This procedure applies to owners, owners representatives, general contractors, and subcontractors. If a Queen Anne's County licensed electrician is terminated before finishing a permitted project, the following procedures shall be followed:
A registered letter from the terminating party must be sent to the permit office within seven days stating the reasons and date of the termination.
A copy of the aforegoing letter shall be sent to the Inspection Authority and to the County Fire Marshal.
The terminated party will need to be present with all parties involved including all inspectors to do a job inspection before the termination can be final. The following items shall be noted in the County records: the percent of work completed, any violations, damaged work and other matters as may be relevant. In addition, it must be noted that the work is to be completed by another licensed electrician.
After termination is finalized by the County, the replacement licensed electrician shall file a new permit with the County before starting any work. Noncompliance with Subsections A through C above will be subject to the penalties set forth in § 11-22 of this chapter. There may be a stop-work order, as provided in Section 115 of the International Building Code placed on the project until compliance is achieved.