[Approved 12-19-1991 as Ch. No. 2234]
Editor's Note: See also Sec. 8-400 et seq. of the Charter.
There shall be an Advisory Commission on Ethics which shall have advisory jurisdiction over activities, ordinances, policies and procedures related to local government campaign activity and ethics.
The Commission shall consist of seven members, four of whom shall be appointed by the City Council with the approval of the Mayor and three of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The Board shall have a Chairperson and may have other officers.
[Amended 11-17-1992 by Ch. No. 2283]
The members of the Commission as soon as may be after their appointment and qualification shall elect one of their appointed members as Chairperson. Annually at its first meeting following the qualifications of the member appointed in that year to said Board, and whenever there shall be a vacancy in the chair of said Board, the members thereof shall elect one of their appointed members as Chairperson.
Following the passage of this article, there shall be appointed five members to the Commission; two shall serve a term of three years, two shall serve a term of two years and one shall serve a term of one year. One appointment each will by made by the Mayor and Council for those initial appointments serving two or three years. The appointment for one year shall be made by the Council.
[Added 11-17-1992 by Ch. No. 2283]
Following the passage of this section, there shall be appointed two additional members to the Commission. One shall serve a term to expire the first Monday in July 1993 and one shall serve a term to expire the first Monday in July 1994. The appointment for the term to expire on the first Monday in July 1993 will be made by the Mayor, and the appointment for the term to expire on the first Monday in July 1994 will be made by the City Council.
Subsequent to these appointments, all further appointments not for the purpose of filling an unexpired term shall be for terms of three years.
The Board shall have the following powers and duties:
Evaluate, draft or recommend changes in ordinances, the Charter, policies, practices, standards and procedures regarding local political campaign activity or government ethics of the City of Pawtucket.
Draft or recommend changes in state laws affecting local government campaign activity or ethics.
Develop and administer an educational program for local government elected officials, appointed officials and employees regarding local and appropriate state laws, policies, practices and procedures involving campaign activity and ethics.
Review government ordinances, policies, procedures and activities to determine compliance with established laws or standards and recommend changes or legal action where appropriate.
Prepare written rules and regulations regarding its own activities and procedures.
Prepare an annual report to the City Council due no later than April 1 on the Commissions activities and recommendations during the previous year.
Do all acts consistent with this article necessary and proper for recommending actions regarding laws, policies, procedures and activities related to local government campaign activity and ethics.
The Commission shall meet and act on its own initiative or at the call of either the Mayor or by majority vote of the City Council.