The Tax Assessor, and such Deputy Tax Assessor(s) as may be determined to be necessary, shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, for a term of four years from the first day of July next following the appointment.
The Tax Assessor's duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Valuing all real and personal property in the Township for the purpose of assessments and taxation in accordance with general law, Mercer County Board of Taxation rules, the Charter and ordinances of the Township, and exercising all the powers of a tax assessor pursuant to law.
Preparing the tax list and duplicating as required by law and maintaining adequate records of each and every parcel of real property assessed.
Having custody of and maintaining an up-to-date Township Tax Map and coordinating with the Township Engineer for the recording thereon of all changes in ownership or character of the property assessed.
Making all special assessments of benefits for local improvements.
Being responsible for all appraisals of property for any Township purpose, provided that the Tax Assessor may, within limits of available appropriations, retain outside experts or appraisers whenever the public interest requires.
Representing the Township of Robbinsville before the Mercer County Board of Taxation and the State Tax Court and before such other boards, agencies and governmental authorities as may be necessary and requisite in connection with the performance of the Tax Assessor's duties.
Performing such other duties as may be required of the Tax Assessor by the laws of the State of New Jersey, Mercer County Board of Taxation and the ordinances of the Township of Robbinsville.