[HISTORY: Adopted by the Plan and Zoning Commission of the Town of Woodbridge effective 12-24-1932, and set forth here as amended, effective 11-16-2020. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
These Zoning Regulations are intended to guide land use activities in Woodbridge in ways that will maintain and enhance community character and protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
The Plan and Zoning Commission, in recognition of the need to balance numerous factors when establishing revising Zoning Regulations, has given careful consideration to the following:
1. Protecting natural resources;
2. Protecting existing properties and neighborhoods;
3. Allowing for new development that will be in keeping with overall community standards and meet community needs;
4. Establishing a positive approach to community development that will encourage appropriate development;
5. Promoting good civic design and arrangements;
6. Ensuring the reasonableness and legality of regulatory provisions; and
7. Furthering implementation of the Woodbridge Plan of Conservation and Development.
It is the general purpose and intent of this chapter to foster the use and development of land in an orderly manner by both private and public interests with special consideration given to the appearance of the community as a result of such development.
It is recognized that the appearance of property has a direct bearing on the economic value of such property and also the economic value of adjacent and surrounding property. The appearance of a single property affects not only surrounding property, but the cumulative effect is to enhance or diminish the beauty of the entire Town, and consequently the values of property within the Town.
It is further recognized that the appearance of property not only has economic effects but also affects the general welfare, health, and safety of Town citizens. An aesthetically pleasing environment is a clean, healthy, and safe environment.
This chapter provide standards and procedures by which development of property within the Town may be reviewed and modified in order to enhance the aesthetic beauty of the Town, and consequently, the economic value of property and general welfare of the citizens.
This chapter are intended to be a dynamic document, not a static document. It is anticipated that this chapter will be regularly reviewed and updated, as necessary, to anticipate and reflect the ever changing needs of the community and to guide land use activities in Woodbridge in ways that will continue to maintain and enhance community character and protect the public health, safety, and welfare.