[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Derry 9-2-1986. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter is authorized and enacted under the authority of RSA 675:2, I and the Derry Town Charter.
Any zoning ordinance, building code, historic district ordinance, fire code or life safety code or amendments thereto shall be submitted to the Town Council for adoption. The Council will adopt or reject said ordinances in the same manner as any other measure that the Council may adopt pursuant to the applicable procedures in the Town Charter.[1]
Editor's Note: See Art. 6, Ordinances, of the Charter.
No ordinance or code, or amendments thereto, subject to the provisions of this chapter shall be submitted to the Town Council for adoption until the Planning Board holds at least one public hearing on the proposed ordinance, code or amendment. Notice for the time and place of each public hearing shall be the same as that provided in RSA 675:7.
After the public hearing the Planning Board shall, by vote, determine the final form of the ordinance, code or amendments thereto, initiated by the Planning Board, to be presented to the Council for adoption, which ordinance or amendment may include only editorial revisions and textual modification resulting from the proceedings of that hearing.
Additional public hearings shall be held if the proposal is substantively altered by the Planning Board after the public hearing. Subsequent public hearings shall be held at least 14 days after the prior hearing and with the notice provided in RSA 675:7.
If the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance, building code, historic district ordinance, fire code or life safety code is submitted by the Council, Historic District Commission or citizens petition, the Planning Board shall, by vote, after the public hearing, for which notice is given as provided in RSA 675:7, determine its approval or disapproval of the proposal and, by certificate, communicate its determination with the proposal to the Clerk of Council for the action of the Council.
The zoning ordinance, historic district ordinance, building code, fire code or life safety code may be amended by initiative petition subject to the requirements of Section 3.2 of the Charter and subject to the requirement that the Planning Board shall hold a public hearing for which notice is given as provided in RSA 675:7, and provided that if the Town Council does not pass the measure, the proposal shall be submitted to the voters only at the annual Town election. Citizens may, pursuant to Section 3.1 of the Charter, petition the Town Council to submit a proposed zoning ordinance amendment, historic district ordinance amendment, building code amendment, fire code amendment or life safety code amendment to the Planning Board for consideration under Subsection E of this section.
All proposals, subject to the provisions of this chapter, delivered to the Clerk of the Council will be scheduled for action at the next regular meeting of the Town Council, conditions of proper notice allowing, and following approval of the Council at first reading will be scheduled for a second reading action at the next meeting of the Council, conditions of proper notice allowing.