[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Islip 5-21-74 as Local Law No. 3, 1974. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Nature preserve trust — See Ch. 13.
Environmental Council — See Ch. 13A.
Environmental quality review — See Ch. 13B.
Wetlands and watercourses — See Ch. 67.
There is hereby created as a separate department in the Town government of the Town of Islip, the Department of Environmental Control.
There is hereby established the office of Commissioner of Environmental Control.
The Commissioner of Environmental Control shall be vested with the authority, direction, jurisdiction and control over the Department of Environmental Control.
The Commissioner of Environmental Control shall be appointed by the Town Board and shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Board. A first Deputy Commissioner may be appointed by the Commissioner and he may, but need not, be the head of one of the divisions of the Department. He shall assist the Commissioner in the performance of his duties and shall have the authority to act for and in place of the Commissioner.
The Commissioner may appoint executive assistants to the Commissioner, within the appropriation therefor, as may be deemed necessary.
The Commissioner of Environmental Control shall be in charge of and at the head of the Department of Environmental Control, and shall be vested with the authority, direction and control of such Department, and shall have the power and authority to appoint and remove officers and employees of the Department.
The Commissioner of Environmental Control shall have jurisdiction and control over, and be charged with, the protection of the people, both present and future, of the Town of Islip against such activities as would tend to destroy, damage or infringe upon the natural resources and environment of the Town of Islip.
The Commissioner of Environmental Control shall be empowered to make such rules and regulations subject to Town Board approval, which may be necessary to ensure the conservation and protection of the natural resources and environment of the Town of Islip.
The Commissioner of Environmental Control shall be empowered to intervene in proceedings before the Planning Board and the Board of Appeals of the Town of Islip in any matter, petition, application or proceeding which affects the environment and natural resources of the Town of Islip.
The Commissioner of Environmental Control shall be consulted on all matters affecting the environment and natural resources of the Town of Islip which may come under the jurisdiction of any department, board, committee or other governmental agency in the Town of Islip.
The Commissioner of Environmental Control may advise and make recommendations to any department, board, committee or other governmental agency in the Town of Islip requesting such advice or recommendation, or, if no such request has been made, he may do so on his own initiative.
The Commissioner of Environmental Control may hold hearings on matters relating to the conservation and protection of the environment and natural resources of the Town of Islip. The Commissioner of Environmental Control may conduct such hearings in person, or he may delegate the conduct of such hearings to a Deputy Commissioner or to an Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Environmental Control.
[Amended 6-17-80 by L.L. No. 6, 1980]
The Department of Environmental Control shall have cognizance, jurisdiction and control over, and the Commissioner of Environmental Control shall be charged with, the protection of the people of the Town of Islip against such activities as would tend to impair, damage, destroy or otherwise infringe upon the natural resources and environment of the Town of Islip or on their enjoyment by the present or future people of the Town of Islip. These powers include, but are not limited to, those contained in the sections of the Code of the Town of Islip dealing with the environment and natural resources of the Town of Islip, and any other environmental ordinances which may be passed by the Town Board of the Town of Islip. These powers shall be exercised through the following divisions:
Environmental Facilities Division.
Environmental Services Division.
The Environmental Facilities Division shall have jurisdiction, supervision and control over the operation of all Town incinerators, Town landfill operations, Town scavenger waste treatment plants, animal shelters and the operation, maintenance and repair of same.
It shall be charged with the removal and disposal of garbage and rubbish and enforce all regulations concerning refuse collection and disposal work done by private contractors under license granted by the Town of Islip. It shall provide other services required as an adjunct to the general services provided by the Department of Environmental Control. A Director and a Deputy Director of the Environmental Facilities Division of the Department of Environmental Control may be appointed by the Commissioner. The Director may be a Deputy Commissioner of Environmental Control and the Deputy Director may be an Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Environmental Control. The Director of the Environmental Facilities Division shall report directly to the Commissioner of Environmental Control.
The Director shall have the responsibility to direct and administer the functions of the Division and in his absence the Deputy Director shall be empowered to act in his behalf.
[Amended 6-17-80 by L.L. No. 6, 1980]
The Environmental Services Division shall be charged with the inspection, supervision, control and enforcement of any activity regulated by the Code of the Town of Islip pertaining to environmental matters, including but not limited to waterways and litter.
[Amended 5-17-83 by L.L. No. 2, 1983]
A Director and a Deputy Director of the Environmental Services Division of the Department of Environmental Control may be a Deputy Commissioner of Environmental Control, and the Deputy Director may be an Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Environmental Control. The Director of the Environmental Services Division shall report directly to the Commissioner of Environmental Control.
The Environmental Services Division shall make inspections and enforce the regulations of the Department of Environmental Control and Divisions of that Department and other sections of the Code of the Town of Islip as may be designated by the Town Board.
The Commissioner of Environmental Control, Deputy Commissioners of Environmental Control and the Director of the Environmental Services Division of the Department of Environmental Control may be designated as peace officers for the purpose of enforcing the Code of the Town of Islip.
The Environmental Services Division shall conduct educational programs and distribute literature which pertains to the environment and conservation for schools and civic and other interested groups and shall take charge of and have supervision of those recycling programs, comprehensive shellfish and bay management programs and any other special projects which may be conducted by the Department of Environmental Control in the Town of Islip.
[Amended 6-17-80 by L.L. No. 6, 1980]
The Commissioner, in his discretion, may hold a formal hearing on any application, complaint or alleged violation of the laws and regulations under his jurisdiction to assist him in any determination relative to the activities of the Department. The Commissioner may delegate the holding of such hearings to a Deputy Commissioner or an Assistant Deputy Commissioner.
The Commissioner, or his authorized representative, shall thereafter prepare findings of facts and conclusions, upon which the Commissioner shall make a determination and decision, which shall be set forth in a formal order, setting forth the determination, conditions, if any, to be complied with and penalties, if any.
Nothing herein contained shall preclude the Department from taking any action other than the formal hearing herein provided for, as may be prescribed by law; nor shall the Department be precluded from taking such other action by virtue of the order made pursuant to this section.
[Amended 6-17-80 by L.L. No. 6, 1980]
The Department of Waste Disposal and the Department of Marine Affairs are hereby abolished.
[Amended 6-17-80 by L.L. No. 6, 1980]
If any section, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this local law is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed to be a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof.
[Amended 6-17-80 by L.L. No. 6, 1980]
This local law is enacted under the provisions of Article 9 of the New York State Constitution, of the Town Law and the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York. This local law shall take effect when the appropriate certified copies hereof are filed with the Secretary of State and the Comptroller of the State of New York pursuant to the Municipal Home Rule Law.