parking lot design.
B. All parking lots.
Parking shall not be permitted along driveways which serve as
the entrance(s) or exit(s) to parking areas with a capacity of 50
vehicles or more. A minimum driveway length of 50 feet shall be provided
between the road ultimate right-of-way line and the first parking
space or internal driveway intersection in parking lots with 50 vehicles
or more.
Parking areas shall be set back from tract boundary lines and
right-of-way lines in compliance with the requirements of the Zoning
Ordinance. In any case not regulated by the Borough Zoning Ordinance,
parking areas shall not be located closer than 15 feet from any tract
boundary line unless a public right-of-way intervenes.
Where the edge of an existing parking area is located close to a street, driveway, or other parking area and the property is proposed for subdivision and/or land development, a minimum separation of 10 feet shall be provided between these features unless a shared parking or cross-access arrangement is proposed. This spacing shall consist of a landscaped area with planting in conformance with §
347-438, General landscape design criteria, herein.
Dead-end parking areas shall not be used when the required parking
capacity can be accommodated in a layout that permits more convenient
vehicular movements. However, extraneous through-traffic flow should
be avoided.
Up to 30 parking spaces may also be located in a dead-ended
parking area if there is no more desirable alternative feasible, and
sufficient back-up areas are provided for the end stalls.
More than 30 parking spaces may be located in a dead-ended parking
area only if a turnaround area is provided at the closed end, suitable
for passenger car turning. The turnaround area may be circular, "T"
or "Y" shaped, or other configuration acceptable to Borough Council.
Parking spaces designed for the exclusive use by disabled persons
shall be installed in all parking lots as close and convenient to
building entrances as is reasonable. The specific number and locations
of handicapped stalls shall be in conformance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA).
Provisions for pedestrian safety within a parking lot shall
be required by providing sidewalks, delineated crosswalks, traffic
calming devices, and other measures.
C. Parking area dimensions.
Parallel parking stalls shall have minimum dimensions of nine
feet in width by 22 feet in length.
Perpendicular parking stalls shall have minimum dimensions of
nine feet in width by 18 feet in length with a twenty-two-foot aisle.
At the discretion of Borough Council the minimum length of parking
stalls may be reduced by one foot if stalls are designed to allow
vehicles to overhang an area of grass or other pervious surface. Bumper
stops shall be provided which allow the parked vehicle to extend at
least one foot over the edge of the pavement.
Where parking stalls abut sidewalks, parked vehicles shall not
overhang the sidewalks unless the sidewalk is widened by two feet.
Wheel stops are required in order to allow for full pedestrian use
of the sidewalks.
Parking spaces for physically disabled persons shall be 13 feet
wide and equal in depth to the spaces abutting them in accordance
with standards developed under the Americans with Disabilities Act
Long-term parking areas. In parking lots which service the parking
needs of commuters or employees and have limited turnover of vehicles
or where vehicles are stored such as auto dealers, parking stalls
may have minimum dimension of 8 1/2 feet in width by 17 feet
in length with a twenty-two-foot aisle. Borough Council may allow
a twenty-foot aisle under one of the following conditions.
The parking area will be used by smaller vehicles;
The parking area lot serves less than 20 vehicles;
The parking aisles intersect driveways on both sides;
The parking lot serves as vehicle storage or valet parking;
Elevated or underground parking is used.
Short-term parking areas. In parking lots that service retail
areas with high turnover or where shoppers are loading merchandise
into vehicles, stalls shall have a minimum dimension of 10 feet in
width by 20 feet in length with a twenty-two-foot aisle.
Angled parking shall have the same width dimensions as 90°
parking and the following depth and aisle dimensions:
For 75° parking, the length measured at right angles to
the edge of parking shall be 19 1/2 feet with an aisle dimension
of 20 feet.
For 60° parking, the length measured at right angles to
the edge of parking shall be 19 feet with an aisle dimension of 14
For 45° parking, the length measured at right angles to
the edge of parking shall be 17 feet with an aisle dimension of 11
D. Shared access. When required by Borough Council upon recommendation of the Borough Planning Commission, applicants shall create agreements for shared vehicular access as the preferred means of reducing the total number of curb cuts for traffic safety and congestion reasons. Nonresidential lots shall provide cross-access easements for parking areas and driveways guaranteeing access to adjacent lots. Interconnections shall be logically placed and easily identifiable to ensure convenient traffic flow in accordance with §
347-421, Solid waste management.
Nonresidential lots shall provide cross-access easements for
parking areas and driveways guaranteeing access to adjacent lots.
Interconnections shall be logically placed and easily identifiable
to ensure convenient traffic flow.
When two or more abutting lots share an access driveway, the
driveway should be designed as the main access to those lots, and
one or more existing access driveways should then be closed.
Where development of three or more adjoining parcels consolidates
vehicular access into one shared driveway, that driveway may be upgraded
into a medium volume driveway according to PADOT standards.
Shared access may be located entirely on one lot or be split
among a common lot line.
Access easement and maintenance agreements or other suitable
legal mechanisms shall be provided, in a form acceptable to Borough
Council in consultation with the Borough Solicitor.
Liability safeguards for all property owners and lessees served
by the shared access shall be guaranteed to the satisfaction of Borough
Council in consultation with the Borough Solicitor.
E. Driveways within sites proposed for nonresidential development. The
following requirements apply to all driveways within all sites proposed
for nonresidential land development.
A smooth transition shall be provided between the driveway section
required for access to a public street and other driveway(s) required
for internal site circulation.
Main access driveways (entrance-exit) and service driveways
handling large trucks shall be a minimum paved width of 30 feet, with
one lane in each direction, unless otherwise required by PADOT standards
governing the volume of traffic anticipated.
Access driveways for cars and other small vehicles which are
clearly secondary in importance may be reduced to 20 feet in paved
width, unless otherwise required by PADOT standards governing the
volume of traffic anticipated.
Interior storefront driveways in shopping centers shall be a
minimum paved width of 28 feet, to allow one lane in each direction
and a dropoff/pickup lane along the sidewalks.
Driveways along other nonresidential buildings shall be a minimum
paved width of 22 feet, except where a dropoff/pickup lane is proposed.
Parking aisles shall be a minimum of 22 feet wide with two-way
traffic flow for convenience and efficiency except where one-way traffic
is used to access angled or parallel parking.
Wherever feasible, internal circulation driveways shall extend
from access drives in locations which permit and encourage entering
traffic to turn and enter the parking aisles without first travelling
along a building-front driveway. This feature is intended to reduce
the volume of vehicular traffic along building-front driveways to
make it safer for pedestrian traffic.
Curbing shall be installed along all existing and proposed public
and private streets, common driveways, and common parking areas.
A. When utilizing an approved stormwater management technique, Borough
Council may waive curbing requirements in full or partially. Grass
swales and infiltration trenches along streets are encouraged in appropriate
locations in the Borough provided that pedestrian safety and traffic
circulation are addressed.
B. The Borough may waive the installation of sections of curbing when
adjoining sections of the road do not have curbing and in the opinion
of the engineer it would be better to install the curbing at the same
time that curbing is installed along the adjoining sections of the
roadway. In these cases, payments shall be required to fund the installation
of the curbing at a future time when other sections of curbing along
the roadway are installed.
C. Handicap-accessible curb cuts that meet the requirements of the American
Disabilities Act shall be installed at all intersections where sidewalks
are provided or proposed.
D. The applicant shall otherwise comply with Chapter
329, Sidewalks, Curbs and Driveway Aprons, of the Borough Code.
A. All proposed nonresidential structures shall incorporate the following
minimum plant materials in the landscaping areas adjacent to the proposed
One canopy tree (two to 2 1/2 inches minimum caliper) or
two understory trees (eight feet minimum height) shall be planted
for every 50 feet of proposed building facade facing a public street.
Five deciduous or evergreen shrubs (18 inches minimum height)
shall be planted for every 20 feet of proposed building facade facing
a public street.
Planting areas shall be a minimum of 150 square feet with a
minimum ten-foot width.
A minimum of 25% of the area between the building facade and
the property frontage shall consist of pervious planting areas.
B. At the discretion of the governing body, if sufficient planting space
is not available immediately adjacent to the proposed structure, required
building facade plantings may be located on the other areas of the
Landscaping shall be required in and around all stormwater management
basins and natural areas according to the following:
A. All areas of stormwater management basins, including basin floors,
side slopes, berms, impoundment structures, or other earth structures,
shall be planted with suitable vegetation such as naturalized meadow
plantings or lawn grass specifically suited for stormwater basins.
Trees and shrubs shall be planted in and around stormwater basins
if they do not interfere in the proper function of the basin and no
trees are planted within 30 feet of an outlet/drain structure, emergency
spillway, or dam. A minimum of two trees and 10 shrubs per 100 linear
feet of basin perimeter shall be planted in and around the basin.
Naturalized ground cover plant species, such as wildflowers,
meadows, and nonaggressive grasses specifically designed for the permanently
wet, intermittently wet, and usually dry areas of stormwater basins,
shall be seeded in the floors and slopes of the basin and meet the
following requirements:
The plantings provide a satisfactory continuous cover for all
areas of the basin.
The plantings do not interfere with the safe and efficient function
of the basin as determined by the Borough Engineer.
Lawn grass areas may be sodded or hydro-seeded to minimize erosion
during the establishment period. Once established, these turfgrass
areas shall be maintained at a height of not more than six inches.
Stormwater basins shall be screened from adjacent properties using the buffer plantings standards according to §
B. Additional vegetation shall be planted in natural resource protection
areas including riparian corridors wherever existing trees do not
meet the minimum tree planting requirements.
Existing trees within natural resource areas shall be preserved
and retained. Existing tree cover should be surveyed and inventoried
to assess the need for any new plantings. Existing tree species included
on the noxious/invasive plant species list, Appendix, should be removed where conditions warrant.
Planting requirements.
New trees shall be planted at a minimum rate of 15 feet on center
or one tree per 225 square feet in staggered rows or an equivalent
informal arrangement within the riparian area.
New trees shall be a variety of sizes ranging from a minimum
four- to five-foot branched whip to an approximate 1 1/2 inch
balled and burlapped planting stock.
New tree plantings shall be composed of native riparian tree
Tree plantings in riparian areas shall be located along the
streambank to provide shade for the stream, soil erosion control and
stormwater benefits, according to accepted stream bank restoration
Trees planted in natural areas inventory sites should conform
to the management requirements the Montgomery County Natural Areas
A. Plantings shall be placed in arrangements and locations to best mitigate
the adverse impacts of the proposed site development. The required
plant material shall be distributed over the entire length and width
of any required buffer area.
B. Plantings shall be spaced to comply with the visual mitigation requirements
with consideration given to the provision for the future growth habits
and mature sizes of selected plant species.
C. Plant species selection shall be based on the following considerations:
Existing site conditions and their suitability for the selected
plants based on the site's soils, hydrology and microclimate.
Specific functional objectives of the plantings which may include
but not be limited to visual screening, noise abatement, energy conservation,
wildlife habitat, erosion control, stormwater management, and aesthetic
Maintenance and replacement considerations such as hardiness,
resistance to insects and disease, longevity, availability, and cost
of plant materials.
A minimum variety of tree species is required as follows:
Number of Trees
Minimum Number of Tree Species
Maximum % of Any One Species
0 to 5
6 to 15
16 to 30
31 to 50
D. Existing healthy trees, shrubs, or woodlands may be substituted for
part or all of the required plant material at the discretion of Borough
Council. The minimum quantities and/or visual effect of the existing
vegetation shall be equal to or exceed that of the required buffer.
In order for existing vegetation to qualify for required buffer plantings,
proof must be provided to demonstrate that adequate protection measures,
particularly in the plant's root zone, are incorporated into the plan.
E. Plant materials shall meet the specifications of §
347-617, Plant materials specifications.
F. In the event that a developer requests a waiver from the landscaping
requirements of this article on the basis that compliance with such
requirements would represent a manifest hardship, the grant of any
such waiver may be conditioned upon the payment to the Borough of
a fee in lieu of planting such required landscaping in accordance
with the following:
The developer shall provide sufficient plans and documentation
to establish what landscaping is to be waived and to permit the proper
evaluation of the effect of the grant of the proposed waiver and the
reasons for such waiver.
The fee shall be based upon the value of the required landscaping
that is to be waived. The calculation of which value shall be performed
by the developer and shall be based on the costs of materials, installation
and guaranty of the landscaping that is not to be installed.
The fee in lieu of the provision of the required landscaping
shall be used, unless the developer paying such fee shall agree otherwise,
only for the purpose of providing for the planting of trees and other
landscaping in parks of the Borough or along the streets or highways
of the Borough.