[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Evans City 10-1-2007 by Ord. No. 525. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Each and every lawful municipal claim of Evans City Borough under the terms of any lawful provision for the collection of a municipal claim shall be collected by the Borough Solicitor upon written authorization by the Borough Secretary.
The Borough does hereby impose and assess, in addition to the valid municipal claim, all attorney fees and costs of collection for delinquent accounts after notice to the property owner of its intention to do so. The Borough Secretary is directed to collect all municipal claims, including attorney fees and costs imposed by this chapter prior to authorizing the Borough Solicitor to remove the municipal lien filed for the municipal claim.
At least 30 days prior to assessing or imposing attorney fees in connection with the collection of a delinquent account, including municipal claims, municipal liens, taxes, tax claims and tax liens, the Borough Secretary or other Borough official shall, by United States certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, mail notice of the Borough's intent to impose or assess attorney fees. If, within 30 days of mailing, the notice in accordance with this section is refused or unclaimed or the return receipt is not received, then at least 10 days prior to assessing or imposing attorney fees in connection with the collection of a delinquent account, the Borough Secretary or other Borough official shall, by United States first-class mail, mail to the owner the notice required by this section. The notice to the owner shall include a statement of the Borough's intent to impose or assess attorney fees within 30 days of the mailing of the certified notice or within 10 days of the mailing of the first-class mail notice. The notice shall also include a statement as to how the assessment or imposition of attorney fees may be avoided by the payment of the delinquent account.
The amount of attorney fees to be assessed for delinquent accounts after due notice as hereinbefore provided shall be as follows:
Legal Service
Fee for Service
Filing of lien
Title search
Preparation and service of writ of scire facias
Required additional notice and presentation of related motions regarding federal tax liens, judgments and mortgages
Alternative service of legal pleadings
Entry of judgment
Preparation of writ of execution and attend initial sheriff's sale
Preparation of documents
Review schedule of distribution and resolve distribution issues
Installation payment agreement of taxpayer's request
Services not covered above