[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Webster 3-13-1986 as Title 5, Ch. 3 of the 1986 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company, its successors and assigns, is hereby authorized, pursuant to §§ 66.0815 and 182.017(7), Wis. Stats., to transmit and distribute electric energy in the Village of Webster, Burnett County, Wisconsin, and is granted a franchise for that purpose.
Written consent is hereby given, pursuant to §§ 66.0815 and 182.017(7), Wis. Stats., for Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company, its successors and assigns to install, erect, maintain and operate in, upon, along and across the highways, streets, alleys, bridges and other public grounds and places in the Village of Webster all poles, towers, wires, fixtures and appliances necessary or convenient in the construction, maintenance and operation of electric lines and facilities by Northwestern Wisconsin Electric Company for the transmission and distribution of electric energy.