[HISTORY: Adopted 4-29-2024 ATM by Art. 4.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This article provided that this bylaw shall become effective on July 1, 2024. This article also repealed former Ch. 35, Personnel, adopted 3-8-1977 ATM by Art. 18, as amended.
The purpose of this Personnel Chapter is to establish a system of personnel administration based on merit principles that ensures a uniform, fair and efficient application of personnel policies. The intent of this chapter is to provide a method of recruitment, selection and development of a work force that is skilled and effective in accomplishing the service delivery missions of the Town. Personnel actions are to be made without regard to race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, genetic information, pregnancy or a condition related to said pregnancy, ancestry or veteran status or other non-job related factor and shall be based on merit and fitness.
The Personnel Bylaw is adopted pursuant to the authority granted by Article LXXXIX of the Constitution of the Commonwealth and MGL c. 41, §§ 108A and 108C.
All Town departments and positions shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter and any regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter, excluding elected officers of the Town of Deerfield. To the extent that any collective bargaining agreement conflicts with any provision of this chapter with respect to employees covered under such labor agreements, the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement shall prevail.
This personnel chapter and the regulations adopted pursuant to its provisions are intended to supersede any other previously adopted Personnel Bylaw or other regulations or policies.
Composition; mode of selection; terms of office. There shall be a Personnel Board, to consist of six (6) members. The Selectboard shall appoint two members to the Personnel Board, who shall be appointed to staggered four (4) year terms. The Moderator shall appoint one member to the Personnel Board, who shall be appointed to a four (4) year term. The Finance Committee shall appoint one (1) of its members to the Personnel Board annually. These four (4) members shall be residents of the Town and shall not be employed by the Town or elected officials of the Town. The fifth member of the Personnel Board shall be elected by a majority of Town employees covered by the Personnel By-law Classification and Compensation Plan to serve a two (2) year term as the "Employee Representative". The Employee Representative shall be a voting member of the Personnel Board but shall not serve as a member of the Personnel Relations Review Board. The Town Administrator, or their designee, shall serve in ex-officio, non-voting capacity on the Personnel Board. All six appointed and elected members shall serve without compensation. All members shall continue to hold office until their successor has been appointed and duly qualified. In the absence of a Personnel Board, the Selectboard shall act in lieu of a Personnel Board and may appoint a mediator or independent third party to address issues involving personnel actions by the Selectboard. A quorum of the Board shall be required for a meeting of the Personnel Board. Of the quorum present which may include ex-officio members, a simple majority of the Board excluding the ex officio member shall be required to take any action on a matter before the Board. A majority of the Selectboard may remove a member of the Personnel Board before the expiration of such person's term of office. The person so removed shall receive a copy of the reasons for such removal and may contest the same before the Selectboard. Such a person may be represented by counsel at the hearing. The absence of any member of the Personnel Board from twenty-five (25) percent of the regular meetings of the Personnel Board, in any consecutive twelve-month period, shall constitute a reason for removal.
Powers, duties and responsibilities. The Personnel Board is responsible to develop a compensation schedule, classifying all such employees into groups and classes doing substantially similar work or having substantially equal responsibilities, and preparing proposed personnel policies for all Town employees, except those filled by popular election or those covered by a collective bargaining agreement or employment contract. Such classification plan shall provide minimum and maximum salaries to be paid to such employees in positions so classified and for the attainment of such maximum salaries by periodical step rate increases, such salaries to be appropriately related, if possible, to salaries paid by comparable municipalities as well as reliable cost-of-living indices.
The Personnel Board is authorized to employ professional consultants.
Personnel policies shall be established by the adoption of rules and regulations by the Selectboard. The personnel policies may include, but not be limited to, the following elements:
A method of administration.
A method of recruiting and selecting employees.
A classification-compensation plan.[1]
Editor's Note: The classification-compensation plan is included as an attachment to this chapter.
A centralized record-keeping system.
Personnel rules and regulations which indicate the rights and obligations of employees.
Disciplinary procedures.
And other elements that are deemed necessary.
Personnel rules and regulations defining the rights, benefits, and obligations of employees subject to this chapter shall be adopted or amended as follows:
Preparation of rules and regulations.
The Personnel Board shall prepare proposed personnel rules and regulations. Any member of the Selectboard, the Personnel Board, any appointing authority or any 2 or more employees may suggest rules and regulations for consideration by the Personnel Board. The Personnel Board need not consider any proposal already considered by the Board in the preceding 6 months.
Any person suggesting new or amended rules and regulations shall provide the proposed language and reason for the rule or regulation change in writing.
Public meeting. The Personnel Board shall hold a public meeting on proposed rules and regulations. Any proposed rules and regulations or amendments to rules and regulations shall be posted in a prominent work location at least 5 business days prior to the public meeting at which such proposals are to be considered. The Personnel Board shall submit a copy of any proposed rules or regulations to the Selectboard.
Personnel Board action on proposed rules and regulations. Within a reasonable period of time after the public meeting, the Personnel Board shall vote to determine if the proposed rules or regulations shall be recommended for adoption by the Selectboard.
Action by the Selectboard. The Personnel Board shall transmit any recommendations for the adoption of personnel rules and regulations or amendments in writing, including the text of any proposed rules and regulations, to the Selectboard. The Selectboard shall consider the recommendations of the Personnel Board and may adopt or reject the recommendations or adopt modified personnel rules and regulations; provided, however, that if the Selectboard fails to act, recommended rules and regulations shall be deemed adopted upon the expiration of 45 days from the date of transmittal of the recommendations to the Selectboard.
In the event the Selectboard determines that prompt action is in the best interest of the Town, the Selectboard may vote to adopt policies and procedures that affect personnel, without the prior recommendation of the Personnel Board. In such an instance, a copy of the Board's vote shall be promptly provided to the Personnel Board.
Posting of rules and regulations. The Selectboard shall cause the posting of the text of adopted rules and regulations in prominent work locations.
Official record. The Town Clerk shall maintain a compilation of all personnel rules and regulations adopted by the Selectboard.
The Personnel Board shall serve as the Town's personnel relations review board, pursuant to G.L. c. 40 § 21B, and, in accordance with Town personnel rules and regulations, shall have the authority to adjust the grievances of all full-time and regular part-time employees of the Town other than those employees appointed by the school committee or subject to a grievance process set forth in a collective bargaining agreement; provided that the Personnel Board, by such an adjustment, shall not involve the Town in an expenditure of money in excess of the appropriation made for the use of such board. As used in this section, the word "grievance" shall be construed to mean any dispute between an employee of the Town and their appointing authority arising out of an exercise of administrative discretion by such authority, except a dispute which is, or upon proper appeal would be, within the jurisdiction of the contributory retirement appeal board.
The provisions of this chapter and any regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter are severable. If any chapter provision or regulation is held invalid, the remaining provisions of the chapter or regulations shall not be affected thereby.